ForumsWEPR2012 Apocalypse Not? Not.

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5 posts

So people don't ignore this, I'm not mentally unstable, I don't have any issues with my brain, and I didn't get abducted by aliens! I'm just here to show people SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the world will not end on December 21st, 2012. I've talked to multiple people on these forums, and many others and they still believe in the whole "mayan calender ending in 2012 apocalypse" BS. Let me start out with the facts.

1) Mayan Calender: The Mayan long count is a non-repeating, vigesimal (base-20) and base-18 calendar used by several Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, most notably the Maya. The way it works is that after 584,283 it comes to an end and a new one starts. Just like our calendar ends 31st December, changes the year and starts again on the 1st of January. This in principle is how the Mayan calendar works. Currently the Mayan long count is at and come December 21st, 2012, it will become so that's 13 cycles since this calender was put into play. It's like the odometer being reset on your car, the car is still there, but the numbers are reset. Nothing is changed, nothing happens, it's just a Baktun 14 starts. The date was used by psuedo-scientists, who aren't scientists at all.

2) Nibiru (Planet X): This theory is simply idiotic. The crazy people that believe this planet is going to crash into Earth, should be locked in an insane asylum. Let me just point out the obvious, it's November 21st, 2012, 1 month from the apparent impact, but yet this (non-existent) planet is not visible. Surely, if a planet 10-times the size of Earth was coming towards us, it would be visible by the naked-eye, and from telescopes all around the world. It's not! Some other theories are, that it has a 3600-year orbit around the sun. So does that mean it (non-existent planet) hits Earth every 3600 years? I'm pretty sure people have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, and our planet has been around for billions of years. This theory is just stupid, and there is NO scientific proof of it's existence, because, IT DOESN'T EXIST!

3) Asteroids, Meteors, Comets: I'll keep this one short, because this we can't really rebut. The Earth has been hit by asteroids, and meteors in the past. We cannot simply say that the Earth won't get bombarded again, but as of now, no near-Earth objects (NEO) will have any impact of our lives for the next few decades. I know, decades, very short period of time, but NASA is experimenting ways for us to avoid being the target of a fierce NEO.

4) Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis: Again, we cannot rebut this one either. These things happen all of the time, but the Earth is in a mid-life crisis, no pun intended. The tectonic plates are moving, sliding, crashing all of the time. It's not abnormal, it's been happening for millions of years. As of now, seismic activity, volcanoes, and anything of that nature at it's norm. Surely if something catastrophic was to happen, we would have some signs by now? To believe in a massive tsunami the size of Texas, is just stupid.

5) Past D-Days: December 21, 2012 - This isn't the first date of an apparent doomsday, and it won't be the last. December 31st, 1999 - January 1st, 2000 - This date is important, because it was the first year we ever had a "2000". Disregard any of the apparent and BS rumors during that time, people just assumed because we've never seen a "2000" before, the world must end! RIGHT!? No! Then in May 2003, Nancy Lieder (she was abducted by Zeta Aliens, and they told her about "nibiru&quot told people Nibiru would impact Earth in May of 2003. This didn't happen, so these Leider-followers researched the Mayan Calender, changed the name of their websites, and changed the date the world would end. First, it was November 21st, 2011, well we're still alive and it's a year after that. Then it was November 19th, 2012, well it's 21st, so let me guess.. nothing happened? Now it's December 21st, 2012. This date is the start of the Winter Solstice, that happens every year. Nothing abnormal will happen, the world will not end, and we will all have a great Christmas!

Stop stressing about something that is not remotely possible, relevant, or likely. Live your life, love your family, and have a great holiday season!



  • 96 Replies
8,256 posts

They're civilization was destroyed. Those people are not in direct connection of pure mayans


Bohoo. Of course their culture has widely changed since the Mayan high cultures went down, but what is that nonsense about &quoture Mayans"? Todays Mayans are the descendants of the historic populations, the survivors.
9,439 posts

1 bak'tun is 7885 year

I think you're reading their chart wrong. That's 20 bak'tuns (or 1 piktun).
72 posts

The Mayan calendar thing makes no sense. The end of their long count calender is a time of celebration, kind of like new year stuff, not the end of the world.

9,808 posts

y'all are wrong. anyways, the world ain't ending

How so? I mean, ****! partydevil even gave you some pretty legitimate scientific sources..did you even take time to scan 'em?

So...crackpot theory that the Mayans (y'know, with their amazingly hi-tech and ingenious astronomy skills) can predict solar alignments > scientific proof of said alignment being impossible?
95 posts

So...crackpot theory that the Mayans (y'know, with their amazingly hi-tech and ingenious astronomy skills) can predict solar alignments > scientific proof of said alignment being impossible?

Well, for being a society that was only slightly more advanced than 3rd-9th century Europe, they had a very good grasp of astronomy. They never came around to predicting an apocalypse, though.
5,129 posts

their astronomy is amazing yes. even better then the ancient egyptians or greek.

9,808 posts

their astronomy is amazing yes. even better then the ancient egyptians or greek.

But sure not amazing or advanced enough to predict something as catastrophic as the end of the world know which end of the world prediction I miss? Nostradamus...I remember everyone making this big deal about his vague bull**** &quotredictions"..then they seemingly vanished
5,129 posts
93 posts

The 2012 apocalypse is not real in the Bible it said that no man will know when the world will end.

5,129 posts

the complete series of 20 b'ak'tuns or one [/b]Piktun) ends on October 13, 4772,

i had to actually search for this one. so, sorry it's a bit late. but he was right about this one.
however do the scammers themself say it's about the 13th bak'tun. because 13 was a imported number for the mayans.
(i dont remember exactly so correct me if i'm wrong.) 13 was part of their god of destruction and creation.

(13 is ofcourse just a bad luck number in our civilization and therefor choosen to play this role )
185 posts

The big day has arrived. The end of the world is nigh. 12/21/12.
Nothing matters anymore. Gun laws, Fiscal cliff, Abortion. Don't need to worry about them no more.
Let's enjoy our last day.

8,256 posts

I can't until tomorrow. I want to see what happens.

How about nothing?
But just in case, I recommend sending all your money to some scape-goat so that you can enjoy your last day free from all charges. I'd be willing to sacrifice myself for that
9,462 posts

Let's see given where the Mayan calender was found, we still have about another 9 hours before that part of the world hits the 21st.

3,224 posts

Let's see given where the Mayan calender was found, we still have about another 9 hours before that part of the world hits the 21st.

Ah thank you. I was wondering what the exact time was when the world is supposed to end. I have made plans and may have to reschedule.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

It's noon 21st Dec, and I'm still waiting....

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