ForumsForum GamesNuclear Winter (Fallout based Post Apocalyptic Survival RPG)

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The year is 2023. The bombs dropped 5 years ago after a 5 year war. 2013...The day that everyone was shocked. The war started- China, North Korea, and many other similarly governed countries launched a full out non-nuclear attack on many first-world countries, knocking quite a few to their knees. The years went on and the Chinese led enemy got desperate. They launched the nukes.

Luckily the government of the United States had had enough sense to construct fallout shelters. You survived, and now the area outside is somewhat safe to travel in. A group of 20 is leaving the bunker to explore- you are one of them.

(Technology is roughly the same as it was in 2012, with a few improvements in the fields of war, but most large scale weapons and vehicles were destroyed or disabled by EMPs.---Gameplay is not multiplayer since this is my first game. Paper money is not used, but coins or trading are still viable means of marketing. Pick up backpacks for extra space, conserve ammo, and use good judgement when it comes to trusting others. Be smart, because the world will kill you off if NPCs don't, and then you will have to make a new character! Good luck, and keep those Geigers handy!)

NameFill Out)
BioShort description and intro to character's life)
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Radiation Meter: 0/1000 --If Exceeds 1000 You Die-Small Amounts Cause Negative Effects--
Clothing: Hoodie, T-shirt, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Geiger Counter
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: Explore

You step outside with the others into the warm air. It's hot, dusty, and bright, but the fresh air is refreshing. You sigh, taking in the view as your eyes begin to adjust. A fellow volunteer tells you that they are splitting into groups of five. You are joined into a group- Jake Meller, a tall commanding man, introduces you to the others; Susan, an old friend of yours; Bill, a shy teen who mumbles a, "hey," to you; and Jax, a little punk who always seems to annoy everyone. He grins at you devilishly and says, "Hey old pal...long time, no see...We are gonna get along great!"
Jake suggests that your group go straight down an old path that seems to have been a road at one point.
-Do you agree? Or do you have a better idea? You decide.

(Please post your response along with your character sheet- you do not have to include the other stuff! I'll try to be on at least once every day to update! Good luck)

  • 50 Replies
109 posts

is this still going

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