Name: Daniel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Super Power: Invisibility
Level: 4
XP: 31/35
HP: 115/115
Hunger: 82/100
NP: 0/100
Machete, silenced pistol, assault rifle, USB Flash Drive
I pull out my assault rifle, and gun down the remaining guards. I knock out the VIP's, and tie them up. Then I dash off after the escaping VIP, get him, and bring him back to the rest. Then I put on a bodyguard's uniform.
You pull out your assault rifle and shoot everyone down. But one didn't die, but got knocked out.
(20 XP)
-(30 NP)
You come up to the VIPs and knock them out. Then chase after the escaping VIP.
But when you see him, you see guards aiming their rifles at you.
This man is the boss of the company itself.
Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 7
XP: 5/50
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 77/100
NP: 4/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 150/150
Whale meat, Med-kits
by the way, why is tom not the same level like me? i thought allies level up when we level up...
I guess I'll remove the level. It seems I forget to do everything that is required when leveling up.
i dodge the midget, grab him and ask him: "can i help you?" while i shift my skin into diamond in case he wants to attack me.
You dodge the midget and grab him. You shift your skin into diamond. But when you do, it disappeared. A giant cobra out of nowhere grabbed you and smashes you to the ground. Of course, nothing happened. But with the weight it puts, you can't get up. The cobra seems to be floating.
Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 16/35
HP: 85/95
Hunger: 81/100
NP: 4/100
Cooked whale meat
Well the thing that's probably going to kill me well its the last resort how this is a place with limited light i concentrate all the light in flammable objects so they burn and generate more light then i concentrate all that light on me creating a massive bomb capable of destroying a city then i let explode.
Like that?
When you did it, you burned everyone to death, even the warden. And now, a secret force wants you dead.
When the warden died, your eyes blink and you see that you're in a torturing chamber, with your hands tied, somehow.
secret force sent one soldier to kill you. For now.
Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 6
XP: 28/45
HP: 120/120
Hunger: 71/100
NP: 1/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 115/115
Some food
I make a sand storm to compete with the snowstorm and add an earth quake but not much magnitude to reach Amy.
You make a sandstorm to compete with the snowstorm, well, snowstorm singularity. Then, they disappear.
(3 XP)
Then, you make a weak earthquake to reach Amy. But what is the purpose to that?
The soldiers start coming in and started aiming their rifles at you.
Name: Lockus
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Super Power: Ion Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 0/40
HP: 115/115
Hunger: 72/100
NP: 4/100
Ion Form
Hulk; Size Shift; HP: 145/145
"Can you jump up there?"
"Yes, I can."
He became big again and jumped up. He crashes through the roof and sees the crystal. He grabs it and both of you gets teleported away.
(3 XP)
Level up!!!
You have gained a new form. Well, it just allows you to manipulate and damage stronger. And physical attacks won't work against you.
You're surrounded by soldiers with elemental rifles. Hulk is gone. He came back, but somewhere here. It's a gigantic laboratory.
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 2
XP: 3/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 88/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium
I change into my raven form and fly into a tree. Then I try to get it's attention. (I don't know if animal can talk to each-other in this game but if they can use I'll use this, "Hey you, Mr. or Mrs. Rat, i need you help, I'm not from this world and I'm trying to get back, but some spiders are blocking my way, can you help?" If not, well, I'll dive-bomb him (her) and have it chase me to the cave then I'll fly up and let it do it's thing.)
No animals here communicate. When the rat sees you, it tries to catch you. Spiders are the most delicious to them.
Okay, the rat sees the spiders and they fight. In the end, the rat wins. You sneak past.
(5 XP)
Level up!!
Well, just a reminder, no new forms until every 5 levels, or 3 levels, depending on how hard your stealth game-play is.
Well, you see more spiders. Those spiders can't be the only one, right?
Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 5
XP: 37/40
HP: 105/105
Hunger: 45/100
NP: 2/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Level 5; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 95/95
Shooting fire like a maniac?
(It's all I can do....)
Aah, well.
You shoot fire like a maniac, but the shield it generates nullifies all elemental damage. You'll have to get in and kill the commander.