ForumsForum GamesExperimental Evolution

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n the distant future men has found a way to travel to planets outside of the Milky Way. The planets they have found have been put into one of three groups. Group one is full of barren planets that have been cultivated so that the humans can live on them. Groups two and three have planets that have life of them. The difference is that the planets in group two are used as a breading grounds for a company's experimental animals and group three's are where people are allowed to hunt dangerous aliens.

In this game you own a company that breads experiments on one of four planets. You will spend most of the game playing as your current experiment. Your goal is to survive as long as possible without getting to the point where you could find and kill the humans that made you. If you get to that point the microchip that is in your body, and all of the bodies of your kind, will kill all of you. If this happens then as the company that you still play you can make a new experiment.

Company Namethe name of your company)
Company Ownerthe name of the person who owns the company)
Planet Namethe name of the planet your company owns, no one can own the same planet)
Experiment Numbera number code of the animal you are playing)
Animal Namethe name of the animal you are playing)
Food GroupHerbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore)
Descriptiondescribe the animal you are playing)
Evolutions:none(what has been added on since the first two)
Environmentwhat sort of environment dose the animal live in)
Food Source:none
Water Source:none

  • 87 Replies
4,584 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Population: 2
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: None

You and your mate wake up in a savannah. If you look to the west you will see a jungle in the distance. To the north you can just make out the shape of mountains. To the south and east all you can see is the savannah stretching out endlessly. The wind blows from the south and if you were to face it you can just pick up a hint of salt. What do you do with this information?

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Evolutions:none(what has been added on since the first two)
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

You get back to your mate and find that she has gathered some grentual fruit and put it onto a rock shelf that made a good place to store things.

4,584 posts

These are my four players:

If mechninja doesn't answer by my first post tomorrow someone can replace him. I say this cause he hasn't posted for about three days and didn't tell me that he was going to be busy.

2,025 posts

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Evolutions:none(what has been added on since the first two)
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

We celebrate the day's successes together.

958 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: None

First I will get to a relatively high point (Like a hill or large rock), and look around the savannahs surrounding us for a source of fresh water.

4,584 posts

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Species survival:1 day
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

You two celebrate until the sun goes down almost ten hours later. It seams as if the days here are almost twice as long as the ones on Earth but you don't know that since you have never been to Earth. It gets dark and you go to sleep. You wake up the next morning to find that your mate has started to grow fruit. She tells you that each fruit holds a seed that will sprout into a seedling Bardish Bark. The problem is that over the next two months she won't be able to move from the spot where her roots have dug in to gather the extra nutrients she will need. If all of the fruit survive the two months there will be 20 seedlings but that is very unlikely due to all of the herbivores on this planet that will mistake her for a tree full of fruit.

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species survival:0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: None

You find a large rock that points to the south. You get up on it and it reveals that there are two rivers to the south. One comes from the west and the other one comes from the east. The rivers merge towards the edge of your sight range. From there you can only assume that it leads to the sea that you can smell on the wind.

2,025 posts

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Species survival:1 day
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

I look around at the stones and I try to make some form of fortification around my mate to protect her from herbovores.

665 posts

Company Name: fire masters
Company Owner: fire star
Planet Name:hichine
Experiment Number 3247658
Animal Name fortrezard
Food Group: Carnivore
Description:a fusion between a clam and a dragon it has wings an orange dragon head an orange dragon tail with fire on the end two dragon legs and a silver shell with little pin shooters
Environment:forest near a river
Food Source:none
Water Source:river

sorry if i shouldent have filled in the water but they live near a river

4,584 posts

These are my four players:

Kipdon is the next one that I am kicking out of the game if he doesn't post something by tomorrow.

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Species survival:1 day
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

It takes about half of the day to build a fortification out of rocks and twigs. It will keep all herbivores that can't fly or find a way to climb it away.

Company Name: fire masters
Company Owner: fire star
Planet Name:hichine
Experiment Number 3247658
Animal Name fortrezard
Food Group: Carnivore
Description:a fusion between a clam and a dragon it has wings an orange dragon head an orange dragon tail with fire on the end two dragon legs and a silver shell with little pin shooters
Species survival:0 days
Environment:forest near a river
Food Source:none
Water Source:river

OOC:It's okay cause I would had put the river as your water source once you woke up and saw it along with the rest of your environment.

IC:You and your mate wake up to a forest. The trees block your view of a river but you can hear it and smell it. Finding food and shelter might not be so easy.

958 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-Bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species Survival: 0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: None

I will take my BFFFF and he towards the rive that seems to be coming from the east, and then, after a small break, I will follow it to the possible sea or ocean to the south, constantly looking for any signs of animal life that could provide food.

4,584 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-Bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species Survival: 0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: two rivers that merge and lead to the sea

You and your mate go to the rivers and take a break. On the way you see many different antelope that you can try to hunt or you can continue to head to the ocean and try to catch some fish. The fish in the rivers are too small to be worth trying to catch.

2,025 posts

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Species survival:1 day
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

I then go to forage for food.

958 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-Bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species Survival: 0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: None
Food Source: None
Water Source: Two rivers that merge and lead to the sea

I will attempt to hunt the antelope for some quick food. If I succeed, I will rest with my buddy and have a feast. If I fail, I will keep going down the river, still looking for a place to possibly settle down.

4,584 posts

Company Name:Bardish Blocks
Company Owner:Johnathan Bard
Planet Name:Bard Alpha
Experiment Number:7382
Animal Name:Bardish Bark
Food Group:Omnivore
Description: They are basically the Ents from middle earth, but they look like alien trees.
Species survival:2 days
Fruit:18(isn't a part of your population until they become seedlings)
Shelter:rock outcropping
Food Source:Grentual trees
Water Source:river

You do some foraging. At the end of the day you head back to your home with the fruit and store it on a stone shelf. It seems that most of the herbivores were more willing to eat what you had stored yesterday then the strange fruit that was on your mate. You only lost two fruit to a couple of birds.

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-Bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species Survival: 0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: a medium sized rock formation that has a cave
Food Sourcename the species of antelope that you caught)
Water Source: Two rivers that merge and lead to the sea

You try to hunt some the antelope and after about an hour mange to catch one. The one you caught is a female that was weighed down by her unborn twins. She is about two feat tall and has a body, if you include the head, that is one foot long. There are no antlers on this one but there are spiral antlers on the males that watch you drag your catch away. The herds of antelope that are different from the one you caught ignore you. Your mate found a rock formation that had a cave in it while you were hunting. She is now resting in the shade that it provides.

665 posts

Company Name: fire masters
Company Owner: fire star
Planet Name:hichine
Experiment Number 3247658
Animal Name fortrezard
Food Group: Carnivore
Description:a fusion between a clam and a dragon it has wings an orange dragon head an orange dragon tail with fire on the end two dragon legs and a silver shell with little pin shooters
Environment:forest near a river
Food Source:none
Water Source:river

well sence my race can breathe underwater aswell i have my mate head to the river to make a tunnel in the bank while i look for food first on land then in the water

958 posts

Company Name: Provision Inc.
Company Owner: Jack Stone
Planet Name: Esthexa
Experiment Number: #27 (Because 27 is the best number)
Animal Name: Beast-Bane, nicknamed "Rivet"
Food Group: Carnivore
Description: It's closest real life counterpart would probably be a dog. It's body is covered by thick, leathery skin, tough enough to withstand many dangers. It is usually found with either a dull green or brown color, or a pale silver. It has glowing red eyes, and all of it's senses are extremely acute. It is almost constantly filled with rage and adrenaline, and will many times attempt to kill most other living things, only helping it's own kind. It also has short, thick spikes going down its back, and it's legs are tipped with large claws, which can easily cut through most basic materials.
Evolutions: None
Species Survival: 0 days
Population: 2
Environment: Savannahs
Shelter: A medium sized rock formation that has a cave
Food Source: Estrios's Red-Bearded Awesomistic Antelope (('>.&gt)
Water Source: Two rivers that merge and lead to the sea

Drag my catch over to the cave and start feeding, leaving some for my mate and keeping an eye on the males in case they try something that would likely make me mad or put me in danger.

Showing 31-45 of 87