ForumsForum GamesHeroes vs. Villains {RPG}

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This is an RPG that was once somewhat popular in these parts, so I decided to start it up again. Credit for the idea goes to whoever started it (don't remember the name).

2015. In less than a decade, over 15 unique wars have already happened. The world has become more and more violent, and the need for new weapons has become necessary. And so, the top scientists from a few of the world's major countries got together and created an antibody, to be used as a biological. However, the antibody had a variety of different effects on humans, and now these "infected" people have become known as superhumans. One of the most important facts though, is that you are one of them.

Will you use your powers for good, or evil? Using your powers, you can do anything you want. Make a name for yourself as a superhero, become the newest on the world government's wanted list, or simply keep them a secret and go about your life? You decide. However, a word of advice: beware the W.S.E.T.

Name: (Anything you want, 2 to 3 words, try not to make it over 2 characters in all)
Nickname: (What most people call you, can be your own hero/villain stage name, or just a casual, friendly nickname you have)
Age: (17 to 70 years old, please don't have any "immortal" powers)
Gender: (Male or female)
Affiliation: (Hero or villian; you can even be neither if you want: mercenary, neutral person, etc.)
Power: (Can be anything really, but don't make it too overpowered: it must have a weakness, and it must not be able to destroy a town or wipe out the military)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: (Height, body build, weight, hair, eyes, etc., doesn't have to be that specific, just describe your character however you want)
Bio: (A short description of how the player got their powers (Unless they don't have them yet), where they're from, etc.)
Personality: (Basically how the hero/villain reacts to most things, likes/dislikes, etc.)
Honor: (basically how honorable people think you are: if you're a backstabbing traitor, then enemies will go at you full force, while if you give people last requests, admit defeat, etc., then people won't be as fearful of you, and enemies might be more lenient about taking you down.
Reputation: (How well you are known: the higher your reputation, the better gifts you'll receive, but you'll also draw more attention from the enemy)
Fame: (How you are known, basically how good or bad people think you are)
Money: $500 (What do you think it's used for? XP)
Clothing: (Anything you want, as long as it doesn't increase your physical or mental state)
Weapons: None (Anything that you can use for fighting, besides your powers; you can give yourself one signature or weak weapon, but don't make it too powerful)
Equipment: None (Items that can help you in different ways, such as flashlights, bullet-proof vests, rope, etc.)
Aid: None (Any food, drink or drug that can help you)
Other: None (Just, well, random stuff...)

You can pick on of these storylines to start off with:
A) You wake up in a dark alley at about noon, can't remember anything from last night.
B) You wake up in the small, one story apartment in which you live in, to the sounds of knocking on the door, and people yelling outside.
C) You wake up in a small concrete room, tied to a chair with nothing else but a table in front of you with a chair and door on the other side.
D) You wake up at a campsite in a forest in the middle of the night, with nothing but trees around you.
E) Make up your own intro (Can be anything you want, as long as it's something that's either normal or expected from a superhuman).

I shall respond to the first players tomorrow.

  • 224 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wing
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Animal communication
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 83/100
Hunger: 94/100
Description: Short, skinny, light, long black hair, Black eyes.
Bio: he was always nice and friendly but somehow also different. didnt have a good relationship with his family and was considered the black sheep. hopes to find some friends he can love and trust.
Personality: Gentle, shy, quiet, calm, likes animals and nature. Different from most people and even though he's friendly, he bonds better with animals.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: T-shirt, jeans
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

"not really... ummm... do your eyes hurt?"

177 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Nickname: Drago
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Heightened stamina, senses, strength and agility.
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 95/100
Hunger: 97/100
Description: Normal stature, muscular, black hair, shaved.
Bio: Found in the desert by an ex soldier at the age of two, Drago grew up in the Arena, a trading post and a place where most mercenaries, or men looking to flee from justice, rest and occasionally battle in brutal pit fights for money. He, thanks to the training of his adoptive father Dante, became one of the best fighters and mercenaries of the city. He got his powers after a revolution against the former governor, due to being the test subject of an experimental serum.
Personality: Always joking and taking things in a non-serious manner. He's the type of guy that would punch Death just to laugh at it's face.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Sunglasses, black leather jacket with a blue shirt under. Jeans and boots.
Weapons: Betty [A modified revolver capable of shooting 10 .308 rounds per magazine at a quick rate](10/10)
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

Bar first. You know, priorities. I'l order the strongest thing they have.

4,584 posts

Name: Zinnaora Pendragon
Nickname: Dark Lady Wolf (Heroic title) or Zin(by friends and family)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Shadow/darkness manipulation
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 75/100
Hunger: 80/100
Description: She is of average height and weight for a 23 year old. She is built like a man when it comes to the muscles and shoulders. She has black hair that is wavy and kept short. Her eyes are a midnight blue and her skin has the color of someone who loves to be outdoors.
Bio: Zinnaora's mom is a human, and her dad comes from a long line of knights. Neither parent expected their daughter to be born with powers. This made growing up hard for not only was Zinnaora teased for obvious things but also for her powers. This drove her to be the hero that she is now. Zinnaora has been fighting evil for the last six years under the name of Dark Lady Wolf.
Personality: Loyal, easy to anger, playful, quiet, smart
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $175
Clothing: Tan hiking boots, camouflaged shirt and pants (w/ a simple leather belt), a necklace that has the fang of a wolf on it and a cross
Weapons: Antique samurai sword, pepper spray, pocket knife, switchblade
Equipment: 5 ft. of rope
Aid: None
Other: None

I take the samurai sword out of it's holster and hold it in my right hand. I have practiced duel weaponry for about five years so I should be able to grab the switchblade with my left hand and use both weapons. If you have ever played Dragon Age and seen how the rouge fights when you give him two daggers then you know the basics of how I like to fight.

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White
Nickname: Shadow knight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: The ability to transform into a knight, raven and wolf. He also has the weapon the knights use (Sword/shield, or bow/quiver)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5"4, lean, 140, brown, bluish-green, Caucasian skin
Bio: Alan was a normal teen-age boy who found him self in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living in Washington state at the time before he got his ability to transform. He was walking home from his old job at McDonald's when he was grabbed by the military. He was gagged and blinded-folded and throw into the back of the military hummer, where they drove to a undisclosed location. They inject the anti-body into him and put him in a cell, to wait for the effects to activate. When the effect to hold they came back and saw a wolf in the cell, they were about to call him a fail when a doctor said he changed again. They went back to the cell and saw a raven in the there. After that they decided to wait to see what else he would do an he did his third transformation, where they saw a knight in black and silver armor in the cell. But this form had weapons which were us to escape. Now he is living New York, hoping to forget what had happened to him.
Personality: Kind, smart, honorable, hate those you endanger the defenseless.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black shirt, Black jeans, running shoes.
Weapons: Pocket knife (for use when he is not in any of his forms)
Equipment: Flash light, black leather wallet, a watch.
Aid: none
Other: Car keys, DS

I open the door. "What the, what happened, and who are you?"

2,316 posts

Name: Charlie Hewitt
Nickname: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Biological structure manipulation
Health: 92/100
Stamina: 95/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 6'1, scrawny, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Bio: Charlie was originally a US Marine, straight out of Germantown, Pennsylvania. However, half of his unit was killed during a surprise attack. A suicide bomber had exploded on the gate killing four men. A large group of hostiles had entered through the gate, causing a large fire-fight. Afterwards, Charlie was nearly killed, and injected with the antibody to save his life.
Personality: Good-natured, talkative, easily-angered, (gotta love those Germans) and he doesn't like snobs or brats.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 2
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes.
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

So I fell a bit, or did we hit the ground?

If just a little bit, I'll filing the guy over my shoulder, make some o' 'dem rock limbs, (foot and hands) and climb down. (Well, drop down to five feet, then make another set of holes to grab onto)

958 posts

Name: Blue Wing
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Animal communication
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 83/100
Hunger: 94/100
Description: Short, skinny, light, long black hair, Black eyes.
Bio: he was always nice and friendly but somehow also different. didnt have a good relationship with his family and was considered the black sheep. hopes to find some friends he can love and trust.
Personality: Gentle, shy, quiet, calm, likes animals and nature. Different from most people and even though he's friendly, he bonds better with animals.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: T-shirt, jeans
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

He turns back towards the doors to the elevator, ignoring your comment on his eyes and sighing. "Alright, I guess that's more work for me." The doors open after a few more seconds, and the man steps through, with you following him. He leads you through a few brick corridors, and you can see tons of graffiti on the walls. You end up walking up to a small metal door after a minute or two of walking. The man knocks twice, pauses, knocks 3 times, pauses, and knocks one more time. The door opens, and a man in a black suit opens the door to let the two of you in. The room you enter seems to be some sort of lounge: There are couches, a few Pool tables, a bar, and lots of people playing games, laughing, drinking, and talking. The man tells you to wait there and then goes on to a door at the other side of the room. No one in the room gives you a second glance, and you're left standing there. What do you do?

Name: Jericho Williams
Nickname: Drago
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Heightened stamina, senses, strength and agility.
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 90/100
Hunger: 95/100
Description: Normal stature, muscular, black hair, shaved.
Bio: Found in the desert by an ex soldier at the age of two, Drago grew up in the Arena, a trading post and a place where most mercenaries, or men looking to flee from justice, rest and occasionally battle in brutal pit fights for money. He, thanks to the training of his adoptive father Dante, became one of the best fighters and mercenaries of the city. He got his powers after a revolution against the former governor, due to being the test subject of an experimental serum.
Personality: Always joking and taking things in a non-serious manner. He's the type of guy that would punch Death just to laugh at it's face.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $487
Clothing: Sunglasses, black leather jacket with a blue shirt under. Jeans and boots.
Weapons: Betty [A modified revolver capable of shooting 10 .308 rounds per magazine at a quick rate](10/10)
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

You do so. You get to the bar and order the strongest drink they have, which costs $13. You finish it quickly and within seconds are feeling the effects: dizziness, blurry vision, and dampened thinking. What now?

Name: Zinnaora Pendragon
Nickname: Dark Lady Wolf (Heroic title) or Zin(by friends and family)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Shadow/darkness manipulation
Health: 85/100
Stamina: 70/100
Hunger: 75/100
Description: She is of average height and weight for a 23 year old. She is built like a man when it comes to the muscles and shoulders. She has black hair that is wavy and kept short. Her eyes are a midnight blue and her skin has the color of someone who loves to be outdoors.
Bio: Zinnaora's mom is a human, and her dad comes from a long line of knights. Neither parent expected their daughter to be born with powers. This made growing up hard for not only was Zinnaora teased for obvious things but also for her powers. This drove her to be the hero that she is now. Zinnaora has been fighting evil for the last six years under the name of Dark Lady Wolf.
Personality: Loyal, easy to anger, playful, quiet, smart
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $175
Clothing: Tan hiking boots, camouflaged shirt and pants (w/ a simple leather belt), a necklace that has the fang of a wolf on it and a cross
Weapons: Antique samurai sword, pepper spray, pocket knife, switchblade
Equipment: 5 ft. of rope
Aid: None
Other: None

Very Well. You go further into the basement and fend off a few lone rats that attack you, eventually coming up to a door. Going through the door, you find yourself at the top of a stairwell in another room. The stairs are made of cheap metal, and are placed against a wall leading downwards to the floor below. On that floor, about 20 feet below where you currently are, there is an unbelievable infestation of these rats. One can be found for every 3 or 4 square feet of flooring, running in between the crates and racks found below. How do you proceed?

Name: Alan White
Nickname: Shadow knight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: The ability to transform into a knight, raven and wolf. He also has the weapon the knights use (Sword/shield, or bow/quiver)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5"4, lean, 140, brown, bluish-green, Caucasian skin
Bio: Alan was a normal teen-age boy who found him self in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living in Washington state at the time before he got his ability to transform. He was walking home from his old job at McDonald's when he was grabbed by the military. He was gagged and blinded-folded and throw into the back of the military hummer, where they drove to a undisclosed location. They inject the anti-body into him and put him in a cell, to wait for the effects to activate. When the effect to hold they came back and saw a wolf in the cell, they were about to call him a fail when a doctor said he changed again. They went back to the cell and saw a raven in the there. After that they decided to wait to see what else he would do an he did his third transformation, where they saw a knight in black and silver armor in the cell. But this form had weapons which were us to escape. Now he is living New York, hoping to forget what had happened to him.
Personality: Kind, smart, honorable, hate those you endanger the defenseless.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black shirt, Black jeans, running shoes.
Weapons: Pocket knife (for use when he is not in any of his forms)
Equipment: Flash light, black leather wallet, a watch.
Aid: none
Other: Car keys, DS

The man smiles as you come outside. "You can call me Grunj, Alan. And what happened was that these people annoyed me. They were in my way, and I've come here for you." Now that you're a bit closer, you can get a better look at the man. He obviously has the look of slight insanity in his eyes, his clothes have various blood splatters on them, and his bottom pant legs and shoes are nearly completely covered in thick dust. He looks like he hasn't slept in a few days, and is overall quite filthy. What do you do?

Name: Charlie Hewitt
Nickname: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Biological structure manipulation
Health: 92/100
Stamina: 95/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 6'1, scrawny, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Bio: Charlie was originally a US Marine, straight out of Germantown, Pennsylvania. However, half of his unit was killed during a surprise attack. A suicide bomber had exploded on the gate killing four men. A large group of hostiles had entered through the gate, causing a large fire-fight. Afterwards, Charlie was nearly killed, and injected with the antibody to save his life.
Personality: Good-natured, talkative, easily-angered, (gotta love those Germans) and he doesn't like snobs or brats.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 2
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes.
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

The platform fell all the way, but the ground was close enough that you were only slightly harmed. As in, no broken bones or bleeding.

Name: Nick Stone
Nickname: Spirit
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Electrical Manipulation
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5 Foot 4
Bio: He has been known to be a trouble maker with his friend Ryan Delton, He got his powers when he was plugging in a computer and got his finger stuck in the outlet 546 Volts of electricity went through him.
Personality: Is intelligent and has common Sense, Likes Cats, Has acrophobia (Fear of heights) He is also very Charismatic.
Honor: 8/10
Reputation: 5/10
Fame: Relatively Unknown
Money: $500
Clothing: Grey stained Jeans, T - Shirt with a skull, Black Boots.
Weapons: Rusted Magnum
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

You hear some muffled speech from the other side of the door, and then it opens. A man in a suit comes in, looking quite happy. He comes up to the opposite end of the table. "Ah! You're awake!"

2,316 posts

Name: Charlie Hewitt
Nickname: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Biological structure manipulation
Health: 92/100
Stamina: 95/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 6'1, scrawny, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Bio: Charlie was originally a US Marine, straight out of Germantown, Pennsylvania. However, half of his unit was killed during a surprise attack. A suicide bomber had exploded on the gate killing four men. A large group of hostiles had entered through the gate, causing a large fire-fight. Afterwards, Charlie was nearly killed, and injected with the antibody to save his life.
Personality: Good-natured, talkative, easily-angered, (gotta love those Germans) and he doesn't like snobs or brats.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 2
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes.
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

"GET BACK!!! IT'S GOING DOWN!!!" I yell at the crowd. Now's not the time to take pictures on a crumbling apartment going "OMG, THERE GOES MY APARTMENT LULZ" on Facebook. Meanwhile, I take the guy to the nearest Police Station.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wing
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Animal communication
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 83/100
Hunger: 94/100
Description: Short, skinny, light, long black hair, Black eyes.
Bio: he was always nice and friendly but somehow also different. didnt have a good relationship with his family and was considered the black sheep. hopes to find some friends he can love and trust.
Personality: Gentle, shy, quiet, calm, likes animals and nature. Different from most people and even though he's friendly, he bonds better with animals.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: T-shirt, jeans
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

i dont want to make anyone mad so i wait for him to come back while looking at the room

2,463 posts

Name: Alan White
Nickname: Shadow knight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: The ability to transform into a knight, raven and wolf. He also has the weapon the knights use (Sword/shield, or bow/quiver)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5"4, lean, 140, brown, bluish-green, Caucasian skin
Bio: Alan was a normal teen-age boy who found him self in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living in Washington state at the time before he got his ability to transform. He was walking home from his old job at McDonald's when he was grabbed by the military. He was gagged and blinded-folded and throw into the back of the military hummer, where they drove to a undisclosed location. They inject the anti-body into him and put him in a cell, to wait for the effects to activate. When the effect to hold they came back and saw a wolf in the cell, they were about to call him a fail when a doctor said he changed again. They went back to the cell and saw a raven in the there. After that they decided to wait to see what else he would do an he did his third transformation, where they saw a knight in black and silver armor in the cell. But this form had weapons which were us to escape. Now he is living New York, hoping to forget what had happened to him.
Personality: Kind, smart, honorable, hate those you endanger the defenseless.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black shirt, Black jeans, running shoes.
Weapons: Pocket knife (for use when he is not in any of his forms)
Equipment: Flash light, black leather wallet, a watch.
Aid: none
Other: Car keys, DS

(Is this guy five cans short of a six pack or what) I thought to my self, as my blood started to boil with rage, but I kept it in check so as not to alarm him. (I got to get him out of here before he kill any more of my neighbors) "Well Grunj, who sure know a lot about me don't you, you probably knew I hate those who hurt, kill or endanger the innocent too." I say to him as i start to reach for my pocket knife in my back pocket, "now you have two choices leave now, or feel my blade as it slices your throat."

4,584 posts

Name: Zinnaora Pendragon
Nickname: Dark Lady Wolf (Heroic title) or Zin(by friends and family)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Shadow/darkness manipulation
Health: 85/100
Stamina: 70/100
Hunger: 75/100
Description: She is of average height and weight for a 23 year old. She is built like a man when it comes to the muscles and shoulders. She has black hair that is wavy and kept short. Her eyes are a midnight blue and her skin has the color of someone who loves to be outdoors.
Bio: Zinnaora's mom is a human, and her dad comes from a long line of knights. Neither parent expected their daughter to be born with powers. This made growing up hard for not only was Zinnaora teased for obvious things but also for her powers. This drove her to be the hero that she is now. Zinnaora has been fighting evil for the last six years under the name of Dark Lady Wolf.
Personality: Loyal, easy to anger, playful, quiet, smart
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $175
Clothing: Tan hiking boots, camouflaged shirt and pants (w/ a simple leather belt), a necklace that has the fang of a wolf on it and a cross
Weapons: Antique samurai sword, pepper spray, pocket knife, switchblade
Equipment: 5 ft. of rope
Aid: None
Other: None

I know that either the rats will run away or come after me if I make noise, so I bang the handle of my sword against the first metal step. I then prepare for the rats to come running up to where I'm at. I do this cause only a limited number of rats will be able to get to me at a time and this will make a duel weapon sweep very effective.

177 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Nickname: Drago
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Heightened stamina, senses, strength and agility.
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 90/100
Hunger: 95/100
Description: Normal stature, muscular, black hair, shaved.
Bio: Found in the desert by an ex soldier at the age of two, Drago grew up in the Arena, a trading post and a place where most mercenaries, or men looking to flee from justice, rest and occasionally battle in brutal pit fights for money. He, thanks to the training of his adoptive father Dante, became one of the best fighters and mercenaries of the city. He got his powers after a revolution against the former governor, due to being the test subject of an experimental serum.
Personality: Always joking and taking things in a non-serious manner. He's the type of guy that would punch Death just to laugh at it's face.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $487
Clothing: Sunglasses, black leather jacket with a blue shirt under. Jeans and boots.
Weapons: Betty [A modified revolver capable of shooting 10 .308 rounds per magazine at a quick rate](10/10)
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

I get to the weapons shop. Maybe they have some good things there.

958 posts

((Once again sorry for the semi-late post... '-.-))

Name: Nick Stone
Nickname: Spirit
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Electrical Manipulation
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5 Foot 4
Bio: He has been known to be a trouble maker with his friend Ryan Delton, He got his powers when he was plugging in a computer and got his finger stuck in the outlet 546 Volts of electricity went through him.
Personality: Is intelligent and has common Sense, Likes Cats, Has acrophobia (Fear of heights) He is also very Charismatic.
Honor: 8/10
Reputation: 5/10
Fame: Relatively Unknown
Money: $500
Clothing: Grey stained Jeans, T-Shirt with a skull, Black Boots.
Weapons: Rusted Magnum
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

"What happened was, you signed a deal. And who I am is not important. However, what is important is whether or not the serum's side effects took effect on you or not. So tell me, do you remember what has happened in the past few days or do you have a lack of memory there?"

Name: Charlie Hewitt
Nickname: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Biological structure manipulation
Health: 92/100
Stamina: 90/100
Hunger: 95/100
Description: 6'1, scrawny, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Bio: Charlie was originally a US Marine, straight out of Germantown, Pennsylvania. However, half of his unit was killed during a surprise attack. A suicide bomber had exploded on the gate killing four men. A large group of hostiles had entered through the gate, causing a large fire-fight. Afterwards, Charlie was nearly killed, and injected with the antibody to save his life.
Personality: Good-natured, talkative, easily-angered, (gotta love those Germans) and he doesn't like snobs or brats.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 2
Fame: 2
Money: $500
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes.
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

Now's not the time to take pictures on a crumbling apartment going "OMG, THERE GOES MY APARTMENT LULZ" on Facebook.

((Your impression of the average American is frickin' hilarious XP))

You do so, leaving the scene as the apartment topples. You are able to find your way to the nearest police station, and as you enter with the stranger on your shoulder, the man at the reception counter stands up, asking, "Why are you here? Who is that?"

Name: Blue Wing
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Animal communication
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 85/100
Hunger: 90/100
Description: Short, skinny, light, long black hair, Black eyes.
Bio: he was always nice and friendly but somehow also different. didnt have a good relationship with his family and was considered the black sheep. hopes to find some friends he can love and trust.
Personality: Gentle, shy, quiet, calm, likes animals and nature. Different from most people and even though he's friendly, he bonds better with animals.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: T-shirt, jeans
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

Looking around the room, seeing that it is really more like a pub or bar than a lounge. There's nice furniture and plenty of entertainment, but the environment is quite rowdy, and the smell of alcohol is potent, accompanied by the laughter and loud talking of semi-drunk men. However, looking more close, you see some of the people doing some unusual things: one man is shuffling a card of decks in thin air without the use of hands or anything, talking to the man across from him casually. Another man is using only one hand in order to crush some cement blocks without showing any effort, provoking cheers and laughter from the men around him. Looking more around the room, you see that other people are also doing similar...unnatural, feats. The man from earlier comes back to you. "Alright, come on. Time to talk to the new best friend you'll ever have."

Name: Alan White
Nickname: Shadow knight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: The ability to transform into a knight, raven and wolf. He also has the weapon the knights use (Sword/shield, or bow/quiver)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5"4, lean, 140, brown, bluish-green, Caucasian skin
Bio: Alan was a normal teen-age boy who found him self in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living in Washington state at the time before he got his ability to transform. He was walking home from his old job at McDonald's when he was grabbed by the military. He was gagged and blinded-folded and throw into the back of the military hummer, where they drove to a undisclosed location. They inject the anti-body into him and put him in a cell, to wait for the effects to activate. When the effect to hold they came back and saw a wolf in the cell, they were about to call him a fail when a doctor said he changed again. They went back to the cell and saw a raven in the there. After that they decided to wait to see what else he would do an he did his third transformation, where they saw a knight in black and silver armor in the cell. But this form had weapons which were us to escape. Now he is living New York, hoping to forget what had happened to him.
Personality: Kind, smart, honorable, hate those you endanger the defenseless.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black shirt, Black jeans, running shoes.
Weapons: Pocket knife (for use when he is not in any of his forms)
Equipment: Flash light, black leather wallet, a watch.
Aid: None
Other: Car keys, DS

The man laughs. "Why you sure are nice! And now if you hate killers, then I think you might like the proposition I have for you. And if you're refering to these idiots," He looks around at the dead bodies around him, "Well, they don't matter. Only humans, you know. You should understand, Alan

Name: Zinnaora Pendragon
Nickname: Dark Lady Wolf (Heroic title) or Zin(by friends and family)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Hero
Power: Shadow/darkness manipulation
Health: 85/100
Stamina: 70/100
Hunger: 75/100
Description: She is of average height and weight for a 23 year old. She is built like a man when it comes to the muscles and shoulders. She has black hair that is wavy and kept short. Her eyes are a midnight blue and her skin has the color of someone who loves to be outdoors.
Bio: Zinnaora's mom is a human, and her dad comes from a long line of knights. Neither parent expected their daughter to be born with powers. This made growing up hard for not only was Zinnaora teased for obvious things but also for her powers. This drove her to be the hero that she is now. Zinnaora has been fighting evil for the last six years under the name of Dark Lady Wolf.
Personality: Loyal, easy to anger, playful, quiet, smart
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $175
Clothing: Tan hiking boots, camouflaged shirt and pants (w/ a simple leather belt), a necklace that has the fang of a wolf on it and a cross
Weapons: Antique samurai sword, pepper spray, pocket knife, switchblade
Equipment: 5 ft. of rope
Aid: None
Other: None

You do so. They all start to pay attention to you, and a few hiss, but they do not come after you, instead simply halting their activities.

Name: Jericho Williams
Nickname: Drago
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Heightened stamina, senses, strength and agility.
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 95/100
Hunger: 90/100
Description: Normal stature, muscular, black hair, shaved.
Bio: Found in the desert by an ex soldier at the age of two, Drago grew up in the Arena, a trading post and a place where most mercenaries, or men looking to flee from justice, rest and occasionally battle in brutal pit fights for money. He, thanks to the training of his adoptive father Dante, became one of the best fighters and mercenaries of the city. He got his powers after a revolution against the former governor, due to being the test subject of an experimental serum.
Personality: Always joking and taking things in a non-serious manner. He's the type of guy that would punch Death just to laugh at it's face.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $487
Clothing: Sunglasses, black leather jacket with a blue shirt under. Jeans and boots.
Weapons: Betty [A modified revolver capable of shooting 10 .308 rounds per magazine at a quick rate](10/10)
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

You do so. You get to a small weapons store, and see that it contains quite a collection of weaponry. Prominent is a display of many various guns, both commonly public and military-issue firearms. However, you are informed that you need specific licenses to own many of these. You also find quite a collection of knives and even a few swords, along with a handful of compound bows and some smaller, more unique weapons such as brass knuckles, ninja stars, specialized grenades, and various martial arts weapons.
2,463 posts

Name: Alan White
Nickname: Shadow knight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Hero
Power: The ability to transform into a knight, raven and wolf. He also has the weapon the knights use (Sword/shield, or bow/quiver)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 5"4, lean, 140, brown, bluish-green, Caucasian skin
Bio: Alan was a normal teen-age boy who found him self in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living in Washington state at the time before he got his ability to transform. He was walking home from his old job at McDonald's when he was grabbed by the military. He was gagged and blinded-folded and throw into the back of the military hummer, where they drove to a undisclosed location. They inject the anti-body into him and put him in a cell, to wait for the effects to activate. When the effect to hold they came back and saw a wolf in the cell, they were about to call him a fail when a doctor said he changed again. They went back to the cell and saw a raven in the there. After that they decided to wait to see what else he would do an he did his third transformation, where they saw a knight in black and silver armor in the cell. But this form had weapons which were us to escape. Now he is living New York, hoping to forget what had happened to him.
Personality: Kind, smart, honorable, hate those you endanger the defenseless.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: Black shirt, Black jeans, running shoes.
Weapons: Pocket knife (for use when he is not in any of his forms)
Equipment: Flash light, black leather wallet, a watch.
Aid: None
Other: Car keys, DS

Is he like me, a super human? I thought to my self. "I'm listening, but I'm not make any promises that I'll take you up on that offer."

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wing
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral
Power: Animal communication
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 85/100
Hunger: 90/100
Description: Short, skinny, light, long black hair, Black eyes.
Bio: he was always nice and friendly but somehow also different. didnt have a good relationship with his family and was considered the black sheep. hopes to find some friends he can love and trust.
Personality: Gentle, shy, quiet, calm, likes animals and nature. Different from most people and even though he's friendly, he bonds better with animals.
Honor: 0
Reputation: 0
Fame: 0
Money: $500
Clothing: T-shirt, jeans
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Aid: None
Other: None

"ummm... ok... what is this place?"

2,436 posts

Name: Vladimir
Nickname: Vladimir
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral (does what benefits him the most, doesn't care if it's good or evil)
Power: Blood Manipulation (Hemomancer, able to use blood as a weapon and heal himself by using anyone's blood)
Health: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Description: 6"3, Muscular
Bio: Vladimir was an usual mercenary, fighting in wars just for the pay and the fun of it. He rose thru the ranks and started to lead his own mercenary group, the Crimson Military. After a mission went wrong and his transport (a helicopter) got shot down, he awoke among the dead bodies of some of his men, inside a huge temple. He explored the depths of the temple, until he reached a huge altar made of blood itself. Vladimir was drawn in by the blood and entered the altar. The altar altered the very liquid of his life: his blood. When he returned, his mercenary group was destroyed by paid Death Squads. He was captured by them.
Personality: Chaotic Neutral, very selfish and paranoid
Honor: Believes in honorable allies and honorable combat, but he isn't afraid of betrayal. Is merciless most of the times.
Reputation: Well known among the Military and Mercenary Groups as a very experienced soldier.
Fame: Very few people ever saw him.
Money: $500 (What do you think it's used for? XP)
Clothing: Gas mask with red goggles, black trenchcoat, military boots, black military cap.
Weapons: a Katana
Equipment: bullet-proof vest, flashlight, ropes, lighter
Aid: None (Any food, drink or drug that can help you)
Other: None (Just, well, random stuff...)

Can I join?

I wake up in a military compound, tied to a chair, in a small room.

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