ForumsForum GamesHeroes of Irridia (Fantasy rpg)

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403 posts

About the world:

Welcome to the continent of Irridia. For generations the Humans of âThe Empireâ have fought the âConglomerate Of Tribesâ with the support of their allies, the Dwarves, while the Sylvan Elves fought the Dark Elves. And for generation the balance of power was intact. But then Humans and Elves allied, forming âTHE ALLIANCE OF LIGHTâ. And the balance shifted. Now on the losing side the âTribesâ and the Dark Elves formed a tedious alliance to become âTHE DUNGEONâ. The war continued. But then a new threat arises. In the east of âThe Empireâ the obscure cult of necromancers caused a cataclysm that turned vast areas of the land into swampland. Many died and the necromancers turned them into undead hordes and took over the newly formed swampland. The war effort of the âThe Empireâ shifted towards the eastern lands that were formerly theirs. âThe Dungeonâ however couldnât benefit from it as the Necromancers slowly but surely began attacking âThe Tribesâ. Now both sides fight not only each other but also a new common foe. In addition to this there are rumors of an even bigger evil slowly emerging from the north. The fate of the whole world now rests in the hands of those who decide to take up the cause and fight. The fate of the world now lies in the hands of THE HEROES OF IRRIDIA!

  • 462 Replies
403 posts

About the game:
This is a Forum-Rpg you will pick a race/class combination and will start your journey. I will try to update every day. The game is completely probability driven. Nothing will you chose will kill you unless the dice say so.

About your character:
There are 2 sides. Each of them has 3 different races you can chose from.

The Alliance Of Light:
Humans: Quite hardy and charming, Humans are the dominant species of Irridia, ruling both the Empire and the neutral âSilver Citiesâ as well as inhabiting many other places. They can also become more classes than any other race. though generally mostly lawful humans do not at all have to be âgoodâ

Elves: The Sylvan Elves are very dexterous and perceptive. They live in peace with the Forest they inhabit and going there without their consent might end oneâs life. Despite being allied with them they despise the dwarves for they destroy nature in the eyes of the elves.

Dwarves: Dwarves are extremely strong both in mind â" some call it stubbornness â" and in body. They are famed warriors and have perfected the use of Runes as a means of conjuring magic. Dwarves live in huge mountain fortresses but are also seen in human lands.

The Dungeon:
Orcs: Rather strong and quite hardy, but not very intelligent Orcs are normally feared as bandits and marauders and not as mighty wizard. They live together with the goblins in their tent cities in the large plains of the east.

Goblins: The Goblins are the lower class of the orc society. Naturally not very strong they are no match for their orcish overlords in matters of strength. They are, however perceptive and dexterous and make good trappers and archers. There are also goblin fortresses in the northern mountains where they fight their mortal enemies, the dwarfs

Dark Elves: Dark Elves are intelligent and quite charming, despite being terrifying. They live in Huge Caverns on the southern Islands. Dark Elves are the closest to what you could call truly evil and are mortal enemies to the Sylvan

In the beginning of the game you can take one of five classes. Later you can combine classes to become an advanced class. However not every Class is available for every race. Every class is tied to a specific âelementâ The five classes are:

Warrior: Tied to the element of Might. These mighty heroes can wear heavy armor as well as shields an all weapons. Advanced classes of the warrior are also the only ones that can wear plate, though not all can.

Cleric: Tied to the element of Light. Clerics can heal themselves and others and can support their companions or smite their enemies. However despite wearing wielding maces they are not made for close combat since they only wear robes.

Mage: Tied to the element of Magic. Mages can unleash the power of the magic winds onto their enemies. However since they only study the magic arts they tend to be â¦âsquishyâ

Rogue: Tied to the element of Shadow. Rogues are masters of disguise and the cutting of throats. Striking from the shadows or a distance â" or both â" rogues can be very dangerous but are lost in open combat.

Hotspures: Tied to the element of Fury. These man and women can be very dangerous, striking furiously in battle they can overcome even the strongest defenses but are also sacrificing their own.

403 posts

Character Charts:
Class: (with element)
Primary Attributes: (Strength, Wisdom, Constitution, Wisdom, Dexterity, Charm (calculated from Class/race))
Secondary Attributes: (Stuff like hp, mana and stuff (calculated from attributes)
Inv. depending on race/class though you can make wishes)
Gold: ( depending on race/class)
Description: (with short bio)

I will start as soon as someone signs up (or if someone signs up) but others can join anytime (if anyone is interested in the first place)


3,660 posts

You should probably explain how this all going to work.. It being an RPG and all.

You should put your character sheet, what the rules are, etc.

You should consider reading this.

3,660 posts

Oh you ninja >:O

I didn't think you'd post 3 times. Next time just use 1 post.

Anyways I'll sign up let me just get the character sheet ready.

403 posts

About the Rules:
Your attributes and equipment influence your chances in and out of combat. Everything is decided by the allmighty 20 sided dice. As you will progress you will gain expierience levels and skills. Damage is dependant on your weapon and your strength and is reduced by armor. I will tell you what the cenario you are in is and give you a few options (though you can do something else to)

3,660 posts

Character Charts: The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Inventory: I wish for 2 assassin blades, a short bow and quiver.
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power.

(I assume the rest is for you to put..)

3,660 posts

Yup I'm a little confused as well. If you could kindly clear it up very thoroughly I will gladly participate.

403 posts

Name: Kenji
Race: Elf (because they are stereotypically archers)
Class: Rogue
Level: 0 0/10 XP
Primary Attributes: (Str)ength:10 (Con)stitution: 11 Wisdom: 10 Intelligence: 10 (Per)ception:12 (Dex)terity:14 (Cha)rme:11 (They are generated from your class race combo)
Secondary Attributes: Hp: 32 (Hit) chance: 11/20 (Def)ence chance: 13/20
(Ran)ged: 11/20 (En)ergy: 39 (used for skills (you have none yet))
Inventory: Elven scimitar (3-8 Damage), Short bow (3-8 Damage), 30 Arrows, Quiver, Clothes, Waterskin, Meat(3)
Gold: 4 Gold pieces
Description: *shrouded in mistery*


You are in an elven city. It is built in the trees with bridges between the houses. Here are severel shops you can go. You can also go into an inn or ask someone for work. You can also leave the city

3,660 posts

Hey! Why are you joining up?? You're supposed to be helping me escape the Robot Megazord...thing in Ground Zero!

Lol. All in good time my friend.. All in good time. I'm still joining though
403 posts

Character Charts: The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 0 0/10 xp
Primary Attributes: Str: 10 Con: 11 Dex: 13 Cha: 13 Per: 11 Wis: 10 Int: 11
Secondary Attributes: Hp: 32 Hit: 11/20 Def: 12/20 Ran: 11/20 En: 37 (full names in kinjis post)
Inventory: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Short bow (3-8 Damage), Quiver, 30 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3)
Gold: 20
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power.

3,660 posts

I think you might have forgotten to start my story out ._.

403 posts

Dexterity = Agility
Charme = Charisma
(sorry for the confusion)

Sizadiev: You are in the huge cave that is the dark elven capital. Huge stalagtites are hanging from the cavern's ceiling. Stairs spiral up and down the stalagtites. there are also many shops here, you can also ask people for work or direction go to the "inn"(more like brothel) or leave the city.
(sorry for forgetting)

Kenji: There are all sorts of shops, food, general goods, leatherwares, archery goods, blades, and also an import shop for human goods

403 posts

Kenji: You enter the general store and the clerk, a blonde tall elf greats you: "Hello my friend. Are you interested in my goods? I have many a thing for the household, but also potions or useful herbs, i also have things useful for an adventure, just ask for what you desire and i will look if i have it in stock"

There are many items in display here and you will almost certanly find what you desire for an adventure. So? What do you want to buy?

3,660 posts

Character Charts: The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 0 0/10 XP
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 11
*Dex: 13
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 10
*Int*: 11
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 32
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 12/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 37
Inventory: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Short bow (3-8 Damage), Quiver, 30 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3)
Gold: 20
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power.

(I changed up my character sheet a bit if you don't mind. I think it's way more appealing to the eye for me. If it's not okay I'll change it back. Also, if you wouldn't mind, how about we add weapons and armor/gear to our sheet.. It would help keep things separate. Just a suggestion.)

~Work pff. I don't work for anyone. I head to the food shop to see if anything is affordable.~

403 posts

Sizadiev: There are several food shops here. There is a mushroom shop and also a bakery and a butcher, ther is also the inn/brothel and a man selling "questionable" consumables

(changes are fine with me i just wanted to keep it compact)
(the thing with weapons and armor is a good idea actually

New Sheet:
The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 0 0/10 XP
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 11
*Dex: 13
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 10
*Int*: 11
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 32
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 12/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 37
Weapons: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Short bow (3-8 Damage)
Armor: Clothes (you can choose how they look if you want
Inventory: Quiver, 30 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3)
Gold: 20
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power.

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