ForumsForum GamesThe Colony (Post-apocalyptic Survival RPG)

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2,539 posts

This is based off of the reality TV show, "The Colony".

You live in the post-apocalyptic world, destroyed by nuclear war. You arrive at an old abandoned warehouse, the colony, and must find a way to survive with the people that are with you. You have to find food, water, weapons, tools and other things that can help you survive. Be wary, as the people that you are forced to live with may be either friendly or hostile.

Character Sheet: Only fill in the subjects in parentheses.

NameAnything reasonable)
GenderMale or Female
BioSummary of your character's life so far)
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: (Optional)

Unlike the TV show, you will be surviving long-term instead of escaping to somewhere else.

  • 23 Replies
958 posts

Name: Jack Bartholomew
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Bio: Jack used to live in the mountains of Canada, near the U.S. border, by himself. He didn't care about the government, he hunted and harvested whatever he needed, and he always had escape plans ready for the zombie apocalypse that he was sure would come one day. And though he was a bit off, he was right about the apocalypse part. So he came down from his home with some guns and supplies, but they were confiscated and he was forced to be sent to the colony, which is where he is now.
HP: 100/100
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Stone

Hope this is alright.

3,896 posts

Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

Sorry for the crappy bio, I'm lazy right now.

604 posts

i made a game called the colony....

143 posts

Name:Eric Fawkes
Gender: Male
Bio: Eric grew up in the back woods of North Carolina, USA. His Father, being a paranoid Retired USMC Vet, taught him everything he needs to know about surviving and living off the land. Being a "unusual" child growing up, Eric made friends with no one. He kept to him self and constantly tested his skill and trusted no one in the process. By the time Eric turned 19 he lived on his own, living off the land away from populated areas. He now lives in his territory, doing what he does best. Surviving.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Chatan (Hawk)

2,539 posts

Sorry, didn't notice it xD

Name: Jack Bartholomew
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Bio: Jack used to live in the mountains of Canada, near the U.S. border, by himself. He didn't care about the government, he hunted and harvested whatever he needed, and he always had escape plans ready for the zombie apocalypse that he was sure would come one day. And though he was a bit off, he was right about the apocalypse part. So he came down from his home with some guns and supplies, but they were confiscated and he was forced to be sent to the colony, which is where he is now.
HP: 100/100
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Stone

You arrive at the colony with your friend, Alex(NPC). You open the chain-link fence and enter the warehouse, where you will be living indefinitely. You hear footsteps behind you, and when you look back you see two people(Unkown)


Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

You arrive at the colony with your friend, Sarah. You open the gate to the chain-link fence and enter the warehouse, where you will be living indefinitely. You see two other people here(Alpha791), and they soon notice you.

143 posts

(Forgot me :P)

3,896 posts

Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

You have it backwards lol, I'm Alpha, he's unknown. I will greet them and ask their names.

143 posts

XD Alright

62 posts

what is that all about?

143 posts

It is an RPG, read the forum detailing what we are doing.

958 posts

Name: Jack Bartholomew
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Bio: Jack used to live in the mountains of Canada, near the U.S. border, by himself. He didn't care about the government, he hunted and harvested whatever he needed, and he always had escape plans ready for the zombie apocalypse that he was sure would come one day. And though he was a bit off, he was right about the apocalypse part. So he came down from his home with some guns and supplies, but they were confiscated and he was forced to be sent to the colony, which is where he is now.
HP: 100/100
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Stone

"And who might you two be? More government researchers?"

2,539 posts

Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

There's a short story to why that happened, but to save time I'll just call it a typo.

And you can just continue by reading his posts until the conversation is over.


Name: Jack Bartholomew
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Bio: Jack used to live in the mountains of Canada, near the U.S. border, by himself. He didn't care about the government, he hunted and harvested whatever he needed, and he always had escape plans ready for the zombie apocalypse that he was sure would come one day. And though he was a bit off, he was right about the apocalypse part. So he came down from his home with some guns and supplies, but they were confiscated and he was forced to be sent to the colony, which is where he is now.
HP: 100/100
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Stone

Same as above, but you have to wait for a response.


Name:Eric Fawkes
Gender: Male
Bio: Eric grew up in the back woods of North Carolina, USA. His Father, being a paranoid Retired USMC Vet, taught him everything he needs to know about surviving and living off the land. Being a "unusual" child growing up, Eric made friends with no one. He kept to him self and constantly tested his skill and trusted no one in the process. By the time Eric turned 19 he lived on his own, living off the land away from populated areas. He now lives in his territory, doing what he does best. Surviving.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Chatan (Hawk)

You arrive at the abandoned warehouse you were sent to a few days ago. When you go inside you see four people already in a conversation(Alpha791, Unkown, 2 NPCs).

And now you also read their posts.

3,896 posts

Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

So how'd you get here?

3,896 posts

Name:Nicholas Terros
Bio:He was living in Washington state, working as a mechanic when it happened. He survived somehow and managed to find help from the military, but was sent to a colony and told to survive, or not.
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Nic

Sorry for DP, failed to notice his post above yours.

"No, we were living in Washington and I was a mechanic. Barely scraped out a living and might not have if it wasn't for my friend here. We managed to survive initial bombing and were sent here. Who are you?"

958 posts

Name: Jack Bartholomew
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Bio: Jack used to live in the mountains of Canada, near the U.S. border, by himself. He didn't care about the government, he hunted and harvested whatever he needed, and he always had escape plans ready for the zombie apocalypse that he was sure would come one day. And though he was a bit off, he was right about the apocalypse part. So he came down from his home with some guns and supplies, but they were confiscated and he was forced to be sent to the colony, which is where he is now.
HP: 100/100
Status: Healthy
Inventory: None
Equipped Weapon: None
Tools: None
Trust: 0
Nickname: Stone

"Oh. Alright. Guess we're gonna be roommates for the next few years or so. As for me, you can call me Stone, and as for how I got here, well, I don't feel like telling the story right now... In short, I knew this would happen, I got ready, government took away everything, and I came here." I yawn and look around our new 'home.' "Think there's a way out?"

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