ForumsForum GamesEpic's Tactical Base vs. Base Strategy RPG!

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807 posts

Hello there AG citizens! I'm theEPICgameKING. For a while now, Kylelolcat allowed me control of his CtO spinoff: Destroy Lolcatia! Unfortunately, probably from me taking over (with his permission) and adding new RPG elements every turn (The famed: Postly Updates~), most people have now left. That makes me sad...AND DETERMINED! This game, 100% my own creation, parallels Kyle's CtO's while still being unique in that it is an RPG too! This game combines the RPG elements of Heroes, Magic, and an XP/Level system while also incorporating the strategy elements of Colony, Age of War, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Age of Empires (And every other war game), NOT TO MENTION the luck of the dice from Backgammon! Yes, it's a THREE-IN-ONE game! What could be better? Here's the Stat sheet I will be using:

Admin Stuff (For me)

Weather: Clear/Cloudy/Stormy
Time: Morning/Noon/Afternoon/Night
Temperature: Freezing/Cold/Temperate/Warm/HOT

Injured Heroes(Lose turns)

Dead Heroes(Dead, awaiting revival)

Undead Heroes (The dead revived)

Base 1 Target Building, Lvl X: 100,000*level HP
Base 1 Wall, Lvl X: Current HP/10,000*Lvl Max HP

Base 1 Heroes
Generic Hero name: Level 1, XP 0/1000 (Class)
HP: 1000*Level
MP: 100
Weapon: Starting weapon (Tier 1/2/3/4/5)
Armor: Starting armor (Tier 1/2/3/4/5)

Base 1 Resources:

Base 1 Buildings:[b]

[b]Base 1 Troops

Tier 1 Units





Troops in Battlefield between Bases

Base 2 Target Building, Lvl X: 100,000*level HP
Base 2 Wall, Lvl X: Current HP/10,000*Lvl Max HP

Base 2 Heroes

Base 2Resources:

Base 2Buildings:

Base 2 Troops
Tier 1





Never seen anything like it, right? Well, i'll try to explain.
Resources: Wood, Stone, Metal, etc. Resources are needed to build Buildings and Troops, and
repair/level your Wall. Note that the Target Building CANNOT be repaired. It can be leveled to have
more HP, though.
The Wall: Attacking units must break through the Wall before attacking the Target building.
This is tough to do, but Armor units, with their extra attack power, do best against the Wall.
Buildings: Stuff like a Quarry, Generator, Bank, etc. These produce resources. Depending on
your Base Type, you will start with different starting buildings.
Troops: I'm personally proud of this. Troops have Types; Infantry, Armor, Support, and
Infantry are your basic foot soldiers, armed with melee weapons like swords and axes. The backbone
of any army, Infantry troops do well against Support, but lose against Armor.
Armor units are high-defence, slow-moving units like Knights and Tanks. Able to bear lots of
damage, Armor units smash through Infantry but are too slow to fight against Strikers.
Strikers are those sneaky, fragile assassin units, like Saboteurs and ninjas. Strikers can backstab
Armor units, but due to weak constitution they're easy to be picked off by Support types.
Support units stay back behind the front line. Archers, Snipers, as well as Healers and Workers are
all Support types. They can pick off Strikers, but have low defence and easily get owned by

Subtypes: There are a few Subtypes in addition to the basic Type of units.
Flying: Flying units can only be attacked by Support and other Flying units.
Healers help...heal, units and Heroes. Priests, Doctors, etc.
Workers are your workforce! What, you thought Buildings ran themselves? A lot of Workers, while
being suckish at combat, enhance your Resource income. With enough of them, you could be getting
DOUBLE your normal income rate!

Rank/Tier: These just explain how good your units are. You can train your units for 20% of
their starting cost to up their Rank once, and once they reach Rank 5, they're maxed and cant
upgrade anymore, but are now equal to a Rank 1 unit of the next Tier. Obviously, the best unit is a
Tier 5, Rank 5. Rank is represented by *'s next to the unit name.
Heroes: You, the player, are a Hero! You have a Type just like units, but instead of
Tier/Rank you have a Level! Doing things like killing enemies, etc. gives you XP. It takes more XP
to level up more; 1000 XP gets a Lvl1 to Lvl2, but you need 2000 to get from Lvl2 to Lvl 3. Heroes
can fight eachother when they meet, and the winner takes 10% of the TOTAL XP of the loser. Total XP
is how much XP you have total. So a Level 3 (0/3000 XP) Hero has 3000 XP (1000 for Level 2+2000 for
Level 3).

Magic: Yes! Every Hero has Magic! Unlike other games where Magic costs a set amount of MP, this
game incorporates Flexible Magic; the more you use, the stronger it is! your hero starts out with
the basics:
Cure, costs X MP and heals 50X HP
Fire: Fire Elemental damage for 25X damage and lowers target's defence, making them take 1.5x more
damage from further attacks. Further levels increase damage and defence lowering.
Ice: Ice Damage for 30x and slows down the target. Further levels increase damage and slow down the
target more.
Thunder: Electrical Damage for 40x and has a 25% chance to stun the target. Further levels increase
damage and stun chance %.
More spells can be discovered later on in the game as your Hero levels up, finds them in Dungeons,
purchases them from the Black Market, or learns them from the monsters/other heroes he/she fights
and defeats. Note that certain items increase a Hero's magic power and max MP, so if you're a
Wizard, look for these.

[b]Some places to visit (For a Hero):

Haunted Beach: Full of low-level ghosts and the occasional lost sword. Good for heroes just
starting out.
Great Plains: No, not the Midwest. Monsters here are tougher, but there's not much treasure
Scary Volcano: Lots of Mines and Dungeons are located in this dormant volcano. The deeper
you go, the stronger the monsters get.
Small/Medium/Large/Jumbo Dungeon: You have to look for these, usually found in the Scary
volcano but not always. Full of treasure and monsters.
Small/Medium/Large/Jumbo Mine: These mines give some of EVERY resource for your Base every
turn. Each Day (4 turns) they degrade to the next level, with Small mines becoming Useless.
Monster Forest: The toughest of all the Locations, Legendary Monsters as well as everything
from the other locations can be found here. Legendary monsters carry supreme Rank 5 Weapons and/or
Armor, but they're Final Boss tough. Beware.
The Black Market: ANYTHING can be bought here; weapons, armor, new magic spells, even
troops! However, this is Unfair, so don't expect to get a good deal from this. I warned you now.
Base Types: Once everyone's chosen their sides, they'll have to choose a Type for their base. Type is basically your
government structure, influencing how you develop.
Kingdom: Govern as a King! Target building is Royal Palace, Buildings cost 10% less, but all
soldiers also cost Money, a unique resource for this type. Good for those who have a balance
between unit strategy and hero development.
Native Tribe: Be just like the Native Americans! Target building is Chief's Tent, divine
help costs less, but max Population is lowered. A good type for those who like to pray for Acts of
God to smash their enemy rather than beat them outright.

Necropolism: Rule the undead! Target Building is Citadel, Undead can be summoned at a cost of Bodies (Not population; bodies increases with the enemies you kill), as well as normal units. Good for those who enjoy having a swarm of units mindlessly control them.

Anarchy: No government whatsoever...wait, what? Since no one's following you, Heroes gain TRIPLE XP, but cannot build buildings, gather resources, or train units. A real challenge, focusing on Hero development over strategy.

  • 512 Replies
605 posts

I imbue it with a head-hungry spirit, Eyelander-style. headsheadsheadsheads

807 posts

Weather: Cloudy
Time: Night, Day 3
Temperature: Temperate

Injured Heroes(Lose turns)
Dead Heroes(Dead, awaiting revival)
Devoidless the Mod (3 turns left to auto-revive)
Undead Heroes (The dead revived)

Necropolis Citadel, Lvl 1: 100,000 HP
Necropolis Wall, Lvl 1: 10,000/10,000 HP

Necropolis Heroes
Devoidless the Mod: Lvl 1, XP 0/1000 (Striker)1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Weak mod's knife: Tier 1
Armor: Mod's leathers: Tier 1
Inventory: (0/10)
Pet: Basatan the Giant Crab Lvl 3 2250 HP
Gamermartin: Lvl 1, XP 250/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Hill Giant's mallet T3
Armor: Mage robes T1
Inventory: (0/10) Oak Staff T1
Matlox: Lvl 1, XP 500/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Oak staff T1
Armor: Mage robes T1
Inventory: (0/10) Shruiken T1, Black Leather T1
Poizaz: Lvl 1, XP 400/1000 (Infantry) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Corrupted Sword T3 (10% Corrupt effect)
Armor: Flimsy Shield T1
Inventory (0/10): Cheap Spear T1
Necropolis Resources:
500/1000 Metal
1000/1000 Stone
1000/1000 Wood
1000/1000 Flesh
1000/1000 Blood
1000/1000 Dark Magic
10/100 Bodies
0/100 Spirits

Necropolis Buildings:
Lvl 1 Cemetary (Allows Tier 1 units to be built)
Lvl 1 Quarry (+100 Stone/Metal, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Undertaker (+100 Flesh/blood, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Evil lumbermill (+200 Wood, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Dark Altar (+200 Dark Magic, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Morgue (100 Max Bodies)
Necropolis Troops
Tier 1 Units

1 Evil Ragdoll



Anarchy's Base: Does not exist! Lol!
Anarchists (Heroes):
Sonicheroes95: Lvl 2, XP 800/2000 (Infantry) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Kingdom Key T1
Armor: Bandana T1
Inventory: (0/10)
Shadowgun453: Lvl 2, XP 0/2000 (Armor) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Smallsword T1
Armor: Black Leather T1
Inventory (0/10): Robes T1
Rick073: Lvl 1, XP 0/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Cheap pistol T1
Armor: Patchy body armor vest
Inventory (0/10):

Battle mode: Sonic and Shadow vs Pirate Deckhand
Shadowgun453: Lvl 2, XP 0/2000 (Armor) 1500 HP, 100 MP *Dead*
Weapon: Smallsword T1
Armor: Black Leather T1
Inventory (1/10): Robes T1
Sonicheroes95: Lvl 2, XP 800/2000 (Infantry) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Kingdom Key T1
Armor: Robes and Bandana T1
Inventory: (0/10)
Pirate Deckhand Lvl 5 (Infantry) 3000 HP 1250 XP
Weapon: Cutlass T2
Armor: Parrying Dagger T2
Inventory: (1/10) Flintlock Pistol T2 (Ranged)
Shadow CAN talk, you just can't attack or use magic. The Deckhand, sick of all this talk, becomes FRENZIED! This is worse than ENRAGED. He swings down at Shadow to shut him up...but stumbles back because of Sonic's guard. How much MP, sonic? I'll put in a standard 20 to heal 1000 of shadow. That's all you can do for this turn.

@Rick: You join the Anarchist side! You like guns, so you're a Support type starting with a cheap gun and patchy body armo vest.

@Raispeed: You join the Anarchist side! Striker? Okay then, you start with a Cheap Dagger and a Patchy Robe, both T1 obviously. Can't do anything on your first turn as you just joined.

@Poizaz: Attempting to upgrade Corrupted Sword T3...FAIL! You need 1 spirit. Luckily, you access the SpiritDraw magic to drain a Spirit from a LIVING enemy. This is one of the very VERY few spells that are not Flexible; it costs 25 MP, and you'll recieve no XP from the monster. The ratio of your level to the monsters determines success chance. Higher level monsters give more spirits.

Ungrounded for Christmas! Yay. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I also quit most of my other Forum Games so I dont get sidetracked.

For the Necropolis guys: Your resources are full! To be efficient, I'd upgrade some buildings.[b]

[b]The Meteor in the Great Plains is still ripe for the picking! The treasure inside is divine! *Hint hint*

13,701 posts

25. "well, if you insist on fighting us." I try to interupt his next attack by slashing him twice before attempting to get around him and kicking him towards shadow... who shouldn't be dead or stunned anymore.

2,754 posts

Well, then, might as well begin heading off towards that meteor in the great plains.

807 posts

*Reading through last post*
Oh, woopsie. My first roll of your fight a few days ago had Shadowgun dying, but because it's christmas, he should be alive. Ignore the *Dead* Next to your name, shadow. You're okay.

2,463 posts

I stand up, An cast that my most power full spell, the light ray spell (20 mp) "Sonic stand aside, if my spell doesn't kill him finish him off."

2,463 posts

*Reading Sonic's post*

I cast light ray to finish the pirate off (still 20mp)

233 posts

To the beach!

276 posts

I yell out "ATTACK!!!" hoping to get the people to help while I use 30mp of ice on the closest guards then assuing that they are stunned I charge past them with my hammer and I smash any guards in my way and if I make it on to the platform I throw a dagger (the one from the alter and the one from the cultist) at each of the acolytes and if I get to the girl I smash the chains with my hammer.(you forgot me)

2,463 posts


807 posts

Need to keep my interest up...*Sniffle* I also have the sniffles. Ughh...

Weather: Cloudy
Time: Morning, Day 4
Temperature: Temperate

Injured Heroes(Lose turns)

Dead Heroes(Dead, awaiting revival)
Devoidless the Mod (2 turns left to auto-revive)
Undead Heroes (The dead revived)

Necropolis Citadel, Lvl 1: 100,000 HP
Necropolis Wall, Lvl 1: 10,000/10,000 HP

Necropolis Heroes
Devoidless the Mod: Lvl 1, XP 0/1000 (Striker)1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Weak mod's knife: Tier 1
Armor: Mod's leathers: Tier 1
Inventory: (0/10)
Pet: Basatan the Giant Crab Lvl 3 2250 HP
Gamermartin: Lvl 1, XP 750/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Hill Giant's mallet T3
Armor: Mage robes T1
Inventory: (0/10) Oak Staff T1
Matlox: Lvl 1, XP 500/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Oak staff T1
Armor: Mage robes T1
Inventory: (0/10) Shruiken T1, Black Leather T1
Poizaz: Lvl 1, XP 400/1000 (Infantry) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Corrupted Sword T3 (10% Corrupt effect)
Armor: Flimsy Shield T1
Inventory (0/10): Cheap Spear T1
Necropolis Resources:
600/1000 Metal
1000/1000 Stone
1000/1000 Wood
1000/1000 Flesh
1000/1000 Blood
1000/1000 Dark Magic
10/100 Bodies
0/100 Spirits

Necropolis Buildings:
Lvl 1 Cemetary (Allows Tier 1 units to be built)
Lvl 1 Quarry (+100 Stone/Metal, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Undertaker (+100 Flesh/blood, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Evil lumbermill (+200 Wood, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Dark Altar (+200 Dark Magic, 1000 Max)
Lvl 1 Morgue (100 Max Bodies)
Necropolis Troops
Tier 1 Units

1 Evil Ragdoll



Anarchy's Base: Does not exist! Lol!
Anarchists (Heroes):
Sonicheroes95: Lvl 2, XP 800/2000 (Infantry) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Kingdom Key T1
Armor: Bandana T1
Inventory: (0/10)
Shadowgun453: Lvl 2, XP 0/2000 (Armor) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Smallsword T1
Armor: Black Leather T1
Inventory (0/10): Robes T1
Rick073: Lvl 1, XP 0/1000 (Support) 1000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Cheap pistol T1
Armor: Patchy body armor vest T1
Inventory (0/10):

Battle mode: Sonic and Shadow vs Pirate Deckhand
Shadowgun453: Lvl 2, XP 0/2000 (Armor) 1750 HP, 80 MP
Weapon: Smallsword T1
Armor: Black Leather T1
Inventory (1/10): Robes T1
Sonicheroes95: Lvl 2, XP 800/2000 (Infantry) 2000 HP, 100 MP
Weapon: Kingdom Key T1
Armor: Robes and Bandana T1
Inventory: (0/10)
Pirate Deckhand Lvl 5 (Infantry) 3000 HP 1250 XP
Weapon: Cutlass T2
Armor: Parrying Dagger T2
Inventory: (1/10) Flintlock Pistol T2 (Ranged)
The Pirate Deckhand is a skilled swordsman! He fences with sonic's double-attack, parrying them! Sonic finally starts fighting dirty and kicks him towards Shadow, who shoots a Light Ray at him for 500! Light ray's damage is 25X's weak but super-high accuracy, recommended for sniping enemies from a safe distance. You want pure straight damage, try Thunder with a lot of MP use. FLEXIBLE MAGIC, PEOPLE. MORE MP, MORE POWER.

@Rick: You manage to get to the Meteor without a random encounter. Yay. There's cracks in it, and seems to be glowing slightly. Anything could be inside. What now?

@Raispeed: You march boldly to the Haunted Beach! OH DEAR-GHOST SHOGUN ZOKOZAN...wait, it's morning, and he quickly retreats into a cave at one end of the beach. So that's where he is the rest of the time! (-Haunted Beach Cave- area discovered!) It might have cool treasure! I'd go in there tonight when Zokozan prowls the beach looking for travelers like you to slay.

@Gamer: HEROIC RESCUE PEOPLE! LETS DO THIS!...Spurred on by your reckless assault, the crowd erupts into open combat with the guards! The crowd as a whole is about level 50, able to distract the guards long enough for you to injure the Cultists and free the elf-girl! Shhhhk-one of the cultists stabs you in the back...the Elf Girl picks you up and flees carrying you on her well-toned least you gained 500 XP for your heroic valliantness...
....*Prepare for wall-o-descriptive-text*
....*Preparing complete*
....The smell of the necropolis greets Gamer's nose as he comes too inside the walls. The Elf-girl he rescued sits cross-legged beside him, closing a Spellbook T3 and wiping her forehead. "Thank you for saving my is the least I can do to save yours. My name is Selphy, and this strange place full of spirits is your home, right? I'm sorry, I ran for safety but knew not where to go besides the City, and I had to look in your mind for another safe place. I feel safe her, despite being by the Undead. Usually, Undead are souless monsters weak to fire and light, but these seem tame." She stares at you for a minute, debating on what next to say. Finally, "If you like, I can accompany you in battle; you look like you could gain a few levels."
Here's her stats, for more info:
Selphy the Elf: Lvl 4, XP 900/4000 (Infantry) 4000 HP, 150 MP
Weapon: Elfin Shortbow T4
Armor: Monster Hides T3
Inventory (2/10): Spellbook T3, Strong Healing Herbs (Heals 500 Health)
Will you accept her? Since she's at a higher level than you, you'll still recieve normal XP until you catch up. Then XP is split 50/50, IF you accept her. I'd accept, she seems like a nice girl and you just went through all the trouble of recusing her and stuff. Plus, she's an Elf; Rule#67: Every Party needs 1 Elf and 1 Dwarf. No exceptions.

Divine Questionaire! I ask you a tough question, you tell me the correct answer and get some XP for it! Matlox won the first round with Sonny.
Q: What game did the name of Selphy come from? Hint: Try a different spelling! Reward is 750 XP.
Bonus Q: What was the original Selphy's role in that game? Answer this too for DOUBLE XP.

807 posts

Hey wait a minute! Shadowgun doesn't have Light Ray yet! None of you do; it's an optional spell found in dungeons! ...I'll let it slide this time.

2,463 posts

Hey wait a minute! Shadowgun doesn't have Light Ray yet! None of you do; it's an optional spell found in dungeons! ...I'll let it slide this time.

Uh don't you remember me and gamer summoning you, you gave me the light ray spell.

Anyway, "Sonic lets double team him."

I have know idea for those questions.
2,754 posts

I'll look for something to break open the meteor with. If nothing is nearby, I'll empty a magazine of pistol rounds into it in an attempt to get at whatever is inside the meteor.

13,701 posts

While he's recovering I try to disarm him of his sword by slashing at the hand he's holding it with.

Showing 136-150 of 512