I believe anonymousis powerful, if someone can turn the Internet against you, you are screwed. Anon are just brutal, they don't forgive, and don't forget. And they are just Powerful if they work well.
Just remember, They aren't going to hack the nuclear base computer system and blow up the world. They are completely against that. Use the word "ower" carefully.
You can be anonymous without being a member of Anonymous. I namef@g it up a bit on 4chan, but I adore the idea of anonymity and the power that comes with this open territory plane, the internet
There's a certain genius to being able to create your own destiny, whenever, however, with whomever.
That's why the first two rules of the internet are "Don't talk about /b/" and "Don't talk about /b/", that random board is where they'd meet and plan their nonsense in absolute anonymity. In real life, by never talking about the random board, or 4chan in general, they can avoid possibly associated with those dirty, crime-ridden Anons.