ForumsForum GamesThe 100th Hunger Games Quarter Quell

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Disclaimer: Based off Suzanne Collins awesome book trilogy Hunger Games as you all would probably of guessed.
4 player min. 44 max (Any spots not filled will just be called D10 male or D11 female) (4 tributes for each District)

Age: (12-18)
Weapon skills: (Districts 1,2 and 4 have a max of 3 weapon skills and the other Districts can only have 1)
Survival Skills: (Disticts 1,2 and 4 can have 1 survival skill and other Districts can have 3)

10 points to spend on the 3 skills. (Strength, Speed and Intelligence)
1- Very Low 10-Very High

  • 48 Replies
192 posts

Name: Kenji
Age: 17
Weapon skills: Knives (tanto and throwing)
Survival Skills: Traps, Stealth, First Aid
Strength: 5
Speed: 10
Intelligence: 5
District: 10
Inventory: Knife, 6 cookies, bottle of water.
Hunger: A bit hungry
Thirst: A bit thirsty
Wounds: None
Illnesses: None
Energy: Fueld up

You go into the cave to find a person in there! He saw you and now is charging with and axe. What will you do?

192 posts

Sorry if the things I do are stupid because this is the first time I run something like this^^
Name: Kenji
Age: 17
Weapon skills: Knives (tanto and throwing)
Survival Skills: Traps, Stealth, First Aid
Strength: 5
Speed: 10
Intelligence: 5
District: 10
Inventory: Knife, 6 cookies, bottle of water.
Hunger: A bit hungry
Thirst: A bit thirsty
Wounds: None
Illnesses: None
Energy: Needs a rest

You kill him and hear the sound of a cannon.

192 posts

Death Chart:
D6 male by Lior
D5 male by Lior
D5 2nd male by D8 female
D8 female by D5 female
D9 male by D11 male
D3 female by D11 male
D7 male by D2 male
D11 male by D2 male
D9 female by D1 male
D2 male by D4 male
D4 male by Lior
D3 male by Kenji

Name: Kenji
Age: 17
Weapon skills: Knives (tanto and throwing)
Survival Skills: Traps, Stealth, First Aid
Strength: 5
Speed: 10
Intelligence: 5
District: 10
Inventory: Knife, 6 cookies, 2 bottles of water, 3 apples, 7 crackers.
Hunger: A bit hungry
Thirst: A bit thirsty
Wounds: Cut in the leg
Illnesses: None
Energy: Needs a rest

You loot him and get 3 apples, 1 bottle of water and 7 crackers.
After you loot him a D9 female that was blending with the cave attacks you and hits your leg with a sword! (Treat it fast or you will get an infection)

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