Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 9
XP: 8/60
HP: 175/175
Hunger: 62/100
NP: 13/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Jason; Water Manipulation; HP: 155/155
I'll need to catch up with Ghalagor, for now I haven't worked out a plan so maybe next post..
Jason will Moisten the ground and make it like quick sand while Jaysee keeps him occupied with fireballs, I create a lot of minions to distract him so he won't know we're creating quicksand, I will then infuse my fire bolts with Jaysee. After a while Jason will create water minions and it will kinda form a bubble around the commander while Jaysee electrocutes him.
Um, Jaysee doesn't shoot fireballs. She can use only lightning.
I can assume Jaysee uses lightning bolts.
The commander shot light rays at Jaysee's projectile with one arm while the other shot light balls that explode on his command, at your infused fire bolts. He's trapped, but he took care of your water minions.
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 7
XP: 20/50
HP: 135/150
Hunger: 31/100
NP: 18/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 140/140
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle
I change into my wolf form, (or whatever form works best) I try to get out from under the torrent of water.
You turn to your wolf form and the torrent of water missed you.
(3 XP)
Guardian brought up one of his markers and got pushed back. The water was turned into cursed water. Brandon put a rune on Guardian to make his markers fly faster.
The woman summoned water blades and swung them towards you.
Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 2
XP: 4/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 92/100
I conjure up a Halberd of shadows, and brace for impact.
Brace for impact? The whale could eat you up, chomp you to pieces. Unless you describe the halberd.
Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 13
XP: 21/80
HP: 350/350
Hunger: 62/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 245/245
oh, yeah...i remember that fight. well, i distract the golem with lasers, sonic sound waves and lightning while tom uses his metal form to destroy the rune on the head of the golem by using liquid metal and metal weapons.
Of course I won't make it that easy.
The golem's rune on the head was broken.
(3 XP)
But, it isn't defeated yet.
New runes were summoned, one at the left, one at the right. The golem split into two. Smaller, but faster. And now, shadow tendrils were formed from the golems.