This is a pretty simple game: answer the last player's "What could possibly go wrong?" statement, and then make on up of your own, like so:1P: What could possibly go wrong with gunpowder as fuel?2P: KABLOOIE!!!2P: What could possibly go wrong with dictatorships?3P: Take a look at Nazi Germany, 1940s, and North Korea, right about now. Here's the first statement:What could possibly go wrong with flying Humvees?
People could stop communicating with people from the Middle East etc.What could go wrong with Obama? (hint: everything)
He could try and redistribute wealth.What could possibly go wrong if Canada had a population of 1 billion?
The One Child Policy will be created in an attempt to stop Canada from becoming overpopulated.What could possible go wrong with starving Africa of their food?
It would become a part of Antarctica.What could possibly go wrong with Grammar Nazis ruling the world? (I have to say I am one myself, but don't panic. Please?)
Humor will have less ammunitionWhat could possibly go wrong with taken a bath with a toaster?
Your toast will get wet.What could possibly go wrong with paving an entire street with peanut butter?
People wouldn't be able to find them because they're concealed, so if the bank were to be robbed, nobody would be able to defend themselves against the robbers.What could possibly get wrong if you built a roof entirely out of socks?
When it rains, it get's smelly. (Double-reference)What could possibly go wrong when a single cell dies?
It would be a roof of a gas chamber and you'd be dead!What could possibly go wrong with going out just in under wears?
You won't get complimented on your new pants.What could possibly go wrong if Russia and North Korea teamed up against the rest of the world?
World War II would begin.What could possibly go wrong with dying?
You wouldn't get to enjoy your funeral.What could possibly go wrong if the leader of the free world was a terrorist?
Disaster movies wouldn't be scary anymore.What could possibly go wrong if a plane crashed into the White House?
President Obama: Ouch! that hurts!What could possibly go wrong if I defenestrate a little cute pet?
It might hit a car and ruin itWhat could possibly go wrong with allowing Sal to rule the world?
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