ForumsForum GamesOne Chance (Zombies)

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Hi! As you may know, I love making zombie RPG's. I also like to add a large amount of realism into them as well. A very large amount. So, with that said, here is your character sheet.

Right Hand:
Left Hand:

That is all you are allowed to know. More may be added to the sheet later, but this is your character sheet. Looks short, but I have a much bigger character sheet that I have to maintain throughout your gameplay that you won't be able to see, like this. These are random stats by the way:

Name: Trey
Age: 26
Clothing: White tank top w/ loose blue jeans & sandals
Items: Tennis racket, zagnut, Cantene (Full)
Right Hand: Tennis racket
Left hand: Nothing
Weather: Clear skies
Tempurature: 112°
Population Infected: 94.7%
Infection Chance By:
-Drinking Water: 98.2%
-Eating Fruits: 46.7% (Like from trees)
-Eating Canned Foods & Fruits: 0.2%
-Coming in Contact of the Undead: 64.9% (This means by making skin contact in any way)
Body Tempurature: Extremely High
Hunger: Starving (Obviously you need energy to survive in a world like this)
Thirst: Parched (You MUST have access to water to survive, clean or not)
Rest: Exhausted (You can only scavenge for so long...)
Infection: 89.2% (Once this hits 100%, your doomed.)
Sanity: 2.1% - Insane

As you can see, this character is near death. With the right equipment, he could be healthy again, but he hasn't been very productive.

This is important though. You know how you read the part where I said only I have access to view the large character sheet, and you can only see the very short one? Well, in the description that I post for you, you will have a lot of hints about what your character is feeling, how he/she is feeling, and so on.

So, there are some stories for you to choose from to start your journey. There are only two players allowed in thsi RPG. If one player dies, another gets to take his spot and start a new character. If you wanted to play but someone got here first, you can ask me to let you play after someone has died by posting on my profile.

Here are the stories: (And by the way, the "zombie apocalypse" has been underway for two years now.

1) You have been living in a community full of strong willed survivors for a year and four months in a city called Merryville. There are wide varieties of age and ethnicity in Merryville, but about a month ago, people have started to turn Merryville from Democracy, into a Dictatorship. A man named Saul has decided to kick children, the elderly, and sick people out of Merryville, or use them as bait. He believes that the only way to survive is to have young or middle-aged, strong adults as the only people to inhabit Merryville to ensure its survival. This is just an idea, but you've gained information that Saul is going to begin the erradication of all of the "burdens" in Merryville in two days -- a Tuesday. This is where you come in. You can either band together with the rebels to overthrow Saul's plan to extinguish the "burdens" of Merryville, or you can join Saul in his campaign against a supposedly weak future for the society. Tread lightly though. This is REALISM. Too many ignorant moves you make will result in your swift death.

2) (Only choose this one if you are good at playing RPG's)You have been surviving with a small group of friends for four months now, and things have been going good. You have all gained enough expirience in scavanging and scouting that none of you are a weak link. The four of you have been through thick and thin, and have survived without trying to cut eachothers throats in the process. In other words, your group is very tight, and almost nothing will separate the bonds that you all have created throughout the apocalypse. However, there are problems now. The shack you have all been living in is now running extremely low on supplies. Also, the city you have been returning to from time to time to scavenge food and other needed supplies is nearly dry of recources for you to live off of. Its time to relocate, and find a new city to search and collect. How will you go about surviving?

3) You have been surviving alone for three and a half months now, and you've been doing fine. You have enough recources to last two days, and enough ammunition in your Glock 17 to kill maybe 17 zombies, if your lucky. Nothing is going wrong right now, expect the fact that you have been alone for far too long. No human contact in three months can be devastating on someone in the middle of an apocalypse. Is anyone even alive anymore? Your sanity will be hard to maintain in this specific story line. Your characters thoughts will run rampid if this continues for much longer. Find something to ease the lonliness, and you'll do just fine.

  • 101 Replies
177 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: Black Leather Jacket , White Undershirt, Boots, Jeans, Sunglasses, Bandana, Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss Army Knife(in a boot) , Golden Watch
Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Flashlight,1 Canned Food, 1 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll, Hammer
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

"Yeah, sure. I'l go with Henry. After exactly 15 minutes we will meet back here. If we don't find you or if you don't find me, search for us."

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

I slowly walk to the dead corpse. I make a cross sign, not neccasarily Catholic, just Christian in general. "Ruhe in Frieden, komerad."

1,676 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: Black Leather Jacket , White Undershirt, Boots, Jeans, Sunglasses, Bandana, Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss Army Knife(in a boot) , Golden Watch
Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Flashlight,1 Canned Food, 1 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll, Hammer
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

"Yeah, sure. I'll go with Henry. After exactly 15 minutes we will meet back here. If we don't find you or if you don't find me, search for us."

Liz and Samuel begin walking upstairs, while you and Henry follow closely behind. Then, you and Henry arrive at the second floor, and the other two continue to ascend. Henry glances back at you, and then moves forward, cautiously advancing as he opens every door on the left side, as you branch off and check the right side doors.

"Found a few bottles of painkillers." Henry says. "'Bout three and a half." His voice echoes through the corridor.

You acknowledge, but continue to search the right side rooms. You walk into the first one, smelling a terrible stench coming from everywhere within the room. Blood is covering a patients bed, and there is a corpse lying on the floor beside it. There is a medical table knocked over, with syringes and empty bottles lying just beside that. You check the entire room, but find nothing. Then, you exit that one, and you see Henry silently stepping into the third room on the left side. You then advance to the second room. You see the same sights, except there is no corpse in this room -- just blood, the horrible stench, and a knocked over medical table. After searching the closets and drawers, nothing came of it except hospital patient clothing. You exit the second room, and Henry is just exiting his third room. He has two more rooms to search, you have three. You advance to your next room, and so does Henry. So far, you haven't heard any gunshots or yelling of any sort, so you assume everything is going according to plan. The only sounds being made is the wind outside, and your footsteps along with the faint echoing of Henry's. After searching the third room, you find nothing. You then search the fourth, and the fifth, still to find nothing. Henry found medical patient clothing and medical masks.

"You think we should wear these, just in case?" he asks.

Suddenly, you hear a gunshot for a split second, then the breaking of glass right beside you and Henry. You both quickly dive for cover in the room closest to you both. Henry shuts the door, leaving you both inside with a terrible odor and the feeling of shock.

"Did someone just shoot at us?" he asks frantically with his eyes wider than ever.
Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

I slowly walk to the dead corpse. I make a cross sign, not necessarily Catholic, just Christian in general. "Ruhe in Frieden, komerad."

You then look to Saul, and see that he is looking at you. he then turns his body and walks slowly back behind his desk. Saul retrieves his chair, then slowly sits down in it, positioning himself comfortably in the chair. He takes a few moments to speak, but eventually, it comes.

"Are we clear?" he asks.

Some of the men nod, while others look at him with disgust. You can see it in their eyes. They clearly don't want anything to do with this man. Saul gives them all a look of disgust as well. Then, he speaks again, as if he made up his mind about something.

"Anyone who wishes to have no part in this campaign of mine, please exit the room silently, and wait by the guards outside of the door; the key is on my desk here. Everyone who wishes to remain loyal to me and my ideas, stay."

Some of the men hesitate to move, then they make their decision clear. One of the men approach the desk, and grab the key from Saul's desk. Then, he and three others approach the door, unlock it, and exit.

"Does anyone else wish to leave?" he asks, patiently.
177 posts

Clothing: Black Leather Jacket , White Undershirt, Boots, Jeans, Sunglasses, Bandana, Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss Army Knife(in a boot) , Golden Watch
Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Flashlight,1 Canned Food, 1 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll, Hammer
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

"Okay, there's some weirdo outta here man."- I whisper, and then look around the room for something useful.

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

Derp, I keep on thinking I've posted. Sorry for keeping you bored like this Veks. You know what? I'm gonna call you Vick, just for the **** of it.

I GTFO. I don't wait with the gaurds though, I return home. There's risk that Saul thinks we know too much. When I get home, I look for Sarah.

1,676 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: black leather jacket with a white shirt under, boots, jeans, sunglasses, bandana. Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss army knife( in a boot) , golden watch.
(Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Hammer, Flashlight, 1 Canned Food, 2 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll)
Right Hand: Fire Axe
Left Hand:

"Okay, there's some weirdo outta here man."- I whisper, and then look around the room for something useful.

Henry looks confused after you speak.

You look around the room, looking for something useful with your eyes. You find a surgical table, knocked over of course. Also, you see some clothes hanging in the medical closet, and a medical bed in the center of the room. There is nothing else in the room, other than scattered paper.
Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

Derp, I keep on thinking I've posted. Sorry for keeping you bored like this Veks. You know what? I'm gonna call you Vick, just for the **** of it.

That sounds like a girly nickname. I prefer something a little less femenine.

I GTFO. I don't wait with the gaurds though, I return home. There's risk that Saul thinks we know too much. When I get home, I look for Sarah.

You leave the room, satisfied with your choice. The two remaining in the room give you a look of dishonor as you leave. In their eyes, you just committed a major crime. After you exit, one of the guards peek into the room, and Saul gives him a nod. The guard then shuts the door, then steps away from the door. You begin to move towards the staircase to descend to the first floor, but a guard tries to speak to you.

"Hey, where are you going? Saul ordered you to wait by us." he says.

What will you do?

(This situation is very deadly, even if it doesn't seem like it is. Just giving you a fair warning.)
2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

How about Micheal Vick?

"My room-mate thinks we're getting to the downed aircraft. I'm going back to tell her that Saul is going to post-pone it for a few days, but we still have to mull over a few details. She's really worried. I'll be back when I let her know I'll be safe for tonight."

177 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: black leather jacket with a white shirt under, boots, jeans, sunglasses, bandana. Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss army knife( in a boot) , golden watch.
(Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Hammer, Flashlight, 1 Canned Food, 2 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll)
Right Hand: Fire Axe
Left Hand:

"Okay Henry, it's time to get outta here...

I look at the surgical table. These things are made in fine steel.


I kick down the door. And charge down the hallway on my surgical table vehicle. God, I am crazy.

( This ain't a joke. My character used his tolls to bend the upper end of the table, and thus make a shield. Then he stretched on the thing and charged at the shooting guy. Henry is following on foot. )

1,676 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

How about Micheal Vick?

Veksing sounds good to me. xD

"My room-mate thinks we're getting to the downed aircraft. I'm going back to tell her that Saul is going to post-pone it for a few days, but we still have to mull over a few details. She's really worried. I'll be back when I let her know I'll be safe for tonight."

The guard raises his M16, and aims it at you. "We can't let you out of here." the guard says. "You still have our weapons. Come up here and hand the weapons and equipment over, then you can leave."

The guard next to him is quietly talking into his radio; it's too hard to understand what he might be saying. Then, a voice comes back over his radio, and it seems like an angry voice at that.
Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: black leather jacket with a white shirt under, boots, jeans, sunglasses, bandana. Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss army knife( in a boot) , golden watch.
(Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Hammer, Flashlight, 1 Canned Food, 2 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll)
Right Hand: Fire Axe
Left Hand:

Actually, maybe I should have mentioned this, but whoever shot at you was outside the hospital. The bullet came from outside, and shattered the window beside you and Henry, causing you both to dive to safety.

That plan wasn't safe anyways. Lol
Assarb1, there is a two player limit. You can wait till one of the players die though if you'd like. I only choose to handle two at a time because if there were more, I would get burnt out and I wouldn't update at all after a few days, and the game would die. It's happened before. >_< Low amount of players keeps happiness high
2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Items: 4 Flares, M9 Pistol & Holster, 2 M9 Mags, 2 STANAG Mags
Right Hand: M1A4 w/ Shoulder Strap
Left hand: [Occupied]

The fort, from what I can understand, is too small to be on the run from the gaurds.

It is my great displeasure that I hand over the guns and equipment to the gaurd. I quickly walk out of there and make a run for the apartment.

1,676 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

You slowly walk up the staircase, and hand over your weapons one by one. The other men have already turned their weapons in. The guard that took your weapons carefully places them in a wooden crate off to the side. After handing the guard your weapons, you try to walk out of the building quickly. Half-way down the staircase, the guard yells at you again.

"Hey! Stop trying to leave!" he says.

Both of the guards train both of their guns on you, and you stop at the bottom of the staircase.

"Move another inch, and you're dead." the guard threatens.

The second guard lowers his gun to pull out his radio, and speaks into it.

"He's trying to leave again."

Then, a voice comes through the radio.
"Let him leave, he's only postponing our progress. Kill them all. I'll track him down myself."

And with that, the guards obey their orders. They turn away from you, and aim their guns at the four men that are still standing outside of the door, near the crate of guns.

"I knew it!" says one of the men. He reaches for the weapons inside the box, but the guards react quickly. Within only a few seconds, 15 rounds have been fired, and four men have been killed.

You do not hesitate. You quickly escape from the building, and end up outside of the front doors. You have very little time to think about what to do next.

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

I'll run away. If they start shooting I'll move cover to cover. If they don't, I make a run for the apartment.

177 posts

Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: black leather jacket with a white shirt under, boots, jeans, sunglasses, bandana. Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss army knife( in a boot) , golden watch.
(Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Hammer, Flashlight, 1 Canned Food, 2 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll)
Right Hand: Fire Axe
Left Hand:

( What's the point of life, if you don't ride down a clustered hallway on your surgeon table right onto zombies and a man going to shot you? )

"Okay Herry, follow me."

I grab the surgeon table, turn it, and move it sideways, hoping it shields me from bullets. We're going upstairs. To meet the others.

1,676 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

I'll run away. If they start shooting I'll move cover to cover. If they don't, I make a run for the apartment.

You take a turn towards your home, and run. You spot two guards at the armory, watching you, but they don't move a muscle. They just watch.

People are looking at you strangely as you run down the road to your house. Some of them get in your way, only to get pushed aside or knocked down. You couldn't help it... your life is in danger. Along the way, you find more guards patrolling the streets. They stop and look at you, but do nothing.

You finally reach your house, and enter, slamming the door behind you.

(You're feeling slightly hungry and thirsty.)
Name: Jericho Williams
Age: 26
Clothing: black leather jacket with a white shirt under, boots, jeans, sunglasses, bandana. Fingerless gloves.
Items: Swiss army knife( in a boot) , golden watch.
(Small Backpack: Wrench, Screw Driver, Hammer, Flashlight, 1 Canned Food, 2 Bottled Water, Sleep Roll)
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

(You're feeling slightly hungry and thirsty.)

I grab the surgeon table, turn it, and move it sideways, hoping it shields me from bullets. We're going upstairs. To meet the others.

You drop your Fire Axe, and acquire the table. After setting it up to be used as a shield, you allow Henry to exit the room first, then you quickly jump in front to block him from danger. You both back up towards the staircase as the table acts as a shield. It's not thick, so its not guaranteed to work. Then, another round gets shot. It hits the side of the surgical table, very close to where your hand is. Another one is fired, hitting the bottom mid-portion of the table.

"That's gotta be a sniper rifle." Henry panics.

Then, a third gunshot is heard as Henry begins stepping up the staircase. The bullet whizzes right past your left ear.

"He's a terrible shot!"

You begin to step up onto the staircase as a fourth bullet is fired. Another glass shatters somewhere. You and Henry finally make it onto the top floor, and you drop the surgical table. You and Henry are forced to crawl so that the 'sniper' doesn't get a good sight on you.

"He must be on a hill or something. There's no way he can be at street level and be shooting through the windows like that." Henry says, crawling forward with you behind.

Then, a fifth gunshot sounds. More breaking glass. Then...

2,316 posts

Name: John Hampton
Age: 18
Clothing: Black hoodie, black jeans, black Nike shoes
Right Hand:
Left hand:

I'll get a drink but the hunger will have to wait. After a cup of water, I'll look around for a kitchen knife or something. Then, I look around for Sarah.

Showing 76-90 of 101