ForumsForum GamesThe Fallen Gods (RPG)

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213 posts

NOTE: Ok so I havenât done an RPG in a while so bear with me please!

Dont feel like reading? Goto bottom for quick summery.

Story: There once was a great warrior. He fought in almost every war and won each time. He believed he could beat anyone in the world. People tested him and he fought over 30 great warriors. After a few years he killed over threw the king and put himself in charge. He grew mad with power! Then he did the one thing he should have never done... He challenged a GOD! He and the mighty god fought for two years. Eventfully he beat him. After he beat him the world turned to chaos. The gods mad with anger at him started disasters. And as he killed more and more gods the world eventually turned back to normal. But he hasnât defeated the greatest god of all. Cthulu! And as he tries to defeat Cthulu he is defeated himself. *As book you say aloud* "I know what I shall defeat Cthulu and bring peace to the world!"

NOTE: This is not like defeat the god or one of those games where you and all the other players defeat a god that has 100,000,000 Health. This is an adventure where you must train, practice, do quest's, Earn money and Level Up.


1. No Meta-Gaming.
2. No God-Gaming.
3. Don't Complain.
4. If you die your dead.
5. Use the premade sheets!

1. Very customibizle change the colour of your clothe how your sheild looks what armor you wear! How your weapon looks.
2. Dont wanna be a knight, Archer or mage? Make your own! Thats right you can make your own class!
3. You decide what you do! Wether it be train, enchant/enhace your weapons, learn new spells, get a pet or even after you beat the game BECOME A GOD! Thats right you can become a god after you die! Only one god at a time though.


Archer: The archer weilds a bow and arrow along with a dagger.He/She is quick on His/Her feet. Archers have powerful long ranged attack but poor close combat.

Knight: Has armor sheild and sword. Cannot do long combat. But is good for close combat and can take alot of damage.

Mage: Is good for close and far combat. Can use spells to heal himself and set traps. Or even burn his enimies. Wears a robe and uses a staff.

Make Your Own: Thats right you can make your own class! But remmeber the rules which means he cant be too stroung with his stats or spells.

Class Sheets:


Class: Knight
Health: 100/100
Armor: Wooden 30/30
Abilities: Strengh, Cleave, Thrust
Weapon: Wooden Sword 20/20
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100


Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100


Class: Mage
Health: 100/100
Armor: Robe 10/10
Abilities: Heal, Fire Ball, Ice Ball
Weapon: Wooden Staff 100/100
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1)
Beeds (Money): 100

Make Your Own:

Inventory (Pouch):
Beeds (Money): 100

For people who dont want to read a story:

Ok so pick a class. Or make your own. read the rules though for sure. Use the Premade sheets. Even if making your own class use the one for that. So your gonna defeat a god called Cthulu. The first person to defeat him will become a god themselves. Only one god at a time. Thats about it.

Ok lets play!

  • 39 Replies
213 posts

Ok time to explain how the combat system works!

Armor takes half the damage.
When your armor breaks you take full damage.
You will do random damage along with the theif. (Im gonna find a random number picker"

Enemy Sheet:

Name: Theif
Class: Theif
Abilities: Stab, Hide
Armor: Rags 10/10
Weapon: Iron Knife 50/50

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100

Alright I'm ready to play.

213 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100

You have three options 1. Train (Learn no skills maybe) 2. Shop (Buy new items) 3. Do a quest (Earn Money and sometimes items)

213 posts

I meant Learn new skills! Sorry!

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100

1 I want to try to learn skills first and I don't want to waste money just yet.

213 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100

You learn FireShot

You can either 1.Train (Again) 2.Do a quest 3. Go Shopping

213 posts

Name: Nicholas Blivio
Age: 17
Class: Spellsword
Health: 100/100
Armor: Leather (20/20)
Abilities: Lightning Bolt, Electric Charge (Gives sword the power of lightning)
Color of Clothes: Orange
Weapon: Rusty Cutlass (20/20)
Inventory: Compass, Lockpick(x20), Journal(x1)
Beads: 100

You do twenty damage

Name: Theif
Class: Theif
Abilities: Stab, Hide
Health: 90/100 (Forgot health last time XD
Armor: Rags 00/10
Weapon: Iron Knife 50/50

He uses stab! It does 30 damage. (It is a iron knife)

Age: 17
Class: Spellsword
Health: 90/100
Armor: Leather (0/20)
Abilities: Lightning Bolt, Electric Charge (Gives sword the power of lightning)
Color of Clothes: Orange
Weapon: Rusty Cutlass (20/20)
Inventory: Compass, Lockpick(x20), Journal(x1)
Beads: 100

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beeds (Money): 100

I shall do a quest.

213 posts

Name: Nicholas Blivio
Age: 17
Class: Spellsword
Health: 70/100
Armor: Leather (20/20)
Abilities: Lightning Bolt, Electric Charge (Gives sword the power of lightning)
Color of Clothes: Orange
Weapon: Rusty Cutlass (20/20)
Inventory: Compass, Lockpick(x20), Journal(x1)
Beads: 100

(Armor took 10 of the 20 damage :P)

You use lighting bolt. It does 20 dmage plus 20 dmage shock.

Name: Theif
Class: Theif
Abilities: Stab, Hide
Health: 50/100
Armor: Rags 00/10
Weapon: Iron Knife 50/50

He uses his regular attack which does 10 damage.

Age: 17
Class: Spellsword
Health: 80/100
Armor: Leather (0/20)
Abilities: Lightning Bolt, Electric Charge (Gives sword the power of lightning)
Color of Clothes: Orange
Weapon: Rusty Cutlass (15/20)
Inventory: Compass, Lockpick(x20), Journal(x1)
Beads: 100

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

The quest on the board 1. I need some scropion Meat Reward: 20 beads 2. Can someone escort me to the Market Place please? I am very old and very weak. Reward: Bronze bow (40/40)

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

Oh Oh I wanna do the 2nd quest.

213 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

You walk the women to the market. She thanks you graty and hands you the bow.

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

Yay!! Now what?

213 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Wooden Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

(Sorry forgot to list more options XD!!)

1. Do a quest 2. Train 3. Shop

18,319 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot, FireShot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Bronze Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

I'll shop to see what the store has.

213 posts

Name: Quoa Boxor
Age: 20
Class: Archer
Health: 100/100
Armor: Rags 10/10
Abilities: BullsEye, Quick Escape, Distraction Shot, FireShot
Colour of Cloth: Green with Brown belt
Weapon: Bronze Bow 30/30
Inventory (Pouch): Diary (X1) Health Poition (X2)
Beads (Money): 100

The store has 1. Health Pots (X3) Cost: 20 beads 2. Golden Bow (X1) (20/20) (Plus 5 damage) Cost: 50 Beads 3. Key to Cthulu Cost: 1000 Beads

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