ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero RPG (Reborn)

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"You wake up in a world you don't recognize after an accident and you start to see so of your favorite super heroes and villains from (Marval, D.C comics, ETC). A few days after the accident you get into your first fight, where you have a choice to make, go down the path of good and become a super hero, go down the path of evil and be a super villain or be undecided and be a 'for hire assassin'. It's your choice, and you choice will change life as you know it.

This is the races you can choose from (Mavel, D.C, ETC)
Human: they have no abilities
Skrull (I think that is how you spell it): Humanoid aliens who can shape shift. They are enemy's to the Cree, and they serve the Hive mother
Cree: The Cree are super genetic humanoid aliens who have had a long standing feud with the Skrull. They serve the Surpemore (I think that is how you spell it)
Genetically altered human: there are two kind in this race, accidental and on purpose. They have a long range of powers, but they have only one power, (thought if you count The Invisible Woman, they can have two or more powers)
Mutants: Mutant are humans who have the X-gene, and they also a wide range of power as well, from super healing, to psychic abilities like mind reading to levitation. However, some mutant use weapons along with there power, like Gambit and his ability to make anything into an explosive.
Super Being: Super being are like Super Man, or Green Lantern, people born or give there power, but don't fall under Mutants or the genetically altered humans. Martians are also in this one as-well

Character sheet:
Alter ego(aka you super hero/villain name:
Ability( Fill this if you choose super being, mutant, Skrull, genetically altered human):
Bio (as the name says, it is where you put your story before the accident:
Looks (eye color (if you have eyes), skin tone(if you didn't choose Cree or Skrull), hair color(if you have hair), height, and body type( please delete):

After you make your character, this is what your sheet will look:

Name: Adam Kane
Alter Ego: Shadow Gun
Age: 17
Race: Mutant
Power: Can shape shift into a raven, a wolf and a knight. (the wolf and the raven have their own personality's) can summon a sword/shield or a bow/quiver with arrows.
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, white shirt, blue jeans, white running shoes.

Rules: You may attack anyone in the game but it may take a long time to finish the battle so don't. You may chat with other players in this game. You can't help other player in battle, thought you can help the CPU's that I control. Only attack your enemy's never your allies (this rule only applies to heroes) I you fail to fallow these rules who may get kick/banned from this game. I will tell you if you have been banned.

  • 935 Replies
4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

"Probably but I think it was still nice meeting you." I say with a smile.

177 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)


I follow the man.

(By the way, my character has any money? Or he's broke?)

2,463 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

"Well it was nice meeting you too." Then he look up to say something else when he look at the TV, "Turn the sound on something is happening."


(He does have money, I just forgot to put it up)

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

You start to head for the back, but before you do to leave $20 on the register. Then you head the rest of the way into the backroom. Sammy, "Okay Chase. What is going on?" Chase,"Well sir, it's about King Pin. He's a big crime boss up in New York," (Hint you are no where near New York city) "and he controls most of the street gangs and cartels. But Johnson, why did you bring him up anyway?" You then show him the note. "Oh my, this is bad. This is no doubt the work of one of King Pin's men, but not the big man him self. If King Pin gave the order, there would be no note, so he or she must be rouge or has an unknown mission."

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

I turn the sound on and pay attention to the TV.

2,463 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

"We are receiving reports of the Hulk is fighting one of The Leader's monsters, Abomination. We are also receiving a report that the Black Panther is in the fight as well. Anet, can you tell us any more than information?" Anet, "No, we lost the monster as soon as it went past the border, only copter 8 is allowed in Wakanda, as long as it does not land." Mr. Steven, "The Hulk, what is he doing here? And who is this Abomination fellow?"

177 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

Bah. Looks like one of the NY crime bosses decided to call himself the Kingpin. Seriously?

"Thanks Chase. Your informations were very useful."- I say.

then I leave the bar, and go back home, hoping to find some clues.

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

I watch the news wanting them to go to someone on copter 8 so we can get more info.

2,463 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

You head home but before you get there you see someone looking into the window of you house.
Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

The news then go's to a live birds eye view of the area. You still here the broadcaster and Anet talking but your focus is on the fight. Hulk hits Abomination and he go's lying though the air and hits a tree. The tree is knocked to the ground and Abomination picks up the tree, runs toward Hulk and try's to hit him baseball bat style. But Hulk manages to grab the tree take in away from Abomination and use it against him by hitting him with it knocking back a few feet. You then see a dark figure charge at Abomination, and it looks like the Black Panther, however when he gets close enough, he is grabbed by Abomination and and throw several hundred yard.

4,584 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

A part of me wants to help the good guys but as far as I know I don't have any powers or anything else that could help. I also don't have a way of getting there. So I just watch and root for the good guys like I did when I watched the Marvel cartoon that was made during the 90's.

177 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

( You mean that someone is looking AT my window, or is looking THROUGH the window in my house? Or I see him IN my house? )

2,463 posts

Name: Cleo Keket Nur
Alter Ego: Storm Dragon
Age: 23
Race: Mutant
Power: shadows and darkness manipulation, wolf form, wind manipulation
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: bag, tee-shirt with a wolf print on it, bluejeans, (equipped item hospital scrubs)

They continue to fight and so far Hulk and Panther are winning the fight. The nurse then walks in. "Is see that your watching the news, but Mrs. Nur, you have been cleared to be discharged,you may go at any time, here is you cloths." She then hands you your cloths.


Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

He is outside looking in thought the window.

177 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

I come closer, making sure that the man doesn't sees me, and try to get a clear look on him.

2,463 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

As you get closer you see what he is wearing, and he has the same trench coat as you do, you also see the hilt of a sword poking out of it,(if you don't know what a hilt is, it is the handle/ hand protector of the sword) but you can see his face. He then sighs and says, "I know your there, so you better come out."

177 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $100, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

I advance, keeping my sword ready. It's not like I can use it, but hey, it's the only weapon I have.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want"- I ask.

2,463 posts

Name: Johnson Derek
Alter Ego: Destiny
Age: 20
Race: Human
Power: none
Hero/ villain scale: undecided
Items: $80, bag, Trench coat of protection, Sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt (equipped cloths and items bag, Trench coat of protection, sword of disruption, boots, dark bluejeans, white shirt)

He sighs again, "I wasn't talking to you boy, but to answer your question, they call me Blaze, (I don't know who Deadpool is or who he works with, so I'm make the name up,) I came to teach you how to use your sword. Now, " he looks up and says, "Jacks, I know your up there. Get down here to meet your fellow apprentice."

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