Races: Human: +1 to Str and End. -1 to Dex. +2 to Fishing, Listening, and Cooking. Elf: +2 to Dex. -1 to Str. +2 to Parry, Bartering, and Tailoring Drawf: +2 to Str. -1 to Int. +2 to Mining, Hunting, and Smithing Mystic: +2 to Int. -2 End. +2 to Listening, Sneaking, and Enchanting
Ah it seems nice, but there are no trowing weapon, and you cant mix skills. Sword Art Online was just out of beta, so there were still allot of undeveloped things.
But if i was in the real game i would use my own style : One-handed sword with holes to block short swords, that can split into dual one-handed swords. Second hidden pair of one-handed swords, that can extend to spears.Two scythes on the back, with blades that can be thrown as Saw Blades, And when they are thrown, a new knife yo appear from them, turning them into spears, Throwing weapons, Two short arbalets hidden as guns, that shoot arrow, when opened{Like the ones from the 3 musketeers 2011 at the beginning of the movie). Two armored gloves on the hands, like the ones in Thundercats. Cloak with weights .
Basically i use the weapons fast, removing them one by one, in fierce fight. At first im sow, but when everything is removed i become **** fast. So such time of game is really pretty much impossible for me.
Ops, meant to say at the beginning Two-Handed sword, not one handed. Also for the Scythes, they are first Long Axes. If they are hit on the ground with the blade side down, they turn into real Scythes.
O.e your style is a bit Over-Powered? Well, i did forget throwing weapons. Im not sure how someone should even make all the stuff your using. But i would sound really cool if some did use your style. :3