you heard it, a forum game about sad moments, each person's goal is to out-sad the previous person, but don't make it too much sadder or else it won't be able to continue and we'll have to start over, i'll start.
that sad moment you realize that there's only three more sets of armatars
that sad moment when there is only 53 days, 23 hours and 16 minutes left till Xmas but the end is 49 days , 24 hours and 15 minutes to come. (since just over november 1st, the great passing of the Sandy-mon) will be on armorgames (plus lots of other assortment of interesting websites) till the end (as so they say)
that sad moment when you come to the realization that not only will you never have christmas again, but you'll never see the christmas story again *weeps*
That sad moment when I found out the forum I put on this very website had vanished from the face of the earth. (okay it's not that sad, but what if the next day my pet hamster was eaten by my cat which died of food poisoning the next day?)