Name: Daniel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Super Power: Invisibility
Level: 3
XP: 13/30
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 89/100
NP: 2/100
Machete, silenced pistol, assault rifle
Well maybe I can help Viet out a little bit. I take his ammunition, leaving him with one magazine for his pistol, and continue on my way (Invisibly).
Okay, but if he ends the invasion first, well, you'll get XP anyway.
You take his ammo, leaving the guard with one magazine. You continue your way.
It's a lobby. You're in the restricted area. There's a front desk and nothing else, really.
Oh, and you do find a silencer on the pistol. Maybe the guard was trying to stop the company itself. A spy, maybe.
Name: Lockus
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Super Power: Ion Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 6/35
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 79/100
NP: 4/100
Hulk; Level 4; Size Shift; HP: 120/120
I use my power to remove all the electrons from the golem's left leg so that it'll fall over with the other super powered person with it. I then use my new plasma ball to shoot bolts of electricity if I see the other super powered person getting up.
You remove the golem's leg, but it reformed quickly. That was useless.
The golem sent an earthquake of magnitude 15 throughout the town, causing the whole place to go down, some on you.
Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 5
XP: 10/40
HP: 140/150
Hunger: 98/100
NP: 0/100
Tom; Level 5; Metal Manipulation; HP: 115/115
Whale meat, Med-kits
tom uses the metal that is left of the rockets that i have shot to distract the golem while i charge a super concentrated laser to kill him with one shot at the head of the giant rock golem. and while i charge the laser i shoot more rockets to destroy any boulders that the rock golem might throw.
Tom uses the metal of the rockets and distract the golem, stopping it from smashing you. You charge a super concentrated laser and shoot it in the head.
(5 XP)
-(10 NP)
Okay, automatically, you are on your way to your next destination. The other post was so old, I forgot the other two portals.
Anyway, you get in there, and see kids. One comes up to you and asks:
"Who are you, mister?"
Tom quickly created a blade and pointed it at the kid.
Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 3
XP: 8/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 88/100
NP: 2/100
Cooked whale meat
I boost on its wings.
You boost to its wings and land on it. The pilot notices you come up and brought you in.
You're surrounded by guards armed with elemental rifles. This is bad.
Name: Desu Ka
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Super Power: Ice/Snow Manipulation
Level: 2
XP: 5/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 94/100
(I mean like.. You seem to like acid. )
I've never tried acid (drug). But whales. WHALES ARE EPIC.
I freeze the water around me ( supposing I'm on/in water) and pack the whale's mouth with snow and ice to cut and suffocate it.
I then take a look around me and try to figure out where am I.
You freeze the water around you, then shove ice and snow down the whale's throat, suffocating it.
(5 XP)
You're in a purple world, where it is VERY different from Earth (obviously), and the only escape is to grab a purple crystal fragment inside the only cave in this world, located on the only land in this world. Yeah.
Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 8/40
HP: 105/105
Hunger: 80/100
NP: 5/100
Earth Golem Form
Some food
Might as well do the same. I simply step on the ground and make a wave to even out the odds.
You send an earth wave that totally destroyed the tsunami.
(3 XP)
The man launched himself in the air, taking the attempt to lunge at you with water blades.
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting: Wolf, Raven, Knight Of Titanium
Level: 1
XP: 10/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100
Hard to say what powers they have, but I can use this crates to help me get to the entrance. I think to myself before hopping from crate stack to crate stack, being careful not to knock any of them over. If I manage to get to the entrance, I hop from the crate that i near it, change into my human form, (or my knight form if a guard is nearby), open the door and run. (if the entrance has a door)
Oh yeah, it's really unknown until you fight them. But none has telekinesis, seeing that they haven't detected you. That's one to rule out.
Okay. You hop onto crates to crates in your Raven form. Of course, with your weight, size and colour, they didn't notice a thing.
(5 XP)
There's a guard directly behind the door. I think they should be equipped with elemental rifles.
Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 5
XP: 29/40
HP: 105/105
Hunger: 58/100
NP: 2/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Level 5; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 95/95
I give the minions wings and they will fly in the air and then jump on the soldier then they will melt the gun if they can't they will shoot fire in the barrel while I go into the ship.
You give your minions wings and sent them out. They work their way through the water and melt one of their rifles.
(3 XP)
Then, your minions die, not from the rifles, but from two earth balls crushing them.
You see a man on air blades, floating around. He shoots an earth ball infused with air towards you.