Name: Ghalaghor McAllistor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 16
XP: 11/95
HP: 360/400
Hunger: 100/105
NP: 19/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism
Reed; Body Augmentation; HP: 425/425
Self-generating hilt
Actually, 'tis' is short for this is. So, your sentence would be, 'This is was worth a try." This word was used back in the olden days. So, if you're writing a story, (You were, I checked. I forgot the story, but I remember it was good) avoid using 'tis or any words you are unsure of.
oh, i did not know that, i thought it meant "this". if you want to read the story again, then you can find a link to it on my profile (i will add two links of german short stories in that threat, just in case you can read german.)
(5 XP)
-(1 NP)
Then the eggs hatched, and the same dragons came out. The purple one charges towards you.
so i managed to kill the dragon mother? nice.
i try the same three plans again, hoping that i will kill the hatched dragons.
assuming that i have wings, i follow the dragon mother, fly above her by using my escapism form and spread surprise-bubbles around the place. some of these bubbles explode, others contain lightning/fire/ice shards/acid/contact poison/sonic screams and others are filled with combinations of two elements (fire and lightning, ice and poison, darkness and light, ice and lightning). i use my hands to create these bubbles so i can fill them with the elements by using my mouth.
just in case that plan fails or she blocks it or it will not kill her:
i use my tail like a musical instrument (i turned it into some kind of instrument to be exact) to spread a constant sound wave over the whole place. then i raise my arms above my head and create a gigantic blob of acid and poison (only the strongest and deadliest acids and poisons), then i let that blob fall towards the dragon mother. while the acid-poison-blob is on its way, i add thousands lightning storms to the blob without destroying it (or just towards the mother, letting the lightning fly around the blob, but only if that would destroy the blob).
another plan: i use sonic sound waves to confuse the dragon mother and, when she opens her mouth, i use my escapism form to get inside her body, traveling to her lungs/stomach/brain so i can wreak havoc from the inside of her body by unleashing a hell of an inferno and the wrath of heaven in form of a fierce thunder storm both at the same time.
but if that will not work, then i try something else:
i spread a net of sonic screams (by using my mouth) followed by these attacks (i create them with my arms/hands/feet/legs/tail) while i use my wings to fly above them (in fact, i am still above the dragons, i did not fly down when i attacked the mother):
lightning storms (fire-lightning, poison-lightning, darkness-lightning, ice-lightning, light-lightning, swords-lightning, sound-lightning); each storm followed by a different one, but so that they do not cancel eachother out.
tornadoes (fire-tornado, acid tornado, lightning-tornado, poison-tornado, ice-tornado, sword-tornado, stone-tornado, darkness-tornado); each tornado followed by a different one, but so that they do not cancel eachother out.
floods/tsunami (poison, acid, liquid nitrogen, magma, shadows/darkness, sound waves); each flood followed by a different one, but so that they do not cancel eachother out.
inferno (fire, lightning, light, darkness/shadows, magma); each inferno followed by a different one, but so that they do not cancel eachother out.
note: i do not use the above combos/catastrophes/attacks at the same time (or direct after each other either) to prevent that they cancel each other out.
another plan would be to try to attack the dragons with close-ranged attacks while i spread a constant net of sonic screams so i can slash at their vital points (or where i think their vital ponts are) with my sharp and deadly claws.
and last but not least:
if that fails too, then i run as fast as i can around the dragons by using my escapism form to create a vacuum to suffocate the dragons. if they try to come too near to me, then i spread a net made out ouf sonic screams and extremely sticky glue at them before i continue to suck the air away from them. if that does not work, then i just try to drown the dragons in sonic screams and extremely sticky acidic and poisonous glue.