Backstory: In the year 2014 The UN can no longer control all the new communist countries. Almost all of Asian is communist when they go to war with the rest of the UN. UN has America ,Australia, Canada, Britain,Japan,France, and Ireland. The UC (united communist) has Russia,China,Korea, and Vietnam. At a climax of the war to ad to this ongoing madness a warlord from Somalia becomes the governor, and soon takes a strong hold over Africa making the African Republic.
Time 2014-UC splits from UN 2014-UC declares war on UN 2015-UC takes over all of Asian and parts of Africa 2017-UN takes back japan and helps Africans reclaim land 2018-UN pulls aid from Africa to help with European front 2018-AR is made and declares war on both UC and UN. 2019-War reaches main climax (here is where game starts) And Canada is lost along with America, while 62% of Russia is taken into UN hands.