ForumsWEPRJust out of curiosity, why do you think Obama is so great?

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23 posts

I asked this question today to some people who hated Romney, but they couldn't say anything great about Obama. I would like some opinions, but I do not want to get angry messages.

  • 24 Replies
377 posts

I asked this question today to some people who hated Romney, but they couldn't say anything great about Obama. I would like some opinions, but I do not want to get angry messages.

If you hate one of the runners for presidency and despise everything he stands for and runs for, meanwhile feeling indifferent towards Obama is that not reason enough not to vote for Romney and instead vote for Obama?

The way I construed what you said is that under your belief you think that if someone hates Romney, and feels indifferent towards Obama, that isn't enough reason to vote for Obama. I disagree with that.

One of the great things Obama did was bail out the banks, it may have angered many people that he bailed them out instead of small businesses, but it did not again me, (then again I'm not American) because face it. You need banks for a country to survive (a country such as America).

Here are some subjectively great things he's done:

1. Fights for gay marriage (if you're homophobic or Catholic this would be bad and you would disapprove, hence the subjective part.
2. Supports the funding of a black museum dedicated to black people (that made me mad, that is so racist, he didn't support any Asian, Caucasian or Christian musics, only his own race!).

Bad things: Trade deficit rose to 44.2 billion dollars for the U.S. in August. Perhaps the worst thing he did was bomb Libya without Congressional support, I think (don't quote me on this) that the American constitution requires Congressional consent. Well unconstitutional = worst in my books...
377 posts


it may have angered many people that he bailed them out instead of small businesses, but it did not again me
(if you're homophobic or Catholic this would be bad and you would disapprove, hence the subjective part
Forgot the last bracket...
Christian musics
13,344 posts

I don't care for either candidate. Actually, these are two of the most boring candidates I've ever seen; if either party had a decent candidate, the election wouldn't be so close.

I fell asleep watching the first debate. The only interesting person in that entire event was Jim Lehrer.

5,851 posts

In short or what vinheisenbourg said, no reason other than him being a democrat and black

13,055 posts

I think he's a good speaker and he seems to care about people or at least he's good at pretending.

5,851 posts

I agree with (hard to believe) SSTG, he's a good speaker who's good at pretending to care. How he got re-elected after doing such a bad job the first time is beyond me.

13,055 posts

How he got re-elected after doing such a bad job the first time is beyond me.

Amazing isn't it? Most of his bills were blocked by the Republicans for no reasons except for making him lose the election instead of working together to help the American people.
9,808 posts

Good speaker? Correction: Amazing speaker.

Whether you like him or have to admit he is very charismatic

Amazing isn't it? Most of his bills were blocked by the Republicans for no reasons except for making him lose the election instead of working together to help the American people.

Well I mean...obviously SSTG! He is a obviously every bill he proposes is evil and does nothing but help those freeloading hippies (need I point out the sarcasm?)
9,462 posts

If you hate one of the runners for presidency and despise everything he stands for and runs for, meanwhile feeling indifferent towards Obama is that not reason enough not to vote for Romney and instead vote for Obama?

I think that depends on what state you live in. If you're in a state that is pretty solid one way or the other, you have the power to begin making changes to sway things to get a third party involved. In swing states it's more important that you vote against the lesser of two evils in this two party environment.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Bailed out banks and the auto industry which is good in the long run. Contrary to what others say the domino effect would have just crashed the economy further. Came out for gays and stood for equality. Reduced taxes on middle class and SMEs. Softened the harsh foreign Bush tone and eon much goodwill. Much more effective in tackling terrorism. Also stepped up through trade war with China which I vehemently codemn but it goes down well with Americans. Mixed track record on immigration. Dubious honor of deporting the most people but also introduced acts that help illegal immigrants integrate into society. Fought for green energy and reduced the oil reliance to a low point in decades.

5,129 posts

How he got re-elected after doing such a bad job the first time is beyond me.

that is what the world thought when they voted bush jr. in for a 2nd time.
if obama keeps doing what he is doing now the the last year of his presidency
the usa debt will lower for a change.
his world politics is much better then that of romney. romney wants the entire world under usa controle. obama is way more open to the rest of the world.
if i really wanted to i could meet obama because he is open for investments from abroad. whit romney that is just out of the question.
we already know obama and he is a nice guy. romney didn't look like a nice guy to me.
everything points at obama did a good job and is liked (outside usa). i would never do business whit a snail as romney.

so i dont think obama is so great. he is only much greater then romney could ever wish to be.
10,816 posts

Nobody has yet pointed out that under the Bush administration, the job market in the US didn't just slow down, it shrunk. Obama's administration inherited the situation right at the nadir when things were going into freefall. That situation has not only been rectified, it was reversed. If you do the math, no amount of rhetoric can hide the objective fact that jobs have increased for, what was it, 18 months in a row and the unemployment rate is falling, and that demonstrates dedication to saving the US economy.

The way I see things from over here, that's ultimately what matters for the US at this stage. If you're interested in policy, that is. If you're not, then there's the fact Obama's a freaking rock star. I suspect that's why just about every single country in the world (with two equivocal exceptions that didn't care for either candidate) that was ever asked would prefer Obama as the US president.

5,552 posts

I suspect that's why just about every single country in the world (with two equivocal exceptions that didn't care for either candidate) that was ever asked would prefer Obama as the US president.

Ironically, I've heard this is a reason why people -don't- want Obama. What are we, a bunch of 3 year olds who mindlessly do the opposite of what people say simply because we're immature and think it's funny?

As for Obama being a great public speaker, I don't really agree. That halting pattern with the same rising tone before the stop as if everything he says is a question...Is it so hard to say 8 words in a row?
5,043 posts

As for Obama being a great public speaker, I don't really agree. That halting pattern with the same rising tone before the stop as if everything he says is a question...Is it so hard to say 8 words in a row?

Honestly, Obama always came off as a liar to me. It's not even what he said that sounded strange, it's the way he spoke.

You ever notice how in many TV shows, they always make it obvious someone is lying by how they speak? Obama just comes off as that transparent to me. : /
1,824 posts

As for Obama being a great public speaker, I don't really agree. That halting pattern with the same rising tone before the stop as if everything he says is a question...Is it so hard to say 8 words in a row?

Obama isn't a person who likes to speak just to hear his own voice. Of course, it is so easy to insult his way of speaking on the internet, where your views are just words on a lit-up page. Personally, I'd hate being President. I dislike giving presentations and speeches. In my opinion, A: Can't freaking judge a politician JUST by how he speaks and B: He's doing more then anyone who slangs him.
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