ForumsForum GamesMonster Shooter [RPG]

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So in this game you are an alien with a cat. Youre living happily together until other alien scome and take all the possible pets there are. Including your cat. And its your purpose to get your cat back. This might be a very stupid story, but at least its not so seurious like the rest. Ill be trying to put a little humor too. But not too much. So this RPG is a little bit different. Here your level will reset every time youre ending or completing the mission. There will be 40 missions, all of them in 4 different planets. There will be a limit of levels in one mission. You can also leave the story missions and play a survival game. You can unlock other levels which ones you will need to beat. Extra levels for short. You will be able to buy new guns in the armory (shop) between missions and you can upgrade their firepower. And as almost all the shooter games, you will be starting with a UMP. Every time you level up, i will give you 4 random chances on what to level up with.

Note: i will not be copying your sheet, but i will copy it when something changes in it. Now here is your sheet:

Name: (how will you name yourself)
Guns: (start with UMP)
Equipped guns: (start with UMP)
Ammo: (UMP has infinite)
Money: (start with 0)
Gold ingots: (start with 0)
Items: (start with none)
Health: 100%
Damage: 1
Rate: fast
Reload speed: 0 (soon you will understand what this means)
Exp: (start with 0)
Level: 1
Mission: 0
Mode: (blank here)
Achievements: (start with 0)
Clip size: 80
Clip left: 80

As i said i will not be copying your sheet, but i will be telling you what to fill in them when necesarry. Now i said i will be giving you 4 random chances of how to level up. I will give you 4 of these:
Rate *
Rate **
Rate ***
Reload speed *
Reload speed **
Reload speed ***
Clip size *
Clip size **
Clip size ***
Speed *
Speed **
Speed ***
Max health *
Max health **
Max health ***
Easy orb collecting (orbs give you more exp)
Efficient healing
Longer vengeance (vengeance gives you infinite clip size and faster rate)
Monsters cannot slow you down
Cash drops stay longer
You cannot hurt yourself
Bonus items (for survival only)

You will know what achievements you can get when you first post your sheet. When you post your sheet i would like if you choose a mode. The modes you can choose from:

A) story mode
B) survival

Good luck lads.


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