ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: The Revenge Of Azure

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2,300 posts

In the year of time and peace, everyone was living in harmony. In fact, the world became one, with no countries anywhere. Previously, there was a war. A war between Earth and another unknown planet named Jorge. The war lasted for a millennium but no sides won. The leader of Earth, Gerth, fought with passion. Jorge was losing but Gerth had a truce to stop all of this and convinced them that the war was useless.
Now, in 3050, the technology and development for both planets were growing at a fast pace. Both of them were living together, transporting equipment for one another and visitors traveling to each of them. But no one had super powers like before anymore.
And they had even mined asteroids for fuel and ships travel further and further away from the galaxy to search for more.
One day, a miner came across a floating purple crystal. He boosted towards it and took an inspecting machine and scanned it. The machine said it was unknown. The miner took his chances and took out his mining tool, a laser cutter and touched it with the cutter.
The purple crystal exploded and purple light incinerated the miner. The light was so intense, it reached throughout The Milky Way. Every living being was shrouded in the light. The light contained mutated cells that entered all sorts of people from politicians to madmen. Plus, the light is constantly dispersing, being it unable for any living being to be uninfected. The mutated cells also opened portals at random distances and places. Some appeared in oceans and on buildings taller than Burj Khalifa. The portals lead to dangerous dungeons but have the key core to making the mutated cells stronger, supporting both the human bodies and brain.
The purple crystal was made by the remains of Azure, a goddess. She was destroyed by Gerth himself, since he found that Azure was causing the war.
When the crystal exploded, a voice booms throughout The Milky Way.
Earth and Jorge were in ruins. The portals sucked in anything that surrounded them, especially the oceans. They were what made Jorge and Earth chaotic planets.
Luckily, you did not stand near those portals.
Enemies of all kinds, monsters and humans alike, target those with little power and you have to survive or even stop the light from dispersing through a secret way.

For TL;DR people:
A miner came across a purple crystal and tried to gather its resources but got killed. The crystal exploded and light dispersed throughout The Milky Way. The light mutated every living being to gain super powers. You have to survive or stop the light from dispersing using a secret way. Challenge comes your way.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (Whichever above 18)
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

BTW, please quote my previous reply so that I know what is going on, especially if you didn't reply a long time ago. I will also quote and if I don't, you have my apologies in advance.

When fighting, please state exactly what you are doing, not like simply attacking, but the way you attack.


  • 1,815 Replies
107 posts

If I was not swallowed yet, I make the sands underneath the sea explode upwards, then I make it as a bridge to any land. If I was swallowed, I try to wrench the whale's mouth with Rock Arms. (My arms covered in stone or any earth material available.)

107 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 14/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

Okay, you get sucked into a portal. It was opened behind you.

You're falling and a whale below to eat you up.

If I was not swallowed yet, I make the sands underneath the sea explode upwards, then I make it as a bridge to any land. If I was swallowed, I try to wrench the whale's mouth with Rock Arms. (My arms covered in stone or any earth material available.)
6,257 posts

Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

Let's see..

The spikes were blocked. Hurray!

(3 XP)

But, both of them charged, with swords sharper than ever. They're earth, by the way.

If they are made out of earth, obviously metal would be stronger and cut through it, right?

I use my sword to fight them regularly, but when they are really up close, I grab them and I suck all the iron out of their blood.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 17/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 72/100
NP: 13/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

But, the creatures stretched their bodies to dodge everything.

They shot the same liquid at the same time, over the cube. You can't escape, can you?

1. i use dragon blizzard breath to freeze the liquid and these creatures, then i shoot laser bames at them to kill them while they are frozen.

2. if that will not work then i use a rain of billions of bomb-nails (these nails explode when they get stuck) to kill them while i use slicing air waves to push the liquid back, hoping that they stretch again their bodies so that more bomb-nails can get stuck. i do not continue shooting/spitting thses nails till they are dead.

3. if that will not work either then i shift into an ice-spirit and slip/fall through the cube to the next cube, levitating/hovering above the ground (if that counts as flying then i stay in the air by kicking on the air so i do not touch the ground; remember my changed leg muscles so i can jump on air? i use that if i can not use the floating/levitating abilities of a spirit).

as soon as i got to the next cube:

if i can float/levitate, then i use a mixed attack between a tornado, blizzard-breath, slicing air waves and air bullets (finger pistol from one piece

Tobu Shigan "Bachi" (é£ã¶æéãæ'¥ã Tobu Shigan "Bachi"?, literally meaning "Flying Finger Gun: 'Plectrum'&quot: Used by Lucci. A projectile version of Shigan that fires sharp compressed air bullets from the fingers, similar to "Rankyaku", and are therefore able to pierce Luffy's rubber body. Unlike all other versions, this type of Shigan is launched by flicking instead of jabbing.[24] Although in the anime, Lucci and Jabra demonstrated a variant that involves jabbing. In the Viz Manga, this is called Flying Finger Pistol Sting. )

if i can not float/levitate, then i use my leg muscles to jump on the air so i will not touch the ground of the cube (half-spirit-half-human, my legs keep me above the ground). i use then a mixed attack between a tornado, blizzard-breath, slicing air waves and air bullets.

4. tom attacks too, he tries to get some liquid metal into these creature so he can burst them from the inside by expanding/turning the liquid metal into sharp and pointy needle-balls (he does that if my attacks only distracted the enemies).

5. i use air waves to get the liquid away from me while i send dragon lightning towards these creatures.

6. the heads: dragon blade-air-breath, dragon lightning-breath and dragon ice-breath to create a giantic tornado to dodge the liquid and to kill these creatures.
4,710 posts

6. the heads: dragon blade-air-breath, dragon lightning-breath and dragon ice-breath to create a giantic tornado to dodge the liquid and to kill these creatures.

sorry for the double post, i meant three heads instead of the heads.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 28/60
HP: 55/185
Hunger: 0/100
NP: 2/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

Well, get us out of there, telaport rune, or something, anything, cause if I try to grab the body's the bombs will go off, so just get me, Brandon, Guardian, and the gal who controls water out of there.

117 posts

Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 6
XP: 19/45
HP: 100/130
Hunger: 48/100
NP: 16/100
Dark Melee

How do you disarm them? You can't magically disarm a person. You need to explain it.

The other man swung his ice sword down.

Ah *****s... Parry that sword too, and swirl his sword around until it comes out of his hand. The same for the other guy as well. Then stab them in the chest and and move my sword up, ****ing up their organs and lastly, their face.
2,300 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 17/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

If I was not swallowed yet, I make the sands underneath the sea explode upwards, then I make it as a bridge to any land. If I was swallowed, I try to wrench the whale's mouth with Rock Arms. (My arms covered in stone or any earth material available.)

Okay, that was cool.

The whale got stunned.

(3 XP)

You land on the bridge to land. The whale is slowly recovering.


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

If they are made out of earth, obviously metal would be stronger and cut through it, right?

I use my sword to fight them regularly, but when they are really up close, I grab them and I suck all the iron out of their blood.

You might be wrong. Their mastery of earth is slightly more than yours.

Yeah, you couldn't get near them. They kept their distance away, keeping their swords intact.

One threw a sword at you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 20/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 71/100
NP: 14/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

1. i use dragon blizzard breath to freeze the liquid and these creatures, then i shoot laser bames at them to kill them while they are frozen.

2. if that will not work then i use a rain of billions of bomb-nails (these nails explode when they get stuck) to kill them while i use slicing air waves to push the liquid back, hoping that they stretch again their bodies so that more bomb-nails can get stuck. i do not continue shooting/spitting thses nails till they are dead.

3. if that will not work either then i shift into an ice-spirit and slip/fall through the cube to the next cube, levitating/hovering above the ground (if that counts as flying then i stay in the air by kicking on the air so i do not touch the ground; remember my changed leg muscles so i can jump on air? i use that if i can not use the floating/levitating abilities of a spirit).

as soon as i got to the next cube:

if i can float/levitate, then i use a mixed attack between a tornado, blizzard-breath, slicing air waves and air bullets (finger pistol from one piece

Tobu Shigan "Bachi" (é£ã¶æéã�'�ã Tobu Shigan "Bachi"?, literally meaning "Flying Finger Gun: 'Plectrum'&quot: Used by Lucci. A projectile version of Shigan that fires sharp compressed air bullets from the fingers, similar to "Rankyaku", and are therefore able to pierce Luffy's rubber body. Unlike all other versions, this type of Shigan is launched by flicking instead of jabbing.[24] Although in the anime, Lucci and Jabra demonstrated a variant that involves jabbing. In the Viz Manga, this is called Flying Finger Pistol Sting. )

if i can not float/levitate, then i use my leg muscles to jump on the air so i will not touch the ground of the cube (half-spirit-half-human, my legs keep me above the ground). i use then a mixed attack between a tornado, blizzard-breath, slicing air waves and air bullets.

4. tom attacks too, he tries to get some liquid metal into these creature so he can burst them from the inside by expanding/turning the liquid metal into sharp and pointy needle-balls (he does that if my attacks only distracted the enemies).

5. i use air waves to get the liquid away from me while i send dragon lightning towards these creatures.

6. the heads: dragon blade-air-breath, dragon lightning-breath and dragon ice-breath to create a giantic tornado to dodge the liquid and to kill these creatures.

An ice spirit? You're a shape-shifter, not a soul changer.

Freezing doesn't do good. The liquid melts.

How do you shoot nails? Using what?

And you're stuck, you can't move. The liquid is still travelling though.

Okay, sending the liquid away with air works.

(3 XP)

The creatures are smart; they know how to dodge. And they can predict where your lightning breath will go. No use trying to shoot projectiles.

Tom's liquid metal got melted halfway, by the liquids the creatures shot.

You're still stuck.

Let me note their characteristics.

1) They are strecthy.

2) They know to how dodge.

3) They can shoot acid liquids.

That's all for now, though.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 28/60
HP: 45/185
Hunger: 0/100
NP: 3/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

Well, get us out of there, telaport rune, or something, anything, cause if I try to grab the body's the bombs will go off, so just get me, Brandon, Guardian, and the gal who controls water out of there.

The bodies are still in the air. Rapyion is not revealing the purple crystal yet. They are falling down. Teleporting runes are impossible. You have a flight rune, right? Use it.

The water lady is still fighting with the fire chief. It's a tie for now.
2,300 posts

Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 6
XP: 24/45
HP: 100/130
Hunger: 47/100
NP: 7/100
Dark Melee

Sorry, I forgot to refresh.

Ah *****s... Parry that sword too, and swirl his sword around until it comes out of his hand. The same for the other guy as well. Then stab them in the chest and and move my sword up, ****ing up their organs and lastly, their face.

One guy died, for sure.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)

The other guy adapted quickly and prevented you from swirling your sword.

The man threw his sword at you.
117 posts

Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 6
XP: 24/45
HP: 100/130
Hunger: 47/100
NP: 7/100
Dark Melee

The other guy adapted quickly and prevented you from swirling your sword.

The man threw his sword at you.

Roll away and chuck both of mine at him then conjure another two.
107 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 17/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

Okay, that was cool.

The whale got stunned.

(3 XP)

You land on the bridge to land. The whale is slowly recovering.

I start running towards the land that you mentioned, while running I try to get any shipwrecks/trash/metal or whatever to cover my skin and make a suit like Iron Man's. After that I raise the whale using sand and smash it. If the creation of the suit takes too much energy, I make a raised platform made of sand and stand there waiting for the whale.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 28/60
HP: 45/185
Hunger: 0/100
NP: 3/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I go help water lady, I change to my Titanium knight, (it is my strongest form right now, try to slash the chief to peaces.

6,257 posts

Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

You might be wrong. Their mastery of earth is slightly more than yours.

Yeah, you couldn't get near them. They kept their distance away, keeping their swords intact.

One threw a sword at you.

I dodge, and I bend my swords into a hook-like weapon and try to use it to sort of hook onto one of them.

Also, can you give me a description of how my enemies look? Specifics like build, clothes, race(not sure if they're human-looking or not), any other metallic substances on them, etc.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 20/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 71/100
NP: 14/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

An ice spirit? You're a shape-shifter, not a soul changer.

i hoped i could shift into undead creatures too.

Freezing doesn't do good. The liquid melts.

How do you shoot nails? Using what?

And you're stuck, you can't move. The liquid is still travelling though.

Okay, sending the liquid away with air works.

(3 XP)

The creatures are smart; they know how to dodge. And they can predict where your lightning breath will go. No use trying to shoot projectiles.

Tom's liquid metal got melted halfway, by the liquids the creatures shot.

You're still stuck.

Let me note their characteristics.

1) They are strecthy.

2) They know to how dodge.

3) They can shoot acid liquids.

That's all for now, though.

i could shoot the nails by using my powers, or how could i shoot rockets and bullets in earlier posts?

i grow four more arms so that i have totally six arms, then i use slicing air waves to attack them and to keep the liquid away from me.
as soon as they begin to stretch to dodge the air waves, i send piercing air bullets (finger pistol from one piece) and a rain of exploding nails (i create them by using my powers and by "eating" some of the inside of the cube; mouth-legs with spikes and drills so i can move my feet inside the cube).

not to forget that i grow two new heads so i can shoot more nails.
and laser beams, each of my heads has six laser shooting eyes.

if that does not work, then i use a sonic sound wave to try to paralyze them so i can kill them with my laser beams (three heads with six laser shooting eyes.

in both plans: tom distracts the enemies with metal weapons (blades, arrows, bullets, nails and spears) so i can hit/kill them with my attacks.
2,300 posts

Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 6
XP: 24/45
HP: 100/130
Hunger: 46/100
NP: 8/100
Dark Melee

Roll away and chuck both of mine at him then conjure another two.

He moved slightly to the side and grabbed the hilts of both the swords. He smiled at you as he also conjured two more ice swords, that are floating.


Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 17/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 95/100

I start running towards the land that you mentioned, while running I try to get any shipwrecks/trash/metal or whatever to cover my skin and make a suit like Iron Man's. After that I raise the whale using sand and smash it. If the creation of the suit takes too much energy, I make a raised platform made of sand and stand there waiting for the whale.

There aren't any shipwrecks or metal. Only sand and dirt.

You're gonna make an Iron Man suit out of sand, then?

Okay, hold on. The previous one attack you made, I permit. But now, you don't do it. You kill it in a simple way. Bringing up a whale can only be performed by a level 5 or 6. It's heavy and your mastery of earth isn't good enough.

So, you can't lift it up. And now, the whale opens its mouth, aiming at you. You see a little purple energy conjuring in there.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 28/60
HP: 35/185
Hunger: 0/100
NP: 4/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I go help water lady, I change to my Titanium knight, (it is my strongest form right now, try to slash the chief to peaces.

Alright. For your information, the bomb floor can explode the entire world. And you're in the radius.

Alright, one last chance, before I leave you to die.

You're very close to the bodies dropping to the floor. You can carry them because you have the flight rune and plus, you're in a titanium armor. I don't have to fill out the rest, do I?


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 95/100

I dodge, and I bend my swords into a hook-like weapon and try to use it to sort of hook onto one of them.

Also, can you give me a description of how my enemies look? Specifics like build, clothes, race(not sure if they're human-looking or not), any other metallic substances on them, etc.


Both men are twins, they have a medium-build, height about 6 feet, they are in casual clothing, T-shirt and pants, they're humans. They don't have anything metallic, though.

Alright, you made your sword into a hook. But when you do try to hook someone, they just move out of the way or parry.

They know what you can do to them.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 35/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 70/100
NP: 12/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

i hoped i could shift into undead creatures too.

I don't think so.

i could shoot the nails by using my powers, or how could i shoot rockets and bullets in earlier posts?

i grow four more arms so that i have totally six arms, then i use slicing air waves to attack them and to keep the liquid away from me.
as soon as they begin to stretch to dodge the air waves, i send piercing air bullets (finger pistol from one piece) and a rain of exploding nails (i create them by using my powers and by "eating" some of the inside of the cube; mouth-legs with spikes and drills so i can move my feet inside the cube).

not to forget that i grow two new heads so i can shoot more nails.
and laser beams, each of my heads has six laser shooting eyes.

if that does not work, then i use a sonic sound wave to try to paralyze them so i can kill them with my laser beams (three heads with six laser shooting eyes.

in both plans: tom distracts the enemies with metal weapons (blades, arrows, bullets, nails and spears) so i can hit/kill them with my attacks.

Rapyion works in mysterious ways.

Wow, that is a lot.

Okay, okay. You get the kill. I'm not gonna save the creatures anymore.

(15 XP)
-(3 NP)

Yeah.. You're still stuck..
Showing 1171-1185 of 1815