So i was thinking of making such game... Here are the rules :
Im gonna make few problems( I think that was the word?), and you guys have to solve them. Who ever solves it first , will earn 1 point. Winner is the one with most points after 20 posts. I'll make a new one, when the current is answered.
If i cant think of a problem, someone else will make one, But he will lose the right to earn a point for this round.
Here is the first one:
In an cannibal village everyone were living fine. Eating humans, having parties.. One day there was no food. All the villages around were empty. After few days the king said :
I'll put a red sign on the heads on half of you, and blue on the other half.You can't see yours, but you can see it on the others. You are not allowed to say to anyone what is their sign. If you do, we will eat you! Tomorrow everyone will will be put in line in front of me. If you think you have a red sign, go to the right, If you think you have blue, go to the left. If you are in the wrong group, we will eat you!
The next day the king is surprised, No one gets eaten.. HOW???
P.S. Mirror is something unknown, and no one has it. And water is too dirty to reflect light. They use stones, not iron, don't think too much, its easy.
I'm going to assume the key word phrase here is that they cannot say anything to the other person. So with that in mind, my answer is that they came up with some simple system of body movement to tell the others what their sign was (putting right hand up for red, left for blue...for example)
OR! They simply took their signs off and looked at 'em themselves...
#1 They venture out into the wild and find some flowers.They create dye out of the exact same flowers and put some on everyone's head so everyone has the same color.
#2 They simply go into the groups and correct themselves by using hand gestures just as pangtongshu said.
#3 They all eat each other before the grouping cn commence due to starvation.
Couldn't they count the number of reds and blue's they see on other people's heads, and then know which one they were based on that? Since half of them had red and half blue .. That would mean if for instance out of 10 people, 5 had red and 5 had blue, and a person looked at the other people's signs, and saw that there were 5 blues and 4 reds, that would mean they're a red one as well. That's gotta be it, right?