ForumsForum GamesRPG-Styled Battle: Statue of Berserk God

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18 posts

Storyline: Two nations in conflict and both are based on their religions. Five soldiers have been ordered to destroy the Nation One's only statue which represents their god. If it falls, then Nation One will surrender - if Nation Two is more powerful than the Berserk God, why fight? Five defenders have been sent to defend the statue. If they can hold the enemies for ten hours (fifty pages), reinforcements will be sent and Nation One shall destroy Nation Two's statue: The Warlord Rukah God.

As an attacker, you must destroy the statue at all cost...
As a defender, you must protect the statue at all cost...

Will it be destroyed and Nation Two, victorious? Or will the defenders manage to pull them back to their nation and finish the war once for all? It's up to you choose!

Berserk God
HP: 50,000
BUFFs: None

How it works: First of all, I'd like to say that I've always planned turn based forum battles but I just felt like doing it after seeing it was one of it on Fantasy Online's forum (battle the Crab God). Credits for this idea, though, I have no idea. But a'ight, the attackers can use anything to attack (e.g. I throw a bottle full of rum and dirt at the statue) and I will choose a random attack (creativity and power are very useful for high damages) such as 999 or 1337, which will be decreased from the statue's life. You are not allowed to use debuffs (I use dirt rum bottle to poison the statue) or say if it was crit or not, or even the damage, one hit kill etc. I will add either a buff or debuff which will last pages (God has been affected with Poison Bottle for five pages). The defends will always use buffs (weak HoT, weak defense things, 'stun' attackers) to protect the statue. It WILL last 50 pages if the defenders fight well enough.

You can always join, even if there are more attackers or defenders (can't keep a track of how many actually). But the first five (if I manage to find out who) will do more damage, more buffs than the others. Only two buff/debuff attack per page, please. And you are not allowed to stack turns (not attack for five pages and ten give ten attacks in a row). Understood? Hope so. Wanna start? Hope so!

  • 5 Replies
192 posts


I fire a shoop da whoop while riding a nyan cat!

437 posts


I intercept the Nyan cat with a f22 raptor

807 posts

*Starts up CombatOS 1.4*
*Logs in*
*Set Attack type to Hack N slash*
*Weapon: Broadsword*
*Initialize Wallotext.exe*
*Errror: Wallotext.exe not found* Darn it! Just a sec...
*Reinstall Wallotext.exe*
*Initialize Wallotext.exe*
Epic approaches the Berserk God statue, a rusty broadsword gripped tightly in his left hand. Time to focus his power...he crouches, taking a deep breath. Focus, the art of concentrating all of your energy into a single point. Now he would utilize this power, and with a sudden display of grace and skill, jumps high into the air and dives down, holding the sword outwards and spinning like a buzz-saw, straight at the statue, aiming to cleave it in twain, should it be a successful attack. Regardless of the result, after the attempt Epic backflips back into his original posistion and crouches again, focusing yet another attack for next turn.
*End Wallotext.exe*
*Logs out*
*Powers down CombatOS 1.4
Beat that, defenders.

1,266 posts

I run ROBLOX and place a 1x4x2 brick on top of the statue. A flock of guests climb the statue to destroy the brick and are sliced into pieces by the sword. It doesn't help the statue, particularly, but it gets rid of a load of guests.
Defender, you go next.

807 posts

Cant, Nerdsoft. *Currently updating CombatOS to 1.5.* Need a better connection...that and i'm waiting for others.

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