Rule a Country I am pretty bored right now. Also, I wrote this on Notepad++ so weird symbols might pop up. This is Singleplayer as I do not want to be dealing with Multiplayer cow poop. 3 Players only.
The * star means you should only fill it in if you are making your own country.
Regarding policies: Even if you do not make your own country, you still have to fill in the policies, I am not going to do it for you.
Country: (Any on the map, or you may create your own) *Location: (Anywhere, just dont be ridiculous) *Government: (Any) *Ruling Party: (Name it) *Ruler: (Put name and age, gender optional) *National Money: For starting nations, maximum of $5,000,000 in USD. *Economic Policies: (Policies such as restricted trade, free trade, controlled trade, etc.) *Industrial Policies: (Where do companies, business, etc. stand in this country) *Immigrant Policies: (Immigrants and your country) *Social Policies: (Anything that deals with the citizens and their rights) *Health Policies: (Anything to do with health care and such) *Foreign Policies: (Anything to do with foreign affairs) *Military Policies: (Policies that can reduce or strengthen military, etc.) *Other Policies: (Any other policies that do not fit in the other categories, optional) *Flag: (You do not have to be descriptive) *Population: (If you are playing an already existing country, leave blank. Maximum starting population for a made up country is 5,000,000) *Size: Only fill this in if you are a made up country, see below Allies: (For made up countries, maximum of 1 Great Power and 2 other allies) Foreign Relations: (Optional) National Ranking: Leave blank, or if starting country then put Small Power) *Food: Balance Resource percents to equal a total of 100, (i.e 20% Food, 20% Metals, 60% Chemicals, etc. You can surpass this limit when you reach Great Power or Secondary Power status) *Metals: *Chemicals: *Luxury and Goods: *Oil and Coal: Organizations and Treaties: None Current Wars: None Wars Participated In: None *Infantry Units: Please limit yourself and check your population, type in Unit name and how many people are in it *Armored Units: *Naval Units: *Air Units: *Other Units: Anything bizarre like Dog Units or Guerilla Warfare Units Robotic Units: You currently cannot get these. Space Units: Or these. Inventions: You dont have any yet. Date: September 2012 (1 Month = 1 Page of Posts) Difficulty: (See below) AI Aggressiveness: (See below)
Difficulty Extremely Easy: The AI is a bunch of incompetent fools that do everything wrong.
Easy: The AI is pretty dumb but not dumb enough.
Normal: The AI is normal, not smart nor dumb.
Hard: The AI has a bit more tactics on their side.
Very Hard: Harder than Hard.
Extremely Hard: WTF!?! THE AI IS CHEATING!
AI Aggressiveness Coward: The AI will probably never attack each other. Bunch of wimps.
Neutral: The AI is somewhat shy, but will attack every so often.
Normal: The AI reacts normally.
Aggressive: The AI is aggressive and attacks often.
Very Aggressive: The AI attacks at every chance they can get.
DUDE WTF: Prepare for World War 1000.
Powers Here are the powers. Enjoy.
Super Powers The United States of America
Great Powers These are in no particular order.
The United Kingdom China France Germany Russia Japan India