Many times I have seen the phrase somewhere that Catholics are not Christians because of several reasons. I am looking for protestants who have a bone to pick and I want you to give support for what you say.
p.s. Claims such as the Catholic Church founded the Islamic religion,[26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses; persecuting Jews; starting the Holocaust: and founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; and starting the World Wars. Will be easy to refute because of the fact that many of these organizations are anti-catholic.
Oh. Well yeah I believe that. Since it sounds like you don't then tell me where in the bible does it even hint that you can't be saved based on the bible, that the bible isn't enough to save?
If you ask some Christians, they will say it should be like this. Judaism...Christianity...Catholicism...Islam and some will probably blurt out, "You're wrong, only (insert Denomination or Christian) worship the correct God, everyone else worships a different one."
Oh. Well yeah I believe that. Since it sounds like you don't then tell me where in the bible does it even hint that you can't be saved based on the bible, that the bible isn't enough to save?
So, you are saying that the bible is the pillar and foundation of truth?
It's the belief that all knowledge for salvation can be found in the bible.
Thanks for explaining that, surprising how Latin went from dominant language, to language no one speaks, in such a short time. Wonder how long it will take for English to do the same.
@shock, there are actually many different rites of Catholicism and then their are the Orthodox churches, which are in schism, (do not follow the pope), and finally, all of the 38000 different protestant denominations.
@jacen: the bible even said that it can save, and it doesn't say that you need the pope or Devine knowledge from the pope to be saved
2 Tomothy 3:16-17 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Does that sound like the bible doesn't have everything you need to be saved?
And if that's not enough I have more
Romans 1:16
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
And if you read acts 2 and peter's sermon on the Pentecost you'll see that 3,000 people were saved after hearing only peter's sermon and little else from what they might have previously heard and from the Old Testament, so if they could be saved without the whole Gospel, why couldn't we?
All Christians are equal. Some are more equal than others. The more equal Christians get to decide that they are Christians and that Catholics are not Christians. They both have the right to follow whatever faith they want according to the United Nations.
2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15, "the Church is the pillar and foundation (ground) of truth."
I really want to know what version was used to find this. KJV says the holy scriptures. KJ21 says the holy scriptures. NKJV says holy scriptures. NIV says the holy scriptures. ASV says sacred writings. AMP says sacred writings. CEB says holy scriptures. CJB says holy scriptures. CEV says holy scriptures. DARBY says sacred letters. I went through every English bible on BibleGateway and NONE said Church. They all said holy/sacred scriptures/writings/letters.