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Yup Doctor Who!Ever heard of it?Seen it?Well if you haven't it's this pretty awesome show on BBC America.If you have seen it tell me your thoughts about it.

  • 197 Replies
574 posts
Grand Duke

Watched it, was quite different but still good.

574 posts
Grand Duke

Also, I'd really like to know more about that regeneration, but they did a good job of explaining pretty much nothing and gave something to scratch your head over for the next eight months or so.

Yeah the limit, they did a good job to go over it. I am not sure if he was allowed just one more regen or the normal 12 again. It seems to have side effects maybe due to the doctor being unable to remember how to fly. It might just be post regen gitters though.

Didn't know he could die of old age either. Not sure on actually age now, it is 1000 and something.

Yeah will have to wait and see how the new doctor is. No word when it starts back though.

It's hard to downplay pretty much every big-plot antagonist that has been in the show in the past eight years. It was even overwhelming to see them all.

The enemy i would hate to be against most are the weeping angels, Probably the scariest things.Daleks probably second since they can evolve/adapt. Plus they are Awesome for many reasons. They always manage to cling on to existence aswell.
15,595 posts

They just had to kill off Handles ...

68 posts


574 posts
Grand Duke

eh, Iduno if you noticed, but there was a short clip during the episode that showed a Weeping Angel looking at himself in a mirror with a sort of 'You're Welcome' message written by the Doctor.

Yes that gave me a sense of joy. Although if you were to fight these in the environments they are normally in, most people will likely die. I don't know their real intention though. Are they enemy of anything that isn't one of them, or where did they come from?

Do you mean age overall, or just of the 11th? That might be accurate for just 11th, but exclusively, he was probably 1900 or so by the end of the episode. Just a guess

Yeah overall age, it isn't something we normally get a sense of. I know he was at least 900 something when David Tennant played him since he says. Think in the Nov ep Matt Smiths Doctor says he was like 1200. Might be a lie since he distrusted the War Doctor. It might be true though. Think the war doctor was between 700-800 in age. Cant remember exact figures.

With all time traveling i wouldn't imagine he ages that much, since he would be outside of time while traveling. Though of course as seen he ages, It is hard to get since it might only appear as a few minutes for us but a few centuries for him.

Personally, I find Cybermen the most intimidating, like the Daleks showing a great factor of advancement.

Cybermen can be trouble but i have grown to enjoy them more and they stay pretty much the same though.

Yeah Daleks are always up there.
3,087 posts

Yeah overall age, it isn't something we normally get a sense of. I know he was at least 900 something when David Tennant played him since he says. Think in the Nov ep Matt Smiths Doctor says he was like 1200. Might be a lie since he distrusted the War Doctor. It might be true though. Think the war doctor was between 700-800 in age. Cant remember exact figures.

With all time traveling i wouldn't imagine he ages that much, since he would be outside of time while traveling. Though of course as seen he ages, It is hard to get since it might only appear as a few minutes for us but a few centuries for him.

At lake Silencio he said he was 1100, somewhere else he mentioned being 1200.

Now, when the TARDIS gets back with (*spoilers*) Clara, 300 years have passed since the siege of trenzalore began, putting his age at 1500. Following this the full out battle starts and procedes for an unknown amount of time. However, judging by the large amount of aging that went on between when Clara left and when she got picked up by puppet tasha, I would add on about 200-300 years.

Placing the doctor's current age ~1750.

*Spoiler!* Wiki tells me that the regen was granted by the Time Lords and mentions being given a 'cycle of regenerations', which can only mean one thing - However, it doesn't have any references and who knows if you can trust Wiki.

The wiki is usually pretty good. But, judging by the violence of his regeneration (he took at a large dalek saucer), it definitely appears to be more than one regeneration.

They just had to kill off Handles ...
I think we can all agree Handles is one of the best companions of the doctor.

information available . . . you need to . . . reroute the . . . phone to the . . . tardis . . . console

Btw, when the wooden cyberman attacks, the Doctor sonics it and it kills itself. But the sonic doesn't do wood, so did the Doctor convince the cyberman he had done something he couldn't do, despite being in a truth field.

~~~Darth Caedus
360 posts

In my opinion The Time of the Doctor was a fail, it was bad writing, bad plotline, and it didn't stream together very well.

Clara got dropped off, clara found a way back! doctor mad, doctor kick clara out! clara comes back again. etc.

And then all the time he was in the TARDIS as 11th didn't age him, but now just like 30 years at this place makes him super old looking.

And then all the super awesome villains didn't really even have a part in the storyline. The REAL Daleks would've killed him as soon as he beamed up to the ship, they wouldn't have waited for whats her name to turn into a dalek-human and then walk in and kill him.

Plus, everything seemed too easy! All he had to do was say to the wooden cyberman: "I just reversed your gun polarity (or something like that)", and then the cyberman totally forgets that his sonic doesn't even work on wood, and shoots himself.

And then when he regenerates, he sees the first face he saw... Umm, how come that didn't happen with 10th or 9th? Then when he regenerates his head just flashes back and he's got a new face. Wut? Give us something good! "Oh... new kidneys!"... Totally stole that from 10th when he said "Oh.. new teeth!".

Plus, did they really have to say every 30 seconds that they're naked? just shut up with that already!

Also, all that time of dalek & cybermen being on the planet and they never just shot him? isn't that like their life dream?

Welp, thats The Time of the Doctor in a nutshell for ya.

(Please don't take this wrong, i love doctor who but I think they really couldve done better with 11th's regeneration episode!)

3,087 posts

And then all the time he was in the TARDIS as 11th didn't age him, but now just like 30 years at this place makes him super old looking.
More like 1000 years, and theory has it that regeneration energy delays aging (some classic story which specifically mentions blocking regeneration energy when someone aged the doctor)

And then all the super awesome villains didn't really even have a part in the storyline. The REAL Daleks would've killed him as soon as he beamed up to the ship, they wouldn't have waited for whats her name to turn into a dalek-human and then walk in and kill him.

Plus, everything seemed too easy! All he had to do was say to the wooden cyberman: "I just reversed your gun polarity (or something like that)", and then the cyberman totally forgets that his sonic doesn't even work on wood, and shoots himself.
yes, cuz everyone knows the inner workings of time lord tech. They knew the truth field was in place and being machine they couldn't consider the possibility.

And then when he regenerates, he sees the first face he saw... Umm, how come that didn't happen with 10th or 9th? Then when he regenerates his head just flashes back and he's got a new face. Wut? Give us something good! "Oh... new kidneys!"... Totally stole that from 10th when he said "Oh.. new teeth!".
Of the three new doctors, 11 had by far the most traumatic regen. Also, 10 also saw the first face this face saw (his last visit was to rose shortly before the episode "Rose&quot, and 9 was still with Rose, so . . .

You got a problem with the doctor being a doctor (bolded part) seriously? 10th had new teeth, 11 had a nose and hair ("I'm a girl, no noooooo, NO, I'm not a girl&quot

Plus, did they really have to say every 30 seconds that they're naked? just shut up with that already!

Rule of Funny

Also, all that time of dalek & cybermen being on the planet and they never just shot him? isn't that like their life dream?
They were still afraid he had something up his sleeve, They've fought him time and time again and its the end of a 300 year long war against him. He even called them out on it.

BTW, the next Doctor lands in August, who's hyped to see Capaldi?

~~~Darth Caedus
2,825 posts

who's hyped to see Capaldi?

I would like him to be as Malcolm Tucker was.
202 posts

I think Capaldi's a fine Doctor but he's a bit grumpy feeling, forgets somethings and the show somehow got a bit of a darker turn, hm?

I still think his acting is great and it's wonderful to see someone a bit older as The Doctor for once (or older looking).

I'd so love to see something like the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Doctor. Something a bit goofy yet kinda serious and such BUT not someone/a Doctor who gets stuck on replay ("Bowties are cool", the Fez thing). It gets slightly irritating.

David Tennant and Matt Smith were both very good, too (I'd take Matt over David, though), don't get me wrong but Tennant's acting wasn't the best IMO. He was too hyper.

The End. For now.

19 posts

I am big fan of this show. I have watched 5 seasons of this show.

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