ForumsWEPRWhat is banned in Christianity?

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I just wanted to give an example in another thread about something that is Prohibited In Christianity, and just Could not remember one.

What exactly is Prohibited in Christianity?

I know that in judaism Eating pig and some other animals who are not fit into a simple Criterion is Prohibited, in Islam drinking Alcoholic drink is Prohibited, but is there anything that the new testament say its forbidden?

As it seems to me, its look like the Christianity just took some rules from the bible, like rules against Masturbation and believe in other gods{well, these are the only one who came up in my mind}, while ignoring other unpopular rules, like the Pig subject, the Holy days and the Milk and meat Separation.

Is that true?

  • 18 Replies
5,851 posts

Oh no no no. You miss-understand the pig and milk and meat separation and holy days for Christianity, while yes those were part of Judaism they are not a part of Christianity even though the rules for Judaism and Christianity are in the same book (bible) there is a decision between the Old Testament (the Jewish part if you'll call it that) and the New Testament (the part about Jesus and Christianity). So because of the difference between them what's against the law of Judaism (like milk and meat separation) aren't binding under Christianity unless it's repeated in the New Testament (which it isn't). Which explains why the most honest and devout Christian would eat pork without a second thought about it.

5,129 posts

eating pigs and drinking lots and lots of alcohol was normal for the church in the middle ages. they usually even had their own brewery.
it never was a problem for them i guess.

3,087 posts

Sex outside of marriage, divorce, prostitution (fits into first one), ****ing others to hell, witch craft and other stuff that calls on the devil.

That is all I can think of at the moment.

~~~Darth Caedus

9,462 posts

Pardon me for keeping this short, but my head is still buzzing a bit from all the partying this weekend.

The ignoring of certain pats of the old testament comes from decisions made in order to bring in more converts. At first this just covered the issue of circumcision. it was decided those coming in from the outside wouldn't have to comply. Later on The restrictions became more and more lax.

Christian views on the old covenant: History

5,340 posts

aren't binding under Christianity unless it's repeated in the New Testament (which it isn't).

from what ive read on the internet theres nothing about homosexuality in the new testament though. for me it seems that the easier rules (those you are born with) are kept while the difficult ones (like not eating bacon) are ignored.
6 posts

There is plenty in both the Old and the New Testaments about homosexuality.

A few examples from the New Testament

1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Paul lists some things that will keep you out of heaven, including homosexuality

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha (Jude 7-8)

Also check out Romans 1:26-28 as this is seemingly the only mention of lesbians in the Bible.

For other things that are banned in Christianity just have a flick through Leviticus - its filled with laws and rules. However, it's pretty clear that the majority of these rules are nowadays not commonly followed apart from maybe Fundamentalist Christians.

9,462 posts

aren't binding under Christianity unless it's repeated in the New Testament (which it isn't).

in that case why don't you guys not eat pork and shell fish and follow all the rest of it, because the NT has this to say.

Matthew 5:17-18 (NIV)
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
8,256 posts

Matthew 5:17-18 (NIV)
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Interesting, does that make all christians basically implicit sinners?

Though many christians with a more 'liberal' approach will tell you that nothing is really banned, but that you should behave as you think god wants you to in order to be 'good'. As with everything else, it's a matter of opinion.
5 posts

The Old Testament is not ignored in the New. It's based on the teachings of Jesus and what was fulfilled during his time on earth.

For example, Jesus said that what you eat can never defile you and that it only passes through the stomach and goes into the sewer. This is a reason why some Christians may not mind eating certain types of meat. Also one of the apostles talked about it but I can't remember who - they talked about Christians from different Churches, that they shouldn't condemn each other for eating certain types of meat, because if they do it, they do it to glorify God and if they don't they do it for the same reason also. In Galatians it also talks about freedom in Christ. And elsewhere in the New Testament Jesus also talked about how the teachers of the Law would condemn people for doing certain things and how they will burden them with unbearable demands, and how they passed man-made ideas as if commands from God, so Jesus condemned the teachers for doing this. Jesus also said that the two most important commands that we should keep is to love your neighbor as yourself and God above all else and that by doing this, you cover all the commandments.

This is one of the main differences in the old and new. Christians are not just ignorantly choosing to follow one set of books and not the others.

5 posts

All men are sinners, Christians or not. the righteousness of Christians is not in themselves and the work they do, but in Christ who took our place.

We in ourselves, could never please the Lord through our carnal works. It is Christ who lives in us that is pleasing to God. No amount of reading the bible or obeying the religious Law could save anyone, it is only by acceptance in Christ which Christians have faith that we are saved.

5,851 posts

2nd Timothy 2:15
rightly deciding the word of truth

5,851 posts


And if you read first corrinthians then you can see Paul talking about circumsisiom and how it's no longer necessary. The bible makes a distinction between "the law of bondage" and the law of Christ

1,773 posts

So christianity is like "we take the Jewish rules we like, but the rest are not relevane anymore"?

5 posts

This is what Jesus says above all else, Love your neighbor as yourself, and love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. By doing these two things, you cover all the commandments.

Many laws that the orthodox Jew follows, Christians will regard as man made and not from God. God gave us the ten commandments, Jesus gave us 2. I don't know where the rest comes into play.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Contraceptives are banned for those of the Catholic Church. At last the clutch of hysterical head virgins deems it proper for million to die for the sake of not sinning. A third divorce is also frowned upon in the Orthodox Church generally.

Complete free thought seems to be highly frowned upon too in many denominations....

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