ForumsForum GamesOne Chance (Zombies)

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Hi! As you may know, I love making zombie RPG's. I also like to add a large amount of realism into them as well. A very large amount. So, with that said, here is your character sheet.

Right Hand:
Left Hand:

That is all you are allowed to know. More may be added to the sheet later, but this is your character sheet. Looks short, but I have a much bigger character sheet that I have to maintain throughout your gameplay that you won't be able to see, like this. These are random stats by the way:

Name: Trey
Age: 26
Clothing: White tank top w/ loose blue jeans & sandals
Items: Tennis racket, zagnut, Cantene (Full)
Right Hand: Tennis racket
Left hand: Nothing
Weather: Clear skies
Tempurature: 112°
Population Infected: 94.7%
Infection Chance By:
-Drinking Water: 98.2%
-Eating Fruits: 46.7% (Like from trees)
-Eating Canned Foods & Fruits: 0.2%
-Coming in Contact of the Undead: 64.9% (This means by making skin contact in any way)
Body Tempurature: Extremely High
Hunger: Starving (Obviously you need energy to survive in a world like this)
Thirst: Parched (You MUST have access to water to survive, clean or not)
Rest: Exhausted (You can only scavenge for so long...)
Infection: 89.2% (Once this hits 100%, your doomed.)
Sanity: 2.1% - Insane

As you can see, this character is near death. With the right equipment, he could be healthy again, but he hasn't been very productive.

This is important though. You know how you read the part where I said only I have access to view the large character sheet, and you can only see the very short one? Well, in the description that I post for you, you will have a lot of hints about what your character is feeling, how he/she is feeling, and so on.

So, there are some stories for you to choose from to start your journey. There are only two players allowed in thsi RPG. If one player dies, another gets to take his spot and start a new character. If you wanted to play but someone got here first, you can ask me to let you play after someone has died by posting on my profile.

Here are the stories: (And by the way, the "zombie apocalypse" has been underway for two years now.

1) You have been living in a community full of strong willed survivors for a year and four months in a city called Merryville. There are wide varieties of age and ethnicity in Merryville, but about a month ago, people have started to turn Merryville from Democracy, into a Dictatorship. A man named Saul has decided to kick children, the elderly, and sick people out of Merryville, or use them as bait. He believes that the only way to survive is to have young or middle-aged, strong adults as the only people to inhabit Merryville to ensure its survival. This is just an idea, but you've gained information that Saul is going to begin the erradication of all of the "burdens" in Merryville in two days -- a Tuesday. This is where you come in. You can either band together with the rebels to overthrow Saul's plan to extinguish the "burdens" of Merryville, or you can join Saul in his campaign against a supposedly weak future for the society. Tread lightly though. This is REALISM. Too many ignorant moves you make will result in your swift death.

2) (Only choose this one if you are good at playing RPG's)You have been surviving with a small group of friends for four months now, and things have been going good. You have all gained enough expirience in scavanging and scouting that none of you are a weak link. The four of you have been through thick and thin, and have survived without trying to cut eachothers throats in the process. In other words, your group is very tight, and almost nothing will separate the bonds that you all have created throughout the apocalypse. However, there are problems now. The shack you have all been living in is now running extremely low on supplies. Also, the city you have been returning to from time to time to scavenge food and other needed supplies is nearly dry of recources for you to live off of. Its time to relocate, and find a new city to search and collect. How will you go about surviving?

3) You have been surviving alone for three and a half months now, and you've been doing fine. You have enough recources to last two days, and enough ammunition in your Glock 17 to kill maybe 17 zombies, if your lucky. Nothing is going wrong right now, expect the fact that you have been alone for far too long. No human contact in three months can be devastating on someone in the middle of an apocalypse. Is anyone even alive anymore? Your sanity will be hard to maintain in this specific story line. Your characters thoughts will run rampid if this continues for much longer. Find something to ease the lonliness, and you'll do just fine.

  • 101 Replies
180 posts

Age: 21
Clothing: blue jeans, logo T, Light jacket
Right Hand: Glock 17(17/17)
Left Hand:

I choose story 3, add whatever else I get and lets get rolling.

2,316 posts

Name:John Hampton
Clothing:Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike's shoes
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

I'll give this a shot. I'll stay out of the RPG once I die though. (Which I, no doubtedly will.) I'll take the first story.

1,676 posts

Alright guys, thank you for joining I'm busy often, so I will update mainly during the afternoons and most likely once a day unless I find free time! I will update everything in about two hours, thanks again!

1,676 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:
Body Tempurature: Average
Hunger: 82%
Thirst: 89%
Rest: 100%
Infection: 0.5%
Sanity: 95%
Honor: 5%
Shelter: House in Merryville
Health: 94%
Food: 64 cans of food (27 consumed daily)
Water: 108 bottles of water (32 consumed daily)
Items: Clothing, silverware, lots of furniture, decorations, etc.
Other House Inhabitants: Young Woman, Old Couple

(I'm giving you a look at your complete character sheet only this one time so you get a better feel of the game, but you still can't see the stats of the weather, time, tempurature, and so on without proper equipment like a watch or any other gadget//Only copy and paste the name, age, clothing, items, and right and left hand) Almost every single detail you see that you shouldn't be seeing is just to help be know exactly what your situation is and where you are at and what relationships you have with other characters and how cities are and stuff like that, just to keep me on track in case I forget. Anyways...

You wake up to the sound of a ringing bell, and quiet feet hustling outside of your designated room inside of a two-story house that belonged to a recently deceased survivor. You have this room to yourself, and there are two other bedrooms in this house, occupied by a young woman in her twenties, and the other room occupied by an old, whithering couple.

As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you hear the old couple bickering back and forth about who is going to do what, but then all gets settled down and quiet after a while. After listening silently to that sherade, you get up, and slip into your dark clothes. The house feels very nice -- you notice the air conditioning isn't on, or the heater, but it still feels temperate. That makes you assume that the tempurature outside must be very nice as well.

What do you want to do?
Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0) ((17 indicates the bullets in the current magazine, the 0 indicates additional ammunition)
Left hand:
Body Tempurature: Average
Hunger: 32%
Thirst: 23%
Rest: 26%
Infection: 12%
Sanity: 45%
Honor: 0%
Shelter: Small Shack near Major City
Health: 45%
Food: 1 canned food
Water: 2 bottles of water; one canteen (empty)
Items: Hunting Knife
>>>Other Details

1,676 posts

Update to John Hampton's Sheet:

Shelter: House in Merryville
Population: 56 survivors
Health: 94%
Food: 64 cans of food (27 consumed daily)
Water: 108 bottles of water (32 consumed daily)
Items: Clothing, silverware, lots of furniture, decorations, etc.
Other House Inhabitants: Young Woman, Old Couple

The bold line indicated the only change in the sheet for you.

1,676 posts

Sorry Ninjanick, I had a whole two paragraphs typed out for you, but it got deleted somehow. Just my luck. >_<

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0) ((17 indicates the bullets in the current magazine, the 0 indicates additional ammunition)
Left hand:
Body Tempurature: Average
Hunger: 32%
Thirst: 23%
Rest: 26%
Infection: 12%
Sanity: 45%
Honor: 0%
Shelter: Small Shack near Major City (Hurtsburg)
Health: 45%
Food: 1 canned food
Water: 2 bottles of water; one canteen (empty)
Items: Hunting Knife
>>>Other Details

1,676 posts

I HATE INTERNET EXPLORER. For some reason Ninjanick, it doesn't show the rest of the text after the Other Details part. Stupid Forums. I'm giving this one more try, I'm sick of retyping this. >>>>___Other Details
-Hurtsburg's Recources-
Food: Average
Water: Plentiful
Weapons: Plentiful

You wake up to the sound of chirping birds, and a faint ringing of bells in Hurtsburg, the major city that you live near. The sounds force you to get out of bed and slip into your clothes after lazily flopping around in bed for a while. It feels really nice today, inside the shack at least. Hopefully, it feels like this outside as well. You take a look around your beat-up shack, and you find the shelves that are hanging on the wall across from your bed. What you see isn't pleasant. You only find a hunting knife, two bottles of water, and only one can of beans sitting on top of it. Right beside your bed, is a tipped over canteen, empty of course.

What will you do?

180 posts

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0) ((17 indicates the bullets in the current magazine, the 0 indicates additional ammunition)
Left hand:
Body Tempurature: Average
Hunger: 32%
Thirst: 23%
Rest: 26%
Infection: 12%
Sanity: 45%
Honor: 0%
Shelter: Small Shack near Major City (Hurtsburg)
Health: 45%
Food: 1 canned food
Water: 2 bottles of water; one canteen (empty)
Items: Hunting Knife
take a look outside
(I understand the ammo system and also sorry that IE is stupid)

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

This scenario reminds me of the fourth episode of the Walking Dead game. Did you take inspiration from this?

I'll head out to our little safe haven's armory, see if I can't swipe a pistol and a few clips. (Preferably with the consent of the guys in charge of the armory)

1,676 posts

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0)
Left hand:

You exit the shack. The weather feels very nice. Just down the hill where your small shack lies, you can see Hurtsburg, or "no man's land". Everyone is scared to enter a city like this with such a terrible reputation implanted by the zombies that reside in it, but you've been in and out enough to where you are nearly an expert at scavenging items from the "dangerous" city. To you, its pretty much a walk in the park -- except that you tend to crouch-walk everywhere to stay hidden. You've had some close calls, some closer than others, but you've managed for... how long has it been? You can't even recall anymore. You are deprived of human contact. Deep down inside, you feel like you aren't even human, yet you have the complexity of one, and the thinking process of one as well. Aren't you just an animal, like all others? Killing to survive? Hunting to feed? Who is the prey? Zombies? Survivors? You?

Stop. You are thinking to hard, and for much too long. You can tell that your sanity is getting lost in a sea of despair and loneliness, but now isn't the time to think like that. No, now is the time to get food and water. Maybe the hunting knife, if you find an animal to kill and collect from.

After that moment of thought, you start to sight-see. Behind your dainty shack is a large forest, sprinkled with several types of trees, such as Oak, Evergreen, and Pine. There are very few bushes that contain fruit, but they haven't been growing properly. It hasn't rained in forever, and maybe the virus affects fruits. Makes sense, right? There you go again. Focus on details about your location, okay? To the left is a massive hill, with trees sprinkled atop it as well, and to your right is a long stretch of road with trees on both sides, blocking your view from reaching any further. Straight ahead, is the largest city you have ever seen, which is Hurtsburg. Miles and miles of city to explore, which makes you believe that you should be able to survive from collecting supplies from it until you die, or maybe that's just the insane Otto thinking for you.

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

This scenario reminds me of the fourth episode of the Walking Dead game. Did you take inspiration from this?

Yes, but I didn't want it to be closely related to it. I wanted more than just two stories though, and this is actually a really good idea that they had.

I'll head out to our little safe haven's armory, see if I can't swipe a pistol and a few clips. (Preferably with the consent of the guys in charge of the armory)

You exit the building, and turn towards the Armory, which is about twenty meters away. The perimeter of Merryville stretches 56 meters wide. A lot of people in Merryville are unhappy with the amount of space that it has to offer. Maybe that is why Saul wants to eliminate the majority of people. Sick of their complaining? No, you know Saul somewhat. He's the kind of person who doesn't act off of anger and annoyance. Maybe he just wants to create some sort of super colony, capable of surviving off of the land and creating such a reputation that spreads across the area, or the country, or the world. Is he looking to be a role model? An inspiration for young, healthy survivors? That's enough thinking for now, you've reached the Armory. There are two guards standing beside one make-shift metal door. It looks like someone just stuck a piece of clunky metal in between a tight space and called it a door. Its really just a bunch of scrap thrown together. Sheet metal, mostly. Only half of the "door" truly opens. Now that you think of it, Saul can be pretty half-witted at times. Anyone can pretty much break in at any time and steal weapons if they really wanted to.

One of the guards acknowledges you, and asks you a question.
"Looking for something?" His voice is very scratchy, as if he yells 24/7. Who knows, he may have been any type of military if so, he definitely looks like it. He is 6'3", and wears steel-toed boots, camouflaged pants, a bullet proof jacket, and a tank top under that. His bare arms are showing, and they are large. The other guard is much scrawnier than the guard that spoke to you, but he is still holding a deadly Mp 5 sub-machine gun. The suspicious looking giant in front of you speaking is carrying a weird type of Light Machine Gun. It looks like it was built using spare parts from other guns... you aren't sure of what it is called. Does it even work? Maybe its just to intimidate. Anyways, you should probably respond.
180 posts

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Items: Hunting knife, water bottle
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0)
Left hand:
I grab the hunting knife and the water bottle from the shack before setting out for the city

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

Indeed. Too bad we couldn't have seen their Spartan-like society at work.

"Yeah, I was hoping to nab a pistol and three clips. I don't want to take too much but I also want to protect myself."

1,676 posts

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Items: Hunting knife, water bottle
Right Hand: Glock 17 (17/0)
Left hand:

I grab the hunting knife and the water bottle from the shack before setting out for the city

You take the items. You exit the shack, leaving behind the canteen and the lonely can of food. You take another look at the city, to decide where to approach from this time. Lets see... you glance at the left portion of the city. There is a giant mass of houses that you haven't searched much of, and then some larger apartment buildings across the street from them. The middle portion of the city that is visible contains a grocery store, a few more houses, and what seems to be some sort of hardware store, and a vehicle repair shop next to that. In the distance, you can see the tip of the church's roof that you have visited a couple of times to scout around, but you can never see anything other than roof tops from that view; streets seem non-existent in a city like this with so many buildings. The city's buildings and streets are a little too far away to determine whether or not you can spot any zombies or not. After investigating that portion, you move or your eyes to the right portion of the city. You can see a schoolhouse, some sort of candy store, an "adult only" store, and a giant mall behind those buildings. Between all of those that you could identify, you see a large statue standing in the middle of a fountain. The golden plaque that lies on the pedestal for the humanoid statue reflects some of the sunlight and shines almost directly at your eyes. Is it trying to tell you something? Maybe the statue just wants to chat.

Okay, your really starting to lose your mind.
Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

"Yeah, I was hoping to nab a pistol and three clips. I don't want to take too much but I also want to protect myself."

"Listen here, I'm sick of everyone wanting a piece of our weaponry for themselves. Maybe when Saul makes up his mind about the burde...." he stops himself from finishing his sentence, then the other, scrawny guard steps in to finish his sentence. "What my friend here means is that we can't spare any ammunition or weapons for you people until Tuesday. You will see why my friend, but just be patient and everything will become clear and much, much safer for most of us." The scrawny guard then steps back into his place and resumes his tough-guy stance while looking past you like he was just talking to air. The giant guard does the same, after feeling humiliated that he almost foiled Saul's plans. Now you know that whoever gave you the information that Saul wanted to eradicate what he calls the "burdens", is true... for the most part. Everything is adding up correctly so far. The old couple in your designated home were fussing about something... could they know this as well? They could have been arguing about whether or not they should leave or stay, or maybe they were just bickering like two old people would normally do.
180 posts

Name: Otto
Age: 21
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Logo T, Light Jacket
Items: Hunting knife, water bottle
Right Hand: Knife
Left hand:Glock 17 (17/0
I go to the homes that I haven't searched much. I want to look for canned food, water, guns, ammo, and also books, magazines, and old newspapers. I keep my knife handy, just in case

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

I head back to my place, look around for some sort of weapon. (Let's hope I've got trench-pockets like Lee.)

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