ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: The Revenge Of Azure

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2,300 posts

In the year of time and peace, everyone was living in harmony. In fact, the world became one, with no countries anywhere. Previously, there was a war. A war between Earth and another unknown planet named Jorge. The war lasted for a millennium but no sides won. The leader of Earth, Gerth, fought with passion. Jorge was losing but Gerth had a truce to stop all of this and convinced them that the war was useless.
Now, in 3050, the technology and development for both planets were growing at a fast pace. Both of them were living together, transporting equipment for one another and visitors traveling to each of them. But no one had super powers like before anymore.
And they had even mined asteroids for fuel and ships travel further and further away from the galaxy to search for more.
One day, a miner came across a floating purple crystal. He boosted towards it and took an inspecting machine and scanned it. The machine said it was unknown. The miner took his chances and took out his mining tool, a laser cutter and touched it with the cutter.
The purple crystal exploded and purple light incinerated the miner. The light was so intense, it reached throughout The Milky Way. Every living being was shrouded in the light. The light contained mutated cells that entered all sorts of people from politicians to madmen. Plus, the light is constantly dispersing, being it unable for any living being to be uninfected. The mutated cells also opened portals at random distances and places. Some appeared in oceans and on buildings taller than Burj Khalifa. The portals lead to dangerous dungeons but have the key core to making the mutated cells stronger, supporting both the human bodies and brain.
The purple crystal was made by the remains of Azure, a goddess. She was destroyed by Gerth himself, since he found that Azure was causing the war.
When the crystal exploded, a voice booms throughout The Milky Way.
Earth and Jorge were in ruins. The portals sucked in anything that surrounded them, especially the oceans. They were what made Jorge and Earth chaotic planets.
Luckily, you did not stand near those portals.
Enemies of all kinds, monsters and humans alike, target those with little power and you have to survive or even stop the light from dispersing through a secret way.

For TL;DR people:
A miner came across a purple crystal and tried to gather its resources but got killed. The crystal exploded and light dispersed throughout The Milky Way. The light mutated every living being to gain super powers. You have to survive or stop the light from dispersing using a secret way. Challenge comes your way.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (Whichever above 18)
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

BTW, please quote my previous reply so that I know what is going on, especially if you didn't reply a long time ago. I will also quote and if I don't, you have my apologies in advance.

When fighting, please state exactly what you are doing, not like simply attacking, but the way you attack.


  • 1,815 Replies
117 posts

Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 6
XP: 34/45
HP: 20/130
Hunger: 72/100
NP: 1/100
Dark Melee

You're near the crystal, but a dome covers it. It's quicksand.

Claw through the sand and when there's a small indent, Shadow travel through.
2,300 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 3/35
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 84/100
NP: 3/100

I encase his head in a stone box, then cover my arms with rocks. After that, I punch him in the gut, the crotch and the chest.


(3 XP)

But, even after punching, it didn't feel hurt. His crotch might be broken, but it could still move.

His arms are wide open, ready to grab you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 60/100
NP: 21/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

*looks at hunger points* i use my energy form to shoot homming laser beams at him. tom destroys his turrets and traps with metal weapons and by jamming them with metal dust.

The lasers were immediately wiped out by the defense they had. A wall. A sturdy wall, that one is.

The turrets moved all around the place, dodging the metal dust and weapons.

You see a large pack of dust forming just outside the wall.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 32/100
NP: 5/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

An X-scissor, not good. I flame thrower the ice swords.

Okay. The woman moves back and forms an ice wall with spikes and pushes it towards you. Your allies are watching you.


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 2
XP: 5/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 84/100

Hmm... okay then.

When I'm on the ground, I quickly jump into some plants and bushes so the gorilla doesn't see me. I slowly move to it's right side.

I then leap out and with my claws, I do a hooking motion to scratch out it's eyes from it's face, with one hand in front of me to block it's instinctual strike when I hurt it.

The gorilla's blinded.

(3 XP)

And its flailing of arms sent you a few feet across. it started smashing the ground and part of it flew at you.


Name: HornyVonHornMeister
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Super Power: Umbrakinesis
Level: 7
XP: 0/50
HP: 145/145
Hunger: 71/100
NP: 2/100
Dark Melee

Claw through the sand and when there's a small indent, Shadow travel through.


(All XP)

Level up!!

You were teleported back to the normal world. You see a purple crystal, a gigantic one, flying towards you. You can't absorb its powers.
107 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 3/35
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 84/100
NP: 3/100


(3 XP)

But, even after punching, it didn't feel hurt. His crotch might be broken, but it could still move.

His arms are wide open, ready to grab you.

I make the stones and rocks on my arms encase his arms then make him hit the ground, I bash his head a couple of times then summon a rock spire to rise from under his torso.
6,257 posts

Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 2
XP: 5/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 84/100

The gorilla's blinded.

(3 XP)

And its flailing of arms sent you a few feet across. it started smashing the ground and part of it flew at you.

I put my fist out and repel my hooks, launching it out like a cannon to destroy the piece of earth coming towards me and then piercing the gorilla's heart. And since it can't see, it won't be able to dodge it or grab it.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 32/100
NP: 5/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I make a fire wall and move it toward the icy spiked wall. "A little help would be nice guys."

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 60/100
NP: 21/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

The lasers were immediately wiped out by the defense they had. A wall. A sturdy wall, that one is.

The turrets moved all around the place, dodging the metal dust and weapons.

You see a large pack of dust forming just outside the wall.

tom uses his metal form and his powers to manipulate the wall and the turrets so the wall tears open and the turrets fire at the enemy.
if the dust is metallic, then tom uses that too to kill him.

if he can not do that, then tom uses his powers to destroy the turrets and the wall by tearing them apart into tiny bits (he should be able to manipulate other metal too, right?).

as soon as the wall is down, i shift into a rubber golem and move my legs in a pumping motion so that my blood pumps very fast through my body (robust, bouncy and hard rubber; basically, i do the same as ruffy when he uses gear 2) so i can increase my speed and strength, then i jump on the air towards the enemy and throw very fast punches so it looks like he gets hit by bullets (my fists are spears made out of diamond).
i use this strategy only when tom could not kill our enemy.
2,300 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 6/35
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 83/100
NP: 4/100

I make the stones and rocks on my arms encase his arms then make him hit the ground, I bash his head a couple of times then summon a rock spire to rise from under his torso.


(3 XP)

But he's not dead. He's punched the spire away and shrugged off the encasing you put him in. You see his chest bleeding. He's definitely taking damage, but not a lot.

This kind of creatures are corrupted, caused by Ghalaghor (AyJay, or the Elephant Armartar guy). There was a golem that just grew thousands of tentacles from its back and kept on growing throughout Earth. He didn't stop it in time. Now, the tentacles lay there, stagnant but spreading corruption. It's small, though.

These creatures are tougher than normal and they don't deplete your NP. You only get XP.

The human exploded corruption darkness from itself. It's not dead, though. If you touch the explosion, you die.


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 83/100

I put my fist out and repel my hooks, launching it out like a cannon to destroy the piece of earth coming towards me and then piercing the gorilla's heart. And since it can't see, it won't be able to dodge it or grab it.

Ooh.. It's dead.

(5 XP)

Alright. You see a cave, but it's guarded by two spiders. I don't remember telling you this, but do you know there's a crystal in the cave that helps you escape?


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 31/100
NP: 6/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I make a fire wall and move it toward the icy spiked wall. "A little help would be nice guys."

Command your allies. You know what Guardian does, right? You know some of Brandon's runes, right? That's what Ghalaghor (Ayjay or the Elephant Armartar guy) always does.

They both melt into water.

The woman shot frost from her hands. A blizzard, more like.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 59/100
NP: 22/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

tom uses his metal form and his powers to manipulate the wall and the turrets so the wall tears open and the turrets fire at the enemy.
if the dust is metallic, then tom uses that too to kill him.

if he can not do that, then tom uses his powers to destroy the turrets and the wall by tearing them apart into tiny bits (he should be able to manipulate other metal too, right?).

as soon as the wall is down, i shift into a rubber golem and move my legs in a pumping motion so that my blood pumps very fast through my body (robust, bouncy and hard rubber; basically, i do the same as ruffy when he uses gear 2) so i can increase my speed and strength, then i jump on the air towards the enemy and throw very fast punches so it looks like he gets hit by bullets (my fists are spears made out of diamond).
i use this strategy only when tom could not kill our enemy.

The wall isn't made of metal. It's made from the owner's skin. It's tough.

Well, the wall ain't down yet. Now what?
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 59/100
NP: 22/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

The wall isn't made of metal. It's made from the owner's skin. It's tough.

Well, the wall ain't down yet. Now what?

if the wall is made out of skin, then there is blood inside it.
did you know that there is iron in blood?
tom should be able to manipulate that to destroy the wall (if that does not work, then he manipulates the turrets and traps to destroy the wall).
i need only a small hole, big enough to get throug it, to get to the guy so i can punch him.
i am still a rubber-golem and i will use the strategy in my last post as soon as tom made an opening in that wall.

is that wall around the guy like a sphere? if not, then i will just jump behind him to punch him while tom distracts him with his own weapons (i have enchanted speed and strength as long my blood pumps faster through my rubber-body).
6,257 posts

Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 83/100

Ooh.. It's dead.

(5 XP)

Alright. You see a cave, but it's guarded by two spiders. I don't remember telling you this, but do you know there's a crystal in the cave that helps you escape?

However, what am I escaping from? Why would I need a crystal in a cave to escape if I'm not trapped, or at least I'm not aware that I'm trapped or something. I mean, I'm outside right now, aren't I?

Well, doesn't matter.

I look around the two spiders to see if there are any others, then I slowly creep up on one and then use my hook to stab it in it's abdomen/stomach.

If I miss, I then launch my hooks like a cannon to try and hit them again.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 31/100
NP: 6/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I'm getting confused here, who melted into water?

2,300 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 58/100
NP: 23/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

if the wall is made out of skin, then there is blood inside it.
did you know that there is iron in blood?
tom should be able to manipulate that to destroy the wall (if that does not work, then he manipulates the turrets and traps to destroy the wall).
i need only a small hole, big enough to get throug it, to get to the guy so i can punch him.
i am still a rubber-golem and i will use the strategy in my last post as soon as tom made an opening in that wall.

is that wall around the guy like a sphere? if not, then i will just jump behind him to punch him while tom distracts him with his own weapons (i have enchanted speed and strength as long my blood pumps faster through my rubber-body).

It's just made from skin. No blood in there. Every weapon in there is skin. The owner shed his skin to make this. He's already recovered from it.

And, it's a dome.

So, there's no way to making a hole, unless...


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 82/100

However, what am I escaping from? Why would I need a crystal in a cave to escape if I'm not trapped, or at least I'm not aware that I'm trapped or something. I mean, I'm outside right now, aren't I?

Well, doesn't matter.

I look around the two spiders to see if there are any others, then I slowly creep up on one and then use my hook to stab it in it's abdomen/stomach.

If I miss, I then launch my hooks like a cannon to try and hit them again.

Aah, well. That's what everyone thinks. That this island is a trap.

You fell through a portal, remember? Or did you?

Aah, the spiders dodge and dodge, not willing to get stabbed by your hook.

One spit acid at you.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 30/100
NP: 7/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I'm getting confused here, who melted into water?

Oh, the walls you and her sent.

And now, the blizzard. What will you do?
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 9
XP: 39/60
HP: 5/185
Hunger: 30/100
NP: 7/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium, Fire Wolf
Brandon; Rune Support; HP: N/A
Guardian; Marker Manipulation; HP: 175/175
Inventory: Stun rod, electric rifle

I try to make a fire storm, "Brandon, a low level power rune please, Guardian I need something to disable her attacks."

4 posts

Always keep your system in a location where air circulate around it, and never cover the fan ports.

RS Gold
WOW Gold

107 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 4
XP: 6/35
HP: 95/95
Hunger: 83/100
NP: 4/100

Curse you, Ghalagor!

I create thick walls of earth while running away. Then, I make them go towards the man, if the walls get destroyed I make the walls shoot out arms and fists towards him.

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 365/365
Hunger: 58/100
NP: 23/100
Energy, Anti-Matter
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 260/260

It's just made from skin. No blood in there. Every weapon in there is skin. The owner shed his skin to make this. He's already recovered from it.

And, it's a dome.

So, there's no way to making a hole, unless...

...tom uses sharp and pointy metal weapons like drills, spears, swords, arrows and blades, centered at one point to create a hole big enough so i can get through it. i use my rubber-arm-spear-fist-strategy as soon as i got through that hole (more details in the two older posts from me).

if that does not work or if he regrows the skin, then i will just burn it with some magma (magma shooting dragon-mouth-tail) so i can get through the dome. then it is an attack-mix between dragon magma breath, dragon lightning breath, acid and laser beams (i shifted into a dragon with three heads and jump around to spread these attacks, aiming for the enemy).
Showing 1246-1260 of 1815