The poorest president in the world chooses to live on his wife's farm, drives a beat up VW Beetle when he has to, and staunchly eschews the growing obsession with growth through consumption.
Is this a wise man who might show the world a thing or two, or are his contrary ways so out of touch that the only legacy he'll leave is his lunacy?
This president knows a thing or two about economy and sustainability. He rejects the lifestyle of a high-throughput economy. Learned the three different types of economies in environmental science because of their differing effects on pollution, resource management and what not. High Throughput, Low Throughput, Matter Recycling.
Anyhow, I doubt if he's crazy. He wouldn't have been elected if the people of Uruguay deemed his crazy, while it is unusual to live in such standards, that really isn't relevant. As long as he does his duties as a president, is organized and acts respectful as a leader, I can't see any problems that would arise.
There was that Santa Claus guy who candidated for president... He was gonna just to give presents, live with a deer in front of the white house, and be nice to children, oh.. but no one chose him.. He was the poorest president of them all
I clocked this yesterday and I really loved it. This guy is living proof that politicians don't have to be out of touch, despite how the rest of the world's craven leaders behave. He may not behave 'normally', but if that means legalising marijuana in a bid to battle drug gangs and building consensus for an economic system not based on economically and environmentally unsustainable growth then sign me up for some more abnormality!
Not to mention the fact that he also donates 90% of his salary to charities. This bloke sounds like a diamond geezer.
his mindset is right but i don't think he is a good president. he is not a president full time. actually he is most on his farm. busy whit his field and what not. so the country works at only 50% or so.
like berlusconi, presidency is their 2nd job. (for the fun)