ForumsWEPRIssues with Islam

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I'm sure most people have heard of the ever infamous video, whose pilot was put onto Youtube, disgracing Islam.
Personally, I have not watched this video, and am not sure if there is another thread on this topic.

So, what is your opinion?
How should the U.S. react to having one of it's ambassoders and several others murdered?
Should the people who posted the video have it removed, fined, or given other punishments?
Where do we draw the line between freedom of speech, and hating against one's beliefs.

(I am personally not one for religion, but if a person has devoted their life to it, it must mean quite a large deal to them)

  • 99 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

These muslims going bonkers over a anti muslim video really show that they aren't exactly peacefull... well the extremists anyway.People shouldn't call out for someones death just because their prophet was insulted.

The Pakistani bounty was essentially a political trick; he's reaping the benefits now.

I mean Jesus Christ has been called many things in the past and insulted, but we  don't do any violence... actually sometimes we do nothing about it. (No seriously for some odd reason when some people insulted our Christ some christians do nothing about it. I find that wrong that other christians will not defend Christ.)

History and more importantly, modern day examples, vindicate my intense eye rolling.
534 posts

Oh? Christians may not go beserk as often when JC gets badmouthed, but they are far from 'eaceful' if you're comparing extremists with extremists.
Christian Terrorism

Obviously you don't know what a christian extremist is. Christian extremists are those who follow Christs teachings to the letter, not going off killing people.

There is no such thing as a christian terrorist. If a person kills in the name of Christ he is either lying or he's a lunatic. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we should kill for Christ.

If any christian does anything that doesn't have to do with the name of Christ and says he does this for Christ, He----Is---Not---A----christian!
5,552 posts

Obviously you don't know what a christian extremist is. Christian extremists are those who follow Christs teachings to the letter, not going off killing people.

There is no such thing as a christian terrorist. If a person kills in the name of Christ he is either lying or he's a lunatic. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we should kill for Christ.

I just have to lol here. You don't think those who believe in Islam feel the same way?

Your entire argument is the No True Scotsman fallacy.

The point of this thread is there's problems with radical and extremist groups regardless of their affiliation. It's not just Islam and anyone saying otherwise is ignorant or self delusional.
534 posts

History and more importantly, modern day examples, vindicate my intense eye rolling.

I meant during modern day american christians.Although sometimes they'll stand up to defend Christ, most don't seem to do anything.
5,552 posts

I meant during modern day american christians.Although sometimes they'll stand up to defend Christ, most don't seem to do anything.

Oh, the abortion clinic bombers? Or those who participate in hateful speech and actions towards homosexuals? Or those who discriminate against non-christians? They sure aren't doing anything.

Please. What's your definition of 'do anything' anyways? If I ever say something which a Christian disagrees with about JC they are usually pretty quick to defend him. It's never led to a physical confrontation or anything, but they weren't just passive about it either.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

History and more importantly, modern day examples, vindicate my intense eye rolling.

I meant during modern day american christians.Although sometimes they'll stand up to defend Christ, most don't seem to do anything.

At the risk of this going offtrack, we are seeing the increasing rise of the religious right which is becoming more profoundly politicized. We are seeing a rising trend in more rabid Christian extremists, not the other way round.

There are Christian terrorists. The Christian world isn't just made up of America.
1,303 posts

There is no such thing as a christian terrorist. If a person kills in the name of Christ he is either lying or he's a lunatic. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we should kill for Christ.

If any christian does anything that doesn't have to do with the name of Christ and says he does this for Christ, He----Is---Not---A----christian!

The exactly same thing could be said about Muslims. So your argument/statement is wrong
1,773 posts

Ill make it simple - the crusader where very religios peoples. Monks actualy. and in there eyes killing muslims was a work for god.

same in jewish peoples. there are some crazy religios who think its a mitzva to kill arabs.

and there are muslims, who claim that its holy to kill unmuslims.

and what is common to all of them? they were a tiny precent in the total population. very very tiny. most of them are under wrong information too.

oh almost forgat. the Yugoslavia civil war. massive murdering of muslims, civilians, by christians soliders. not serbians soliders, families.

same in lebanone troughe the civil war. sabra and shatilla? christians killing muslims in the name of god and jesus.

even that muslims also belive in jesus. and the jewish god, the muslim god and the christian god is the same god, only the christian belive there in jesus after the bible end, and the muslim belive that mohamad was a prophet after jesus. the muslim belive in the same 'end of time' as the christian, jesus go get back to life and stuff.

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