For this game, a player makes a sentence/thought/idea based on the letters in the last word of the previous sentence.Example(previous word: hot)Player 1: Hold On TightPlayer 2: Ten Ignorant Gents Hunt ToysPlayer 3: Trip Over Your Shoes(You can use punctuation wherever it helps if you need to)Since there's no one before me, I'll start with Start:Smell Taffy After Reading This
Sometimes, Automated Unicorns Chant "Endear!"
Saggy Albatrosses Squish Quesidillas Under A Tiger Chasing Hens Eating Squid
Snow queens use insect death
Death Erasing A Tuna Hat (short easy one)
Horrible artificial tails
the arm is laying sideways.
Silly iguanas drink every watery applesauce. Yay sabatons!
Sabastian: Ally. Brian: Ally. Tyron: Oh, n**** silly!
Stupid idiots like Lake Yorglesnarpfaach. ^J^
Yugoslovenian Organization Riding Glass Leather Engaging Sharp Non Atheist Russian Pillow Fluffing An Archery Choking Hippopotamus (Your one was very very good , but it needs more to impress me , and here's a hippo , a probably long word)
Hi, I'm Peter Piper. Orange peppers ought to amuse my Uncle Sam.
somebody ate muffins
Most Underage Fish Finally Inspect New Societies.
Somebody operate ! Chicken is exhausting the Irish English sea
Seriously easy acronym
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