ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero RPG (Reborn)

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"You wake up in a world you don't recognize after an accident and you start to see so of your favorite super heroes and villains from (Marval, D.C comics, ETC). A few days after the accident you get into your first fight, where you have a choice to make, go down the path of good and become a super hero, go down the path of evil and be a super villain or be undecided and be a 'for hire assassin'. It's your choice, and you choice will change life as you know it.

This is the races you can choose from (Mavel, D.C, ETC)
Human: they have no abilities
Skrull (I think that is how you spell it): Humanoid aliens who can shape shift. They are enemy's to the Cree, and they serve the Hive mother
Cree: The Cree are super genetic humanoid aliens who have had a long standing feud with the Skrull. They serve the Surpemore (I think that is how you spell it)
Genetically altered human: there are two kind in this race, accidental and on purpose. They have a long range of powers, but they have only one power, (thought if you count The Invisible Woman, they can have two or more powers)
Mutants: Mutant are humans who have the X-gene, and they also a wide range of power as well, from super healing, to psychic abilities like mind reading to levitation. However, some mutant use weapons along with there power, like Gambit and his ability to make anything into an explosive.
Super Being: Super being are like Super Man, or Green Lantern, people born or give there power, but don't fall under Mutants or the genetically altered humans. Martians are also in this one as-well

Character sheet:
Alter ego(aka you super hero/villain name:
Ability( Fill this if you choose super being, mutant, Skrull, genetically altered human):
Bio (as the name says, it is where you put your story before the accident:
Looks (eye color (if you have eyes), skin tone(if you didn't choose Cree or Skrull), hair color(if you have hair), height, and body type( please delete):

After you make your character, this is what your sheet will look:

Name: Adam Kane
Alter Ego: Shadow Gun
Age: 17
Race: Mutant
Power: Can shape shift into a raven, a wolf and a knight. (the wolf and the raven have their own personality's) can summon a sword/shield or a bow/quiver with arrows.
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, white shirt, blue jeans, white running shoes.

Rules: You may attack anyone in the game but it may take a long time to finish the battle so don't. You may chat with other players in this game. You can't help other player in battle, thought you can help the CPU's that I control. Only attack your enemy's never your allies (this rule only applies to heroes) I you fail to fallow these rules who may get kick/banned from this game. I will tell you if you have been banned.

  • 935 Replies
2,463 posts

Name:Nick Stone
Alter Ego: Shockwave
Age: 15
Race:Genetically altered human
Power: Electrokinesis
Hero/ villain scale: Chaotic Good hero
Items:Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans (equipped items/ Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans)

"I got a job for you, but not here, too many people, meet me in this address on this paper at 10pm." He hands you a piece of paper, and then leaves.

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

I give a smile and work on herding the buck to the rest of the pack.

2,463 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

Sky see what you are doing and he howls the attack command, and he and the rest of the pack charges the buck, you and Kai stay with the him but not close enough to interfere with the rest of the pack. Once the pack gets close you and Kai attack his legs. Two seconds later he is on the ground being suffocated by Sky and another wolf.


Name:Nick Stone
Alter Ego: Shockwave
Age: 15
Race:Genetically altered human
Power: Electrokinesis
Hero/ villain scale: Chaotic Good hero
Items:Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans (equipped items/ Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans)

Since you don't know where you are going, you read the note.

Twelfth Ave. and Pine St.
The Blue Moon Tavern.

You start to head there.

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

After the kill I wait for it to be my turn to get my share.

2,463 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

You and Kai are last to eat, but surprisingly there is plenty of meat left, Sky, "Eat fast, and what you can, we don't know how long till the hyenas find us, let alone the lions."

16 posts

Name: David Nadec
Alter ego: ore Shape
Age: 24
Race: Mutant
Power : ability tu morps is bodis to some form of ore,can morps materia by tuching, energie absorbtion and redirect it by toch
Hero/vilain scale: undecided
Look: blue eye and hair gray, 5'8, medium build, he do not use weapon it own bodie is a weapon factory
Bio: he nerver know is parent, he grow up in the streat, steling food ween he need it. one day i men tell him: i will give 2000$ if you kill that man. this day if was starving so he did it. by this day he decide he will become a mercenery..

(I am french canadien so sorry if my english it not perfect i will do my best by the way this RPG look verry great =D, ohh and i din't metion but my character is week to water... slow movement..... very slow movement... but still alive =D)

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

I go at my share like I had been starving all day. If I hadn't been to schools, in the northern part of the USA, for most of my life then I wouldn't had known how to eat fast enough to have a meal down in four min or less. The schools really don't give you time to get in line, get your food, eat, and get ready for the next class.

2,463 posts

Don't where metalox, I spell check slash fix it. Oh and I'm making a new rule, a current players will revert but to what you gave me where you started, that way we don't have to go back to the page you started on to remember the story/bio

Name: David Nadec
Alter ego: ore Shape
Age: 24
Race: Mutant
Power : ability to morphs is bodies to some form of ore,can morphs material by touching, energize absorption and redirect it by touch
Weaknesses: Water
Hero/villain scale: undecided
Look: blue eye and hair gray, 5'8, medium build, he do not use weapon it own body is a weapon factory
Bio: he never know is parent, he grow up in the street, steeling food ween he need it. one day i men tell him: i will give 2000$ if you kill that man. this day if was starving so he did it. by this day he decide he will become a mercenary..
Items: Bag, ripped jeans, torn white shirt, dirty boots, wallet with $2000. (equipped; Bag, ripped jeans, torn white shirt, dirty boots.)


And now to reset the other profiles, please use these from now on.

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)


Name: Nick Stone
Alter ego: Shockwave
Age: 15
Race: Genetically altered human
Ability: Electrokinesis
Weaknesses: None so far
Bio: Known as a troublemaker, he is constantly hanging out with his friend Ryan Smith who has Technopathy (Control of technology).
Looks: Green Eyes, Straight Black hair (turns spiky when he uses his power), Whitish Tan, Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans
Hero/ villain scale: Chaotic Good hero
Items:Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans (equipped items/ Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans)

There all fix. This is for active player only. I'm also adding weaknesses too.

4,584 posts

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

I go at my share like I had been starving all day. If I hadn't been to schools, in the northern part of the USA, for most of my life then I wouldn't had known how to eat fast enough to have a meal down in four min or less. The schools really don't give you time to get in line, get your food, eat, and get ready for the next class.

OOC:Unless the story is so pose to restart, that is my reply. I like the updated character sheet.

150 posts

Name: Roule Con
Alter ego: Jack-pot
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Ability:The ability to alter his own luck at will (won't work right)
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: Bag, black pants, white shirt, black jacket, wallet with $200 inside, black boots. (equipped items/ bag, black pats, white shirt, black jacket)

I speak "Who are you?"

2,463 posts

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

(this is a profile reset not a story reset. there is a difference.)

Both you and Kai down the meat if five minuets. Then you and the rest of the pack leave what was left, which is still a lot of food, (because the the pack has around 8 wolves, nine if you count yourself) for the scavengers.


Name: Nick Stone
Alter ego: Shockwave
Age: 15
Race: Genetically altered human
Ability: Electrokinesis
Weaknesses: None so far
Bio: Known as a troublemaker, he is constantly hanging out with his friend Ryan Smith who has Technopathy (Control of technology).
Looks: Green Eyes, Straight Black hair (turns spiky when he uses his power), Whitish Tan, Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans
Hero/ villain scale: Chaotic Good hero
Items:Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans (equipped items/ Skull T-Shirt and Blue Jeans)

You get to The Blue Moon Tavern without incident, you go inside and look around. You can see why he picked this place. Because a drunk person will not remember what was said in front of him.


Name: Roule Con
Alter ego: Jack-pot
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Ability:The ability to alter his own luck at will (won't work right)
Bio: He has always had his power, and used it freely. He altered his luck to be able to memorize anything instantly, for the anti-mutant people to never investigate him, etc. He has had a good life, then an explosion happened, he couldn't change his luck, and it scares him. He seeks to find out why this explosion happened to him, why he couldn't alter it and who did it.
Looks : Caucasian with gold short cut hair, blue eyes with a splash of yellow and is 5"9.
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: Bag, black pants, white shirt, black jacket, wallet with $200 inside, black boots. (equipped items/ bag, black pats, white shirt, black jacket)

"Names Morse, I was driving by when I saw factory explode and I rush over here. I found you knocked out and I've been treating you. And you?"

4,584 posts

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

I follow the pack and try to get to know the wolves.

2,463 posts

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

You ask Kai who the other wolves are, "I'll introduce you to them but before the after hunt story."

16 posts

Name: David Nadec
Alter ego: ore Shape
Age: 24
Race: Mutant
Power : ability to morphs is bodies to some form of ore,can morphs material by touching, energize absorption and redirect it by touch
Weaknesses: Water
Hero/villain scale: undecided
Look: blue eye and hair gray, 5'8, medium build, he do not use weapon it own body is a weapon factory
Items: Bag, ripped jeans, torn white shirt, dirty boots, wallet with $2000. (equipped; Bag, ripped jeans, torn white shirt, dirty boots.)

iwas walking town tarving so i decide to go at the first place that sell food, ''The Blue Moon Tavern''. I buy 50$ of food.

4,584 posts

Name:Cleo Keket Nur
Alter ego:Storm Dragon
Ability:shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Weaknesses: None so far
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Bio :Cleo lead a normal life until one day she went to Africa to study the Ethiopian wolf. During the study she took a nasty fall and now has awoken to a different Earth and an expiation to who her dad is and why her last name is the same as Apocalypse's.
Looks:Cleo has amber eyes and short, straight, white hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and gives a small clue to her Egyptian heritage. She is 5'6" and has an athletic build. Cleo dresses like a tomboy and likes to show what she likes or her American pride whenever she can.
Items: wallet with $150, bag, binoculars, a note pad with a pencil, a camera, a pencil sharpener, a G size Tupperware container, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers(hidden right know (equipped items/ bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, white sneakers, binoculars, camera)

I give a nod and wait to hear the story.

Showing 136-150 of 935