i getting bored here,and i wanted show something: in this game,there are 2 armies,you join one.the armies are of cities(we play in fantasy style)
panzerville:germanlike town,small town but have power: center town life:10000 eastern town life:4000 western town life:4000 southern town ife:5000 power:400 per post
new-London:englishlike town:bigger town but weaker: center town life:15000 eastern town life:5000 western town life:5000 sothern town life:8000 power:250 per post.
rules: color the mesage you want to attack: attack panzerville-blue attack new-London-red no god-like power. thats all.
The elves just change their target to the undead. I then have a group of dwarven miners dig tunnels that scatter so they can't be tracked by enemy forces.
Maxlus summon a rock gollen that smashes all the zombies and a witch that casts a spell that makes the necromancer be unable to summon any other zombies