Magic: Magic Words said, Life happens
God: God says words, Breathes Life into clay figures
Even if I were to accept your completely unfalsified explanation, we're still no closer to demonstrating that your version of your god created the world.
Well because nothing can't have created it. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened.
The Universe simply could have existed eternally. Alternatively, the universe could have been brought into existence by outside forces that were neither sentient nor capable of independent action. You havenât even demonstrated that your god is either.
Also if God didn't do it, who did?
All sorts of answers to that one. A mindless cosmic entity could have done it (Azathoth), a different god that yours could have (Marduk), an alien scientist in a different multiverse could have, the universe we know could have arose from natural processes, etc.
Okay if God didn't do it, WHAT Did.
Natural forces acting upon already existing matter in a way that we do not completely understand.
Yes. The Universe. As I stated earlier The universe created God to create the Universe to create God to Create The Universe... It's a Paradox. Simple as that.
So the universe is both capable of creating god and capable of independent action? Which of them existed first to start this cycle of creation?
I don't have any. But Since you don't have undeniable proof to prove God DOESN'T exist. You can't prove that he doesn't exist.
You donât have undeniable proof that god isnât Marduk/El/Yam/Talthamaat/Ishtar/etc. You canât prove that any of the following arenât supreme beings.
The fact that something needs to be created to exist. And something needs to create it.
No- something can exist eternally, removing the need for a creator and the problem of who created the creator.
I have none. But That won't keep me from believing that's what happened.
So there is as much evidence for your god as there is for any other?
I don't need to because you Can't prove he doesn't.
Bill Clinton is an Irish fairy with pink butterfly wings. You canât prove he isnât.
When I was using it to describe what I was talking about I said it means that things are True until proven False.
So the earth was flat until people learned that it was round? Fire was caused by Philogiston until people learned that it was the result of chemical reactions? Bill Clinton is an Irish fairy with pink butterfly wings until you prove that he isnât.
Scientific Theories are based on proven facts. Beliefs are based on inferences and things you basically believe.
Once again, in science, you donât âproveâ anything besides mathematical equations. You demonstrate a theory by conducting research that falsifies the theory.
Over 50% of the population of America are Christian. The fact that ALL of them believe in God should be proof enough.
So, back in the Roman days, Jupiter and his crew were the actual gods? And before that, Ishtar, Marduk, and their gang?