ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: The Revenge Of Azure

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In the year of time and peace, everyone was living in harmony. In fact, the world became one, with no countries anywhere. Previously, there was a war. A war between Earth and another unknown planet named Jorge. The war lasted for a millennium but no sides won. The leader of Earth, Gerth, fought with passion. Jorge was losing but Gerth had a truce to stop all of this and convinced them that the war was useless.
Now, in 3050, the technology and development for both planets were growing at a fast pace. Both of them were living together, transporting equipment for one another and visitors traveling to each of them. But no one had super powers like before anymore.
And they had even mined asteroids for fuel and ships travel further and further away from the galaxy to search for more.
One day, a miner came across a floating purple crystal. He boosted towards it and took an inspecting machine and scanned it. The machine said it was unknown. The miner took his chances and took out his mining tool, a laser cutter and touched it with the cutter.
The purple crystal exploded and purple light incinerated the miner. The light was so intense, it reached throughout The Milky Way. Every living being was shrouded in the light. The light contained mutated cells that entered all sorts of people from politicians to madmen. Plus, the light is constantly dispersing, being it unable for any living being to be uninfected. The mutated cells also opened portals at random distances and places. Some appeared in oceans and on buildings taller than Burj Khalifa. The portals lead to dangerous dungeons but have the key core to making the mutated cells stronger, supporting both the human bodies and brain.
The purple crystal was made by the remains of Azure, a goddess. She was destroyed by Gerth himself, since he found that Azure was causing the war.
When the crystal exploded, a voice booms throughout The Milky Way.
Earth and Jorge were in ruins. The portals sucked in anything that surrounded them, especially the oceans. They were what made Jorge and Earth chaotic planets.
Luckily, you did not stand near those portals.
Enemies of all kinds, monsters and humans alike, target those with little power and you have to survive or even stop the light from dispersing through a secret way.

For TL;DR people:
A miner came across a purple crystal and tried to gather its resources but got killed. The crystal exploded and light dispersed throughout The Milky Way. The light mutated every living being to gain super powers. You have to survive or stop the light from dispersing using a secret way. Challenge comes your way.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (Whichever above 18)
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

BTW, please quote my previous reply so that I know what is going on, especially if you didn't reply a long time ago. I will also quote and if I don't, you have my apologies in advance.

When fighting, please state exactly what you are doing, not like simply attacking, but the way you attack.


  • 1,815 Replies
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 18/70
HP: 300/300
Hunger: 70/100
NP: 18/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

nice, but why is it shown as dollars?

Because in this universe, some things don't make sense!

of course! *asking everyone where that portal is*

Alright, you go to the portal.

You are set in..

World War 2!! Well, it's not the real deal, it's just a similar war, with two countries versus three countries.

I assure you, this is gonna be long. (I don't know everything about WW2)

Alright, a napalm bomb is dropping on you.

i shift into a fire golem (or a lava golem) and eat it!

if i can not do that, then i shift into the blob (the one that can diggest everything) and eat it (but only if it will not kill and/or hurt me).

if i can not do that either, then i shift into a shaolin monk and dodge it (but only if i can get the abilities of a shaolin monk by shifting into one).

if that will not work too, then i will wait before it hits me, only to use my energy form in the last second to absorb the fire/napalm. after i did that, i change back.

another plan would be to shift into extreme bouncy rubber to jump away while i boost myself with my rocket propulsions on my back between each jump.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 6
XP: 16/45
HP: 135/135
Hunger: 60/100
NP: 9/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I activate the shields and hope their strong enough to stop his attack.

2,300 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 9
XP: 8/60
HP: 175/175
Hunger: 63/100
NP: 14/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Jason; Water Manipulation; HP: 155/155

Sorry for being inactive >.<

I dodge it and run out of the factory in case it explodes I will make a few fire minion and run away while the minion runs to ignite the nuclear waste, we will also have an elemental shield around us Fire,Lightning and Water but fire and water are seperate

Dude, you've been inactive for too long that I forgot what happened. But luckily, you said 'factory'. Now, I remember, partly.

Alright. The nuclear waste exploded, just like you expected. The shields went down because of the explosions, but you're okay.

(3 XP)

The commander shot a ?light ray? at you. I forgot his powers, but that'll do for now.


Name: Argol
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Super Power: Necrotic Empowerment
Level: 2
XP: 5/25
HP: 75/75
Hunger: 91/100

I try to see if I can throw my scythe once more at this spider.

You throw it, but it dodges it, two times, because it saw what you did to the spider and learned from it.

The spider lunges at you.


Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 26/40
HP: 60/110
Hunger: 36/100
NP: 0/100
Light Form

Well i boost up, surround myself with light making a shield and boost to the air manipulator goomba stomping him.

Alright, he's dead.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)

You're now standing on a piece of floating debris. The crystal is located somewhere in this place (well, duh). You see two possible places with the crystal, a floating building, but with separated parts and a land, floating, but not broken.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 21/70
HP: 300/300
Hunger: 89/100
NP: 19/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

i shift into a fire golem (or a lava golem) and eat it!

if i can not do that, then i shift into the blob (the one that can diggest everything) and eat it (but only if it will not kill and/or hurt me).

if i can not do that either, then i shift into a shaolin monk and dodge it (but only if i can get the abilities of a shaolin monk by shifting into one).

if that will not work too, then i will wait before it hits me, only to use my energy form in the last second to absorb the fire/napalm. after i did that, i change back.

another plan would be to shift into extreme bouncy rubber to jump away while i boost myself with my rocket propulsions on my back between each jump.

Aah, the first plan worked.

(3 XP)
(20 Hunger)

And now, soldiers are running towards you with mutated arm-blades. And they are strong against all types of attacks. I said strong, not immune.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 6
XP: 21/45
HP: 135/135
Hunger: 59/100
NP: 0/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I activate the shields and hope their strong enough to stop his attack.

You enhanced your shields and the shot was deflected. Back to him.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)


And now, an infinite number of soldiers are appearing and attacking. No way you can defend yourself.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 6
XP: 21/45
HP: 135/135
Hunger: 59/100
NP: 0/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I set the robot engines to over drive and try to plow my way into the crystal room.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 9
XP: 8/60
HP: 175/175
Hunger: 63/100
NP: 14/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Jason; Water Manipulation; HP: 155/155

(I think his powers were rainbow or something...)

I dodge and we try to escape on foot.

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 21/70
HP: 300/300
Hunger: 89/100
NP: 19/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

Because in this universe, some things don't make sense!

makes sense to me.

Aah, the first plan worked.

(3 XP)
(20 Hunger)

And now, soldiers are running towards you with mutated arm-blades. And they are strong against all types of attacks. I said strong, not immune.

in that case: i shoot lava/fire balls at them while i breath dragon lightning too. not to forget the toxic gas that i emit while i fly upwards by using my wings. did i forget to say that i shifted into a mix of a fire/lava-golem-dragon who is also poisonous?
232 posts

Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 26/40
HP: 60/110
Hunger: 36/100
NP: 0/100
Light Form

I go to the land.

2,300 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 150/150
Hunger: 58/100
NP: 1/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I set the robot engines to over drive and try to plow my way into the crystal room.

You break through and notice a person hitchhike you as you grabbed the crystal. He's not a soldier, don't worry.

(24 XP)

Level up!!!

The person who hitchhiked you was a boy of seven. He has a power that supports other people's power. Whether it could be a pyromaniac or a water manipulator. He enhances or twists powers around, in a negative way or a positive way. And, he can go invisible. He doesn't attack, he supports.

He apologized and wanted to get out of the building longer than you would of imagined. He requests to be your ally.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 9
XP: 8/60
HP: 175/175
Hunger: 63/100
NP: 14/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Jason; Water Manipulation; HP: 155/155

(I think his powers were rainbow or something...)

I dodge and we try to escape on foot.

Rainbow? The rainbow commander was the previous one you killed. This one is different..

But now, it's a light commander.

You dodge and you try to escape, but the commander set up a light barrier, disallowing you from escaping.

The light commander charges a large light ray.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 41/70
HP: 250/300
Hunger: 88/100
NP: 0/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

in that case: i shoot lava/fire balls at them while i breath dragon lightning too. not to forget the toxic gas that i emit while i fly upwards by using my wings. did i forget to say that i shifted into a mix of a fire/lava-golem-dragon who is also poisonous?

Oh, no. You're gonna get weaker and weaker if you don't do anything.

Okay, lava slowed them down. But they still came. And slowly, their legs melted, then their heads.

(20 XP)
-(40 NP)

Alright, your Nightmare Points are gone, finally.

Then, a meteor crashed from behind you and you get flung off.

-(50 HP)

Then, another meteor came.


Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 26/40
HP: 60/110
Hunger: 35/100
NP: 1/100
Light Form

I go to the land.

Alright. You fly to the land. You see farms, actual people that don't hurt you, instead minding their own business and not giving a single sh*t about you. Really, they're not.

Okay, now, they give a sh*t about what happens next. A meteor. Meteor rainstorm, on you, on them, on this land. Don't worry, the possible crystal here will not be destroyed.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 41/70
HP: 250/300
Hunger: 88/100
NP: 0/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

Oh, no. You're gonna get weaker and weaker if you don't do anything.

Okay, lava slowed them down. But they still came. And slowly, their legs melted, then their heads.

(20 XP)
-(40 NP)

Alright, your Nightmare Points are gone, finally.

Then, a meteor crashed from behind you and you get flung off.

-(50 HP)

Then, another meteor came.

i shift my head into a drill, make my body slim, change into diafram-mode and drill through the meteor.

if i could get stuck, then i just eat it like the other one and spread lethal poison gas around the whole place while i prepare a paralyzing thunder/lightning-breath-attack. after the attack is ready, i unleash my wrath of thunder/lightning, poison and thousands of fire balls. i spread the attacks in all directions. time to end this war.

by the way, where is tom?
232 posts

Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 26/40
HP: 60/110
Hunger: 35/100
NP: 1/100
Light Form

I make a shield around the land by making light attraction spot around the land.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 150/150
Hunger: 58/100
NP: 1/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

"Sure, as long as you can keep up." I say to him.

2,300 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 44/70
HP: 250/300
Hunger: 87/100
NP: 1/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

i shift my head into a drill, make my body slim, change into diafram-mode and drill through the meteor.

if i could get stuck, then i just eat it like the other one and spread lethal poison gas around the whole place while i prepare a paralyzing thunder/lightning-breath-attack. after the attack is ready, i unleash my wrath of thunder/lightning, poison and thousands of fire balls. i spread the attacks in all directions. time to end this war.

by the way, where is tom?

He's on Earth, actually mind-controlled by three people that summoned a giant golem. Remember? Well, except the mind-controlled part. He was recently mind-controlled.

End this war? It's just starting!

Okay, you drill through the meteor and went out.

(3 XP)

The man who sent both the meteors appear in front of you and touched you. You were forcefully turned back to human form and teleported to a jail. A power-cancelling jail. Well, a pair of revolvers would work just fine here.

The man is known as..

Ghalaghor. The Hitler of this country. And, he doesn't have the same power as you do.

He slapped you across the face.

"Who are you?"


Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Light Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 26/40
HP: 60/110
Hunger: 34/100
NP: 2/100
Light Form

I make a shield around the land by making light attraction spot around the land.

A shield just to protect the land from the meteor rainstorm? That's insane. Even a level 10 earth manipulator can't make a shield to defend against the weight of the meteors.

Alright. While the meteor is going to strike, you see a moving ragdoll lunging at you.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 150/150
Hunger: 57/100
NP: 2/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

"Sure, as long as you can keep up." I say to him.

The boy nodded and joined you.

He disappeared. Maybe he went invisible.

Alright, you're free from the portal, finally. And, you see a girl, unconscious, being flung towards you.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 44/70
HP: 250/300
Hunger: 87/100
NP: 1/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

He's on Earth, actually mind-controlled by three people that summoned a giant golem. Remember? Well, except the mind-controlled part. He was recently mind-controlled.

i hope he is allright...

End this war? It's just starting!

Okay, you drill through the meteor and went out.

(3 XP)

The man who sent both the meteors appear in front of you and touched you. You were forcefully turned back to human form and teleported to a jail. A power-cancelling jail. Well, a pair of revolvers would work just fine here.

The man is known as..

Ghalaghor. The Hitler of this country. And, he doesn't have the same power as you do.

He slapped you across the face.

"Who are you?"

great, another fight against myself. remember the fight against my devil form?

anyway, i answer: &quoteople call me Ghalaghor. and that is the only name i can remember."
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 150/150
Hunger: 57/100
NP: 2/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I grab her, and set her down then I look to see who or what thrown her.

2,300 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 11
XP: 44/70
HP: 250/300
Hunger: 86/100
NP: 2/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 215/215

i hope he is allright...

He is. His HP is still full.

great, another fight against myself. remember the fight against my devil form?

anyway, i answer: &quoteople call me Ghalaghor. and that is the only name i can remember."

Devil form? I thought you were fighting Jick D*ckhead, who is a similar shape-shifter.

"Maybe I won't kill you, Ghalaghor. Maybe I'll fry you up, then eat you for breakfast. You ate my napalm bomb whole, then killed my soldiers. I think you deserve to-"

Tom appears behind Ghalaghor through a portal. He crashes into him and automatically went into a brawl.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 150/150
Hunger: 56/100
NP: 3/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I grab her, and set her down then I look to see who or what thrown her.

A man threw her, indirectly. He caused an explosion that sent her flying into you. The girl will be unconscious, forever. The man controls fire, not the usual fire. Black fire. He throws black fireballs at you and it sticks to you until it explodes. And he can detonate it anytime.

All these information was brought to you by Brandon.

You see a black fireball hurled at you.
Showing 841-855 of 1815