ForumsWEPRThe Global Warming Hoax

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Is Global Warming real?

I've recently read a book (State of Fear, Michael Chrichton) which changed my mind greatly about Global Warming. The book goes on about how false everything the media says about global warming truly is. It presents hundreds of sources from a whole lot of sources (NASA, being the prevalent one)

Basically, major points that are not true about Global Warming:

-Polar Ice caps are actually freezing up. There is one tiny piece of Antarctica that is melting, and the general mass is not aware of this. The ice in Greenland and Antarctica can expand up to 11km daily.
-CO2 has risen by quite a step in the last 150 years. But, it does not in any way correlate with the warming of the Earth. From the 1940-1970's, CO2 has risen a lot, but during these 30 years the earth got colder.
-Urban Heat Island effect. Major cities like New York City are rising in temperature due to concrete and asphalt everywhere. In nearby cities in the same state(Albany in this case), the temperature decreased. New York city, from 1822-1993 the temperature has risen by 4,2 degrees Fahrenheit
Albany which is not far from NYC, 1820-2000, temperature decreases from 49.5 - 47.5 degrees fahrenheit.

And Albany is not an anomaly. Many other cities(around the world)are the same. McGill, NV, temperature falls. Guthrie, OK, temperature falls. Oswego, NY, temperature also falls. So basically, the only places where temperatures have risen in the last two hundred years is where major cities are at.


  • 24 Replies
1,094 posts

Oh my, forgot to put sources.

For the statistics of temperatures of city's just go to

Heat Island Effect

Source 1 Source 2(Wikipedia, deal with it)

Polar Ice Caps melting

Source, will include more if I find
5,851 posts

also to add to the lies, the chart they will show you saying that the temperatures are going up so much, they're real charts, they just blow them up and make it look like it's going really far up when in reality it hasn't even gone up 2 degrees (Fahrenheit) in the last 50 years, in fact i don't think that it even went up 1 degree in the last 50 or more (don't remember) years.

people say there's global warming, then some place will go and get a record low temperature, it's kinda funny really.

5,552 posts

1) Global Warming is an outdated term. A more accurate term is Climate Change.

2) There is documented data and research that the climate is changing.

3) It is up for speculation on how much influence our actions have over this change.

9,439 posts

State of Fear, Michael Chrichton

Ah, I read that a few years ago. Usually he used pseudo-facts to enforce a point (like a character saying something in a way that the reader assumes it's true), and there was some of that, but this time he had many real sources, which was impressive.

Anyway, we only have about 130 years of recorded temperature data to work with, and some of that might not be accurate. Any assumption of the cause this early is still just an assumption. Corelation=/=causation.
8,256 posts

-Polar Ice caps are actually freezing up. There is one tiny piece of Antarctica that is melting, and the general mass is not aware of this. The ice in Greenland and Antarctica can expand up to 11km daily.

This is fallacious as Antarctica isn't exactly the best example for the effect of climate change. Usually, it is not the Antarctic we talk about, but the Arctic, which has been declining:

"Sea ice near the Antarctic Peninsula, south of the tip of South America, has recently experienced a significant decline. The rest of Antarctica has experienced a small increase in Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctica and the Arctic are reacting differently to climate change partly because of geographical differences. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by water, while the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land. Wind and ocean currents around Antarctica isolate the continent from global weather patterns, keeping it cold. In contrast, the Arctic Ocean is intimately linked with the climate systems around it, making it more sensitive to changes in climate."


-CO2 has risen by quite a step in the last 150 years. But, it does not in any way correlate with the warming of the Earth. From the 1940-1970's, CO2 has risen a lot, but during these 30 years the earth got colder.

CO2 isn't necessarily the most important agent causing warming of the atmosphere, but it is correlated to temperature nonetheless. Probably not significant in small timelapses, as it might need some time to react (causing the apparent dissimilarity); but this is what we see in bigger timelapses:

-Urban Heat Island effect. Major cities like New York City are rising in temperature due to concrete and asphalt everywhere. In nearby cities in the same state(Albany in this case), the temperature decreased. New York city, from 1822-1993 the temperature has risen by 4,2 degrees Fahrenheit
Albany which is not far from NYC, 1820-2000, temperature decreases from 49.5 - 47.5 degrees fahrenheit.

Climate change doesn't meant hat it gets hotter everywhere; this is a fallacious statement usually proclamied only by the opponents of climate change. It's very possible that it gets cooler locally, and I'm not surprised that cities, which have a huge ecological impact, influence local climate that way.

also to add to the lies, the chart they will show you saying that the temperatures are going up so much, they're real charts, they just blow them up and make it look like it's going really far up when in reality it hasn't even gone up 2 degrees (Fahrenheit) in the last 50 years, in fact i don't think that it even went up 1 degree in the last 50 or more (don't remember) years.

Earth does get warmer, maybe not by one degree in the last 50 years, but behold the evidence from the NASA Earth Observatory:

"According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASAâs Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and shown in this series of maps, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8°Celsius (1.4°Fahrenheit) since 1880. Two-thirds of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20°C per decade."

people say there's global warming, then some place will go and get a record low temperature, it's kinda funny really.

Again - regional records, cold or hot, are part of climate change, because climate change means climate deregulation, and the effects aren't the same everywhere; but globally, over time, earth is heating up and it is perfectly natural as we are getting out of a glacial period. Humans are merely speeding the process up a little, nothing more.

In conclusion: climate change is a reality, live with it.
5,129 posts

It presents hundreds of sources from a whole lot of sources (NASA, being the prevalent one)

if it has nasa as source of that, then the whole thing is a lie.

nasa has a site especialy made for this topic. and everything on it tells you that climate change is real.

if nasa is the source, then you can always track it down. everything nasa say's can be found on their site.

so clonclusion: you have been brainwashed by some guy that was desperate to find proof for his lies.
and putting the name nasa there is his biggest fault.
why should i trust anything this guy say's?

come live in my country for 10 year and you will see climate change is very real whit your own eye's.
5,129 posts

For the statistics of temperatures of city's just go to

can't access website.
definitely not the real deal.
4,170 posts

yeah it is totally a joke

Why are you so quick to debunk it without any evidence?

Personally, I think it's a bit too early to decide if the earth is warming up. We only have 100 or so years of recorded temperatures, which isn't much to go by. A good number would be, like, 5k years.
5,129 posts

We only have 100 or so years of recorded temperatures, which isn't much to go by. A good number would be, like, 5k years.

we have records for a bit more then 220 year.

and the biggest changes has happend in the last 60 year.

if your still doubting, then i suggest you to read over the website that i linked.
give it a hour and you will have no doubt anymore.
769 posts

Why are you so quick to debunk it without any evidence?

because all of the footage of the bears and the ice floating away was fake and they do not have any facts to hold it up
9,439 posts

can't access website.
definitely not the real deal.

I think he meant
3,087 posts

Climate change is natural, whether or not we speed up the process is up for debate.

Also remember, solar activity is peaking the end of this year, which, if the solar flares hit us, might end up wiping out all electronics.

(popular science had an article on it a while back, and another source does some more explaining)

~~~Darth Caedus

9,439 posts

might end up wiping out all electronics.
If one directly hits us and is big enough to do that, electronics would be the least of our worries.
8,256 posts

Personally, I think it's a bit too early to decide if the earth is warming up. We only have 100 or so years of recorded temperatures, which isn't much to go by. A good number would be, like, 5k years.

You should read my posts and go to the links. Here is the one that might address your issue directly:
NASA Earth Observatory

We can definitely say that the earth is warming up. I also saw plots of tree distribution maps that correlate with warming, and when plotted for different future scenarios using current changes, that warming trend keeps up.
5,129 posts

funny that people keep saying it's not real.
is it really that hard to go to a link that is given and spend just 1 hour to discover that it is real. and that they have been preaching nothing more then lies..

I think he meant

that link also has info that it is real...
and climate change is a world wide thing not exclusive for city's
using information about the city's is only a small piece of the complete puzzle.

better go to and find the complete puzzle. it makes much more sense then only 1 little piece.
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