There used to be a Heal or Hurt game on the forum but it died. Now this is a new version with the exact same rules.
The rules are simple: Each turn, you chose what you want to heal +1p and what you want to hurt -1p. The choices would usually be like this;
Cake: 5 points
Ice-Cream: 5 points
Pie: 5 points
Player 1: 'I hurt Cake and heal pie!'
Player 2: 'I heal ice cream and hurt pie!'
Then the chart would look like this;
Cake: 4 points
Ice-Cream: 6 points
Pie: 5 points
Hope y'all understand. So, let's start with;
Favourite Forum:
The Tavern: 5 points
Art, Music and Writing: 5 points
Forum Games: 5 points