ForumsForum GamesSurvival RPG *By Alpha791*

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Now, the name probably sounds simple.. right? Well it is. To start with. You are a human. Nothing special about you. Except for one thing, you aren't on Earth. You don't know where you are or how you got here but you woke up here and you know you have to survive. This planet also has life, earth-like temperatures, water, and (biggest of all) predators. You'll have to be creative due to the fact that you know next to nothing about the planet you're on, so you learn as you survive to make more educated choices that lead to better and better ends. This will be like some of my earlier RPGs (And I mean WAY earlier) where I present you with a few reasonable choices, or you can make your own that is within reason. Character Sheet below.
NameYou know what goes here...)
AgeNothing stupidly young or old)
HeightBetween 5'0" and 6'4&quot
WeightAlong with your attributes, determines your body type)
Body TypeChosen by me)
BioOnly your physical features, nothing about your past due to the fact that you have amnesia upon waking up)
GenderM or F)
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
StrengthAmount of weight you can carry, how hard you hit, how well you climb)
AgilityRunning SPEED, flexibility, how FAST you swim, how far/high you jump)
EnduranceHow LONG you can run for, how LONG you can swim, how long you can do many physical tasks, how fast/slowly you get hungry/thirsty)
IntellectHow thorough descriptions are, how well you observe things, how clearly you think, how crafty you are)
SkillDecided by me)(Open for suggestions)
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace

  • 203 Replies
98 posts

(sorry for few answers, looks like you play when it's night for me ^^'

Name:Ylliasviel Strife
Age: 23
Body Type:Average
Bio:Long-brown haired, brown eyes. Not especially athletic but has an atentive posture. She has no scars but fear can be read in her eyes.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Skill:Hawk Ears-People used to make fun of you for you having such good ears. You hear many things most people simply don't.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Triwarm (On Your Left Shoe), 40 ??? Leaves
Life Guide-Plants:1.Luria-Generic looking green bush. Leathery leaves that are resistant to weathering and decomposition.
Animals:1.Triwarm-Small prickly animal that looks like a tiny echidna. Likes to sit down and sleep.
2.Tatou-Eats Luria leaves for its diet. Looks somewhat like a large pig. Approximately 5 feet tall and 7 feet long.

A) I decide to attack those raptors. I ruw, howling as loudly as I can, the arms over my head to seem bigger. I hope that my distraction added to natural defenses of tatou will be enough to scare them. I still need to find water and follow an herbivore looks like to be the best way.

216 posts

Name: Glades
Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Body Type: Long & Lanky
Hunger: 40%
Thristy: 60%
Bio: Messy, slightly long (to the shoulders), black hair; pale skin; small (thin), brown eyes
Gender: M
Clothing: Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 4
Intellect: 6
Skill:Climbing-Able to climb much faster and higher because of your low weight and quick wits.
Inventory: Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, 4 Granite Rocks (Fist Sized), 3 Unidentified Stones (Small, Oval Shaped), Piece of Obsidian
Life Guide:Plants-1.Vine Tree: Very tall trees with incredibly strong branches that sprout very strong, rope-like vines. Easy to climb.
Animals-1.Lava Giant: 15 foot tall creatures that have armor plated lower legs with thick, fluffy grey fur. Move slowly and in packs.

You dig a small trench, big enough for you to fit in and cover yourself in dead leaves, hoping that this will keep you warm. You eventually fall asleep and awake in the morning. You see that nothing has really changed but the sky is grey this morning. What will you do?

Hmmm, gray sky may mean rain clouds or ashes (an eruption, mayve), thinking this I climb the Vine tree to the top and look around to see if there was an eruption nearby; if there wasn't, it's highly probable it'll rain, thinking this I climb down and near the bottom (still on the tree) I use one of the vines to tie my shirt on. Once done, I head to the ground and start sharpening the Obsidian rock, with one of the oval-shaped rocks (giving me a general idea of what it could be). If the oval rock doesn't work, I switch to a granite.

(Ps. May I see the map? Want to get a general idea of the terrain. Also, if you don't mind, how does the Vine tree look, like do the look like an Evergreen (those Christmas trees), or are the like most other trees with branches mainly at the top?)
604 posts

Iron - Knight


Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 50%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 80 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee)
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

i throw more sticks into the fire and tap a tree

3,896 posts

I'll post after school, I only have about 5 minutes right now! Sorry for the delay.

3,896 posts

Name: Talow Rosine
Age: 17
Body Type:Average
Bio: Black, messy hair, Blue eyes, has a scar on his cheek for some reason, and his hair covers his eyes most of the time.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 5
Skill:High Jumper-You're a notoriously good jumper, able to span huge gaps and reach up incredibly high for someone of your height and weight.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Extra Shoelace, Daggerbush Leaf, Lint Roller
Life Guide:Plants-1.Daggerbush-A bush with terrifyingly sharp leaves that can slice you open without you even realizing it.
2.Vineya-Tree that has many shafts that curl around going upwards. Very easy to climb.
Animals-1.Hulk-Huge bipedal creature with dark brown/green fur. Very strong and seems to be highly intelligent. Unknown what its diet includes.

(You seriously would be... xD)

It grabs your hand with its oddly shaped one and looks at you. It lets go and picks up the rock, making its way out of this area. Night seems to be descending. What will you do?

A)Go with it
B)Stay here and sleep in the small clearing, hoping the bushes protect you
C)Make your own option

Name: pang
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175
Body Type:Lean & Mean
Bio: Short dirty-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, baseball players body. Very calm attitude. Has a scar going diagonal across face (from top of left eye to below bottom right side of mouth).
Gender: M
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Strength: 6
Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Intellect: 7
Skill: Matrix-Whenever things get intense, your mind speeds up so everything else seems to slow down. You don't know how it works but you don't really care.
Inventory:Pack of 5 1/2 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Pet Farog Named Harold
Life Guide:1.Plants-1.Taree-Huge trees that secrete incredibly adhesive sap from every place on its bark.
Animals-1.Farog-Small ovular creature that looks a little like a frog but lives on dry land always. Completely passive and friendly.

(No, I don't know how this got on your char sheet...)

You bring the water to his mouth (At least, where the puke came from) and he drinks the water. It seems to be okay. What now?

A)Drink some for yourself
B)Make your own option

Name: Stone
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 131
Body Type: Thin & Athletic
Hunger: 10%
Thirst: 20%
Bio: Quite athletic and healthy, even though amnesia is in affect it's obvious he was some sort of athlete in the past. Jet black hair that naturally stays flat, he has a few minor scars on his body, one green and one blue eye, and he's white, but well tanned to a nearly dark caramel color.
Gender: M
Clothing: Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 4
Agility: 7
Endurance: 6
Intellect: 3
Skill: Efficiency ~ You can run for miles on end with minimal use of energy or fatigue.
Inventory: Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Large Block of Flint
Life Guide:
1. Batties: Large bat-like creatures. Seems somewhat intelligent and live in large groups.

You look around and see a rocky area back near the cave, using the last rays of light. It seems your best bet for safety but it is closer to the Batties. It's either this or something you can think of with nothing but flat ground and dead leaves.

A)Go back to the large rocks and move them into a kind of pseudo wall around you and go to sleep
B)Make your own option

Name:Ylliasviel Strife
Age: 23
Body Type:Average
Bio:Long-brown haired, brown eyes. Not especially athletic but has an atentive posture. She has no scars but fear can be read in her eyes.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Skill:Hawk Ears-People used to make fun of you for you having such good ears. You hear many things most people simply don't.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Triwarm (On Your Left Shoe), 40 ??? Leaves
Life Guide-Plants:1.Luria-Generic looking green bush. Leathery leaves that are resistant to weathering and decomposition.
Animals:1.Triwarm-Small prickly animal that looks like a tiny echidna. Likes to sit down and sleep.
2.Tatou-Eats Luria leaves for its diet. Looks somewhat like a large pig. Approximately 5 feet tall and 7 feet long.

The raptor looking creatures look in your direction and the Tatou raises up on its hind legs and comes back down on one of them, crushing it to death for sure. They see this and run away, not knowing what you may be capable of. (Name these creatures please) The Tatou seems to know that you helped it so it continues on its way with you tagging along behind it. What now?

A)Pick up the raptor carcass and throw it over your shoulder
B)Ignore the dead animal and follow behind the Tatou
C)Make your own option

Name: Glades
Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Body Type: Long & Lanky
Hunger: 40%
Thristy: 60%
Bio: Messy, slightly long (to the shoulders), black hair; pale skin; small (thin), brown eyes
Gender: M
Clothing: Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 4
Intellect: 6
Skill:Climbing-Able to climb much faster and higher because of your low weight and quick wits.
Inventory: Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, 4 Granite Rocks (Fist Sized), 3 Unidentified Stones (Small, Oval Shaped), Piece of Obsidian
Life Guide:Plants-1.Vine Tree: Very tall trees with incredibly strong branches that sprout very strong, rope-like vines. Easy to climb.
Animals-1.Lava Giant: 15 foot tall creatures that have armor plated lower legs with thick, fluffy grey fur. Move slowly and in packs.

Here's your map, and an artist's rendering (My crappy drawing xD) of the tree:

You do these things and begin to sharpen the piece of obsidian. It is roughly triangular and is very long and fairly narrow. Looks like it's begging to become a knife. What will you do with it?

A)Make a knife blade
B)Make your own option

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

You look and the only thing left burning is the tiny brunch stick. It is so compact that it lasted hours and it is only a few inches long. You put more terree sticks on and go tap a tree. You get out enough water to drink for a while. You had ought to make a bowl from something, but don't know what you could make it from. Inspiration strikes you and you begin to fashion a bowl shape from lint roller sheets. You put brunch sticks on the outside to provide strength and encase the whole thing in another layer of lint roller sheets. It seems to hold together remarkably well and the adhesive should make it water proof, just don't set it down on the dirt. What now?

A)Cook more meat and set your bowl out on some rocks in case it ever decides to rain
B)Make your own decision

604 posts

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.


9,808 posts

Name: pang
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175
Body Type:Lean & Mean
Bio: Short dirty-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, baseball players body. Very calm attitude. Has a scar going diagonal across face (from top of left eye to below bottom right side of mouth).
Gender: M
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Strength: 6
Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Intellect: 7
Skill: Matrix-Whenever things get intense, your mind speeds up so everything else seems to slow down. You don't know how it works but you don't really care.
Inventory:Pack of 5 1/2 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Pet Farog Named Harold
Life Guide:1.Plants-1.Taree-Huge trees that secrete incredibly adhesive sap from every place on its bark.
Animals-1.Farog-Small ovular creature that looks a little like a frog but lives on dry land always. Completely passive and friendly.

Yay he lives! Can I give my Farog his own name?

A) Drink some for myself

98 posts

Name:Ylliasviel Strife
Age: 23
Body Type:Average
Bio:Long-brown haired, brown eyes. Not especially athletic but has an atentive posture. She has no scars but fear can be read in her eyes.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Skill:Hawk Ears-People used to make fun of you for you having such good ears. You hear many things most people simply don't.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Triwarm (On Your Left Shoe), 40 ??? Leaves
Life Guide-Plants:1.Luria-Generic looking green bush. Leathery leaves that are resistant to weathering and decomposition.
Animals:1.Triwarm-Small prickly animal that looks like a tiny echidna. Likes to sit down and sleep.
2.Tatou-Eats Luria leaves for its diet. Looks somewhat like a large pig. Approximately 5 feet tall and 7 feet long.

A) I take the autroch carcass over my shoulder and follow the tatou. Teeth is what interest me the most then I try to pick some before taking the carcass.

13,701 posts

Name: Talow Rosine
Age: 17
Body Type:Average
Bio: Black, messy hair, Blue eyes, has a scar on his cheek for some reason, and his hair covers his eyes most of the time.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 5
Skill:High Jumper-You're a notoriously good jumper, able to span huge gaps and reach up incredibly high for someone of your height and weight.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Extra Shoelace, Daggerbush Leaf, Lint Roller
Life Guide:Plants-1.Daggerbush-A bush with terrifyingly sharp leaves that can slice you open without you even realizing it.
2.Vineya-Tree that has many shafts that curl around going upwards. Very easy to climb.
Animals-1.Hulk-Huge bipedal creature with dark brown/green fur. Very strong and seems to be highly intelligent. Unknown what its diet includes.

Go with it. Something that's semi-friendly is better then a unknown hostile in the dark.

3,896 posts

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

You set some more meat up to cook and set out your bowl on some of your rocks. You look around and see that everything is normal. You accidentally bump your wall and it shakes a little. Not too much good if you could knock it down by falling into it... What will you do?

A)Make your own option

Name: pang
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175
Body Type:Lean & Mean
Bio: Short dirty-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, baseball players body. Very calm attitude. Has a scar going diagonal across face (from top of left eye to below bottom right side of mouth).
Gender: M
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 6
Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Intellect: 7
Skill: Matrix-Whenever things get intense, your mind speeds up so everything else seems to slow down. You don't know how it works but you don't really care.
Inventory:Pack of 5 1/2 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Pet Farog Named Harold
Life Guide:1.Plants-1.Taree-Huge trees that secrete incredibly adhesive sap from every place on its bark.
Animals-1.Farog-Small ovular creature that looks a little like a frog but lives on dry land always. Completely passive and friendly.

Check your inventory

You drink some for yourself and feel your thirst completely quenched. What now?

A)Make your own option

Name:Ylliasviel Strife
Age: 23
Body Type:Average
Bio:Long-brown haired, brown eyes. Not especially athletic but has an atentive posture. She has no scars but fear can be read in her eyes.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
(Adds up to 20)
Skill:Hawk Ears-People used to make fun of you for you having such good ears. You hear many things most people simply don't.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Triwarm (On Your Left Shoe), 40 Luria Leaves, Autroch Carcass
Life Guide-Plants:1.Luria-Generic looking green bush. Leathery leaves that are resistant to weathering and decomposition.
Animals:1.Triwarm-Small prickly animal that looks like a tiny echidna. Likes to sit down and sleep.
2.Tatou-Eats Luria leaves for its diet. Looks somewhat like a large pig. Approximately 5 feet tall and 7 feet long.
3.Autroch-Small Raptor like creature. Predatory. 2-3 feet tall. Green with grey stripes diagonally across its body. No claws but sharp very sharp teeth.

You sling the carcass over your shoulder but all the teeth are still in its mouth, but you can feel that most of its ribs are crushed. You follow the Tatou for at least a mile until you reach a river. It drinks from it. What do you do?

A)Make your own choice

3,896 posts

Name: Talow Rosine
Age: 17
Body Type:Average
Bio: Black, messy hair, Blue eyes, has a scar on his cheek for some reason, and his hair covers his eyes most of the time.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 5
Skill:High Jumper-You're a notoriously good jumper, able to span huge gaps and reach up incredibly high for someone of your height and weight.
Inventory:Pack of 6 Crackers, Extra Shoelace, Daggerbush Leaf, Lint Roller
Life Guide:Plants-1.Daggerbush-A bush with terrifyingly sharp leaves that can slice you open without you even realizing it.
2.Vineya-Tree that has many shafts that curl around going upwards. Very easy to climb.
Animals-1.Hulk-Huge bipedal creature with dark brown/green fur. Very strong and seems to be highly intelligent. Four eyes with two on the front of its face and 1 on each side of its head, making it difficult to sneak up on. Unknown what its diet includes.

You follow the creature and it allows you to follow it, waiting for you to go over the rock each time before picking it up again. You do this for at least half an hour before it stops and begins digging a large hole, scooping out massive amounts of Earth with each swipe of its hands. What do you do?

A)Make your own decision

604 posts

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

i reinforce it and start looking into a neaby Terree

9,808 posts

Name: pang
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175
Body Type:Lean & Mean
Bio: Short dirty-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, baseball players body. Very calm attitude. Has a scar going diagonal across face (from top of left eye to below bottom right side of mouth).
Gender: M
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 6
Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Intellect: 7
Skill: Matrix-Whenever things get intense, your mind speeds up so everything else seems to slow down. You don't know how it works but you don't really care.
Inventory:Pack of 5 1/2 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Pet Farog Named Harold
Life Guide:1.Plants-1.Taree-Huge trees that secrete incredibly adhesive sap from every place on its bark.
Animals-1.Farog-Small ovular creature that looks a little like a frog but lives on dry land always. Completely passive and friendly.

Check your inventory

/facepalm...completely forgot I named him! haha And I do believe I named him Harald, not Harold! XD

If so...I shall name him Harald

A) to do some esplorin' now..I follow the stream upstream!
3,896 posts

Name: pang
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175
Body Type:Lean & Mean
Bio: Short dirty-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, baseball players body. Very calm attitude. Has a scar going diagonal across face (from top of left eye to below bottom right side of mouth).
Gender: M
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Strength: 6
Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Intellect: 7
Skill: Matrix-Whenever things get intense, your mind speeds up so everything else seems to slow down. You don't know how it works but you don't really care.
Inventory:Pack of 5 1/2 Crackers, Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Pet Farog Named Harald
Life Guide:1.Plants-1.Taree-Huge trees that secrete incredibly adhesive sap from every place on its bark.
Animals-1.Farog-Small ovular creature that looks a little like a frog but lives on dry land always. Completely passive and friendly.

Sorreh :P

You follow it upstream with Harald in your pocket. You look around and see the same kind of generic, short trees and assorted bushes all the way with no real difference in the stream, just a very gradual incline. You have walked about a mile and seen nothing interesting. What do you do?

A)Make your own option

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

How do you reinforce it? And with what?

604 posts

Name:Tyler M
Body Type: Large and Muscular
Hunger: 30%
Thirst: 0%
Exhaustion: 30%
Injuries: Small bite wound on left calf
Bio: Built nice and strong and maybe hansom for some people, he has dark blonde hair that is perfectly trimmed.
Clothing:Grungy T-Shirt, Cargo Pants, Old Running Shoes
Skill:Intimidation-As well as brawn, you've got brains. You have a fair chance of scaring off anything hostile that crosses your path.
Inventory:Lint Roller, Extra Shoelace, Fist-Sized Chunk of Granite, 6 Tyson Canine Teeth, 3 Tyson Incisor Teeth, 70 Terree Sticks (At Tepee), Makeshift Spear, 120 Rocks (At Tepee), Tyson Carcass (At Tepee), 49 Brunch Sticks (At Tepee), Tyson Skin (On Tepee), Improvised Lint Roller Sheet & Brunch Stick Bowl
Life Guide:Plants-1.Electred: Red plants that have electric current running through them. Highly dangerous.
2.Terree: Huge trees that split into 9 branches at the top and curve back down into the ground. Look like circus tents.
3.Brunch: Tall trees that have very short, strong branches at low height and larger branches up high. The short branches are almost like nails.
Animals-1.Tyson: Heavily scale-feathered pumas with incredibly sharp teeth. They are a shiny green color. They have deafeningly loud howls that are dangerous at close range. Thought to hunt in packs
2.Sonem: Scavenger insects with incredibly strong jaws able to cut through bone. They have very hard shells but are not aggressive.

with brunch sticks at base and terree sticks dug in with terree sticks reinforcing the wall

Showing 181-195 of 203