@partydevil, the debt clock has a little feature where it takes you back to this moment in 2004 and 2008 and 2000, and when I looked I discovered that Obama did in one term what took Bush two terms.
when I looked I discovered that Obama did in one term what took Bush two terms.
You're misunderstanding what The Clock reveals. Obama started the term with 15.9% increase after the Bush Administration, right? Each successive term under the Obama administration has decreased the debt rate. You can see the first term having 15.1% of an increase, then 13.9%, then a sharp decline to 7.8% and 4.8%.
It would be hilariously awesome if you went one year and sharply brought the debt down seven percentage points.
So the point is that it's not that Obama "did" that in one term so much as he was brought into it.
and when I looked I discovered that Obama did in one term what took Bush two terms. ========= 1. he didn't. 2. more inportend is the trend it is going. wich is all green for obama and all red for bush. at this rate obama will start lowering the debt in 3 year. just check the link i gave. ty.
and plz. dont vote in another republican over 4 year that will massively increase the debt again. the 2 bushes have put the country in the state it is today. why are you to blind to see that?
======= about that function in the debt clock: the debt clock didn't exist back then. i don't think those numbers are accurate. (neither for the future) even the debt of today is doubtful, but it gets the benefit of the doubt.
even your link says that obama raised the debt in 1 term what bush did in 2 terms.
Also, the argument that Obama will save the country if he continues his policies. You should consider the fact that in his first term, Obama had the incentive of the possibility of reelection, since that is no longer possible, whats to keep him from benefiting people like himself (politicians and other millionaires)?
even your link says that obama raised the debt in 1 term what bush did in 2 terms. ===== count again plz. --------
You should consider the fact that in his first term, Obama had the incentive of the possibility of reelection, since that is no longer possible, whats to keep him from benefiting people like himself (politicians and other millionaires)? ====== pffff thats only if you want to see that... give me 1 good reason to consider this possibility.
but even then, look back in history, who are the big spenders? and listen to romney how he would benefit the rich over the shoulders of the middle class. how he wants to spend more and more. (digging the same holes as from befor 2009. while the old holes hasn't been filled yet.) anyway your just speculating now, i can't take that reason seriously.
Also, the argument that Obama will save the country if he continues his policies. === on a side note: i do not argue that he will save the country. (the country is doomed in my eye's anyway) i state the fact that if we follow the line has is doing now ahead. then we find that he will lower the debt over 3 year. (i play it safe some say 2 year)
now dont think magic that in 3 year the debt instantly is only 5 trillion or even less. the debt will probably still be 16 or 17 trillion. but befor that time the debt would have been higher and is on its way down.
the next elections are far more importend then the last was. obama would need a 3rd election to real make the change he promised. but by your laws he can't. (what a shame) all you/we can hope is that someone stands up who can keep this movement going. and not another big spending republican who pushes the country in yet another freefall again.