ForumsForum GamesWerewolf (multiplayer-semi turn base game)

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The village of Fivemoons is located far away from the nearest city. The villagers, farmers ruled by there feudal lord who live far away and only collect his taxes, back in the 16th centurie.

After dome cases of disapearing, the eldets of the village as could to a speicelist in cases like this. What he said shocked them.

"you have a werewolf in the village!" he claimd. After a short invastigation, he told the elder that he want to 'question' some of the villagers. When the elders declinde, he told them "so do it youself!" and vanished.

In this game, you play the head of one of the families in the village.
Some of them are werewolves.

The game is based on 'turns'. (Talking go freely, exept at night time.)
Day and night.
In the day, the house fathers gather in the village meeting. There they decide what family they suspect hide a werewolfs in it. If a person get the majority of the votes, and abouve 25%, the player lose. His family got hanged or flee from the village (the player cannot comment anymore).

Some of the villagers, as i said, are truely werewolves. Every night they vote who they wish to kill. The vote is annonymus, and the werewolf dont know each othet. The petson who got the major of the votes die, whenever its more than

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Half of the votes.

The villagers win if they vanish all the werewolves. Werewolves win if they becume the major part in the village.

If there will be more than eight players, the game will start.

To enter the game, write:

Name of the family leader:
Main class of the family (sheperds/farmers/blacksmiths/butchers/etc.)
Wealth level:
Look of the family leader:

NOTE: all of these "stats" wont change a thing in the game. There porpuse is for role playing only.

1,773 posts

Half the votes.

The villagers win when they kill all the werewolves.

Werewolves win when they become the major part in the village.

I give the players there class, werewolf or villager. If there will be enough players, some semi-classes will be given too, giving there holder some minor powers.

The werewolves comunicate with me by a speicel email that ill create just for this game. If you want to send private messegese use emails too.
REMMEMBER every one can be a werewolf, like everyone can be a villager. Dont trust anybody!

Rules: if a player die, he is out of the game.
Dont curse please (only meadivle silly curses, if you can make some, you orcs feeders!)

If you want to join, full this:
(NOTE: these "states" used for role playing only.
First name: AG account name.
Family name:
Family job: (sheperds,farmets,woodcutters and etc.)
Describe your family leader. Look, behavior and things like that (keep it short)

First name:danielo
Family name: liadun.
Job: blacksmiths
Appearence: very tall but thine. Brown hair and green eyes. The family members always walk armed, mostly with flails.

Have fun!

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