ForumsForum GamesHeroes of Irridia (Fantasy rpg)

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403 posts

About the world:

Welcome to the continent of Irridia. For generations the Humans of âThe Empireâ have fought the âConglomerate Of Tribesâ with the support of their allies, the Dwarves, while the Sylvan Elves fought the Dark Elves. And for generation the balance of power was intact. But then Humans and Elves allied, forming âTHE ALLIANCE OF LIGHTâ. And the balance shifted. Now on the losing side the âTribesâ and the Dark Elves formed a tedious alliance to become âTHE DUNGEONâ. The war continued. But then a new threat arises. In the east of âThe Empireâ the obscure cult of necromancers caused a cataclysm that turned vast areas of the land into swampland. Many died and the necromancers turned them into undead hordes and took over the newly formed swampland. The war effort of the âThe Empireâ shifted towards the eastern lands that were formerly theirs. âThe Dungeonâ however couldnât benefit from it as the Necromancers slowly but surely began attacking âThe Tribesâ. Now both sides fight not only each other but also a new common foe. In addition to this there are rumors of an even bigger evil slowly emerging from the north. The fate of the whole world now rests in the hands of those who decide to take up the cause and fight. The fate of the world now lies in the hands of THE HEROES OF IRRIDIA!

  • 462 Replies
403 posts

Sizadiev: You have 8hp left. And you get xp when the whole battle is over. I do xp after an event is over.

The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 1, 1/30 XP
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 11
*Dex: 14
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 10
*Int: 11
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 8/32
- 1 Wound
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 13/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 39/39
Skills: Stunning strike (5 energy, 50% damage, stuns)
Weapons: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Hidden Blade (1-6 damage/hidden)
Armor: Clothes (you can choose how they look if you want
Inventory: Quiver, 29 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3), Stockfish (5), Cavefish (2)
Gold: 30
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power. He has a freshly healed gash on his right arm. He has a large wound on his chest.

The man says: "Well than how can i help you? What are you looking for? You are lucky you ran in me. There are many dangerous people here." Unable to supress a dirty smile. What do you say?

Endrek: You go to the tombs. One of them seems to be bigger than the others. It is filled with gold and jewelry. There are also engravings of mammoths burning and striking down dwarfs. The tomb seems to be dedicated to an empress named "Sankis". The dwarf is visibly struck with awe "By my beard" he mumbles.

well... that's what i get for making your first adventure raiding a big camp^^
Here is what you find: 36 Swords, 16 Leather armors(3 Armor) , 8 Padded armors (1 Armor), 250 portions of food (mostly corned beef and bread), 28 kegs of ale, 33 Horses, several satchlets, backpacks and other bags, 36 sleeping bags, 18 Shortbows, 300 arrows, and a map with a location at the shore near the mountains encirclet, many eating and cooking utensils, 15 hatchets, 25 tinderboxes, and 6 cooking caultrons.
That should be all.
You also get 12xp

16,287 posts

Name:Ugluk Shakil
Class: Warrior, Might
XP: 2/10
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Hit: 13/20
Control: 38
Weapons: Serrated Orcish scimitar (4-9), Buckler(second parry/ +2 Defense for that parry), Fur Helmet (1 Armor)
Armor: Clothes (Orcish Tunic & Breeches)
Inv.:Meat(3) Waterskin, Booze, Acid, 2 smokesticks, Bag o' Caltrops
Description: He was a shorter orc, deemed almost a goblin when he was born, he was the weakest whenever him and his friends wrestled or had tournaments of strength. He made up for it by cheating, he would "accidentally" hurt other opponents in ways against the rules. He apprenticed as a smithy and

"Perhaps a place where we can sit a while, i am very tired from walking."

752 posts

Name: Acnio Rao
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 1 4/30 xp
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 12
*Dex: 13
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 11
*Int*: 10
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 34
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 12/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 37
Weapon: Dagger (2-7), Throwing Knifes (3) (1-6)
Armor: Light leather armor (2 Armor)
Inv: Waterskin, Meat (3)
Gold: 31
Description: I am a small but strong and fast boy who wants revenge for the killing of his father.

Is their any window to get him through? also could you update the Sheet, thanks

403 posts

GOLD: Ríght. forgot that. you find 150 gold
Rare items: no. except the ones on the warlock
Daggers: no but knives (they are included in the eating utensils)
Sheaths: the swords all have sheaths
Water: enough
Shields: no
Hats: no (this isnt tf2^^) nut no helmets either

You pack the horses and begin your journey back to the elf village. It takes you three days to go there. It seems you've become the de facto leader of the community. Now that it is time to rebuild, what are your commands?

your "vault": 36 Swords, 16 Leather armors(3 Armor) , 8 Padded armors (1 Armor), 250 portions of food (mostly corned beef and bread), 28 kegs of ale, 33 Horses, several satchlets, backpacks and other bags, 36 sleeping bags, 18 Shortbows, 300 arrows, and a map with a location at the shore near the mountains encirclet, many eating and cooking utensils, 15 hatchets, 25 tinderboxes, and 6 cooking caultrons

There is a window tot the front street but you would loose sight of him fast as he is going away. (you have to follow him not kill him right away)
You also have 181 gold now.

"This is the tomb of emporer sankis. One of the great rulers of boatmurdered. I think we just found what we were looking for. The treasure of boatmurdered. Go find a way out. I will take as much of the treasure as i can and then we will be out of here" What do you do?

"Sure. I know a place where you follow me." You follow him in a dark alley. Suddenly he turns around on you, a dagger in his hand. "Know would be the time for you to give me all your money" What do you do?

16,287 posts

Name:Ugluk Shakil
Class: Warrior, Might
XP: 2/10
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Hit: 13/20
Control: 38
Weapons: Serrated Orcish scimitar (4-9), Buckler(second parry/ +2 Defense for that parry), Fur Helmet (1 Armor)
Armor: Clothes (Orcish Tunic & Breeches)
Inv.:Meat(3) Waterskin, Booze, Acid, 2 smokesticks, Bag o' Caltrops
Description: He was a shorter orc, deemed almost a goblin when he was born, he was the weakest whenever him and his friends wrestled or had tournaments of strength. He made up for it by cheating, he would "accidentally" hurt other opponents in ways against the rules. He apprenticed as a smithy and

he frowns "let me get my coin purse" and he reaches into his belt, hidden by the long tunic, pulling the acid, and uncorking it with two fingers, and proceeds to throw it in the man's face

3,660 posts

The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 1, 1/30 XP
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 11
*Dex: 14
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 10
*Int: 11
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 8/32
- 1 Wound
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 13/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 39/39
Skills: Stunning strike (5 energy, 50% damage, stuns)
Weapons: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Hidden Blade (1-6 damage/hidden)
Armor: Clothes (you can choose how they look if you want
Inventory: Quiver, 29 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3), Stockfish (5), Cavefish (2)
Gold: 30
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power. He has a freshly healed gash on his right arm. He has a large wound on his chest.

~I attempt my ''Stunning Strike'' on him.~

403 posts

You throw the acid right into the mans face. Burning him quite badly. he screams in pain as he stumbles backwards. Do you attack him?

The damage is gravely but the elves work with an inner fire only the fair folk can show. It takes only a few days until everything is set up enough that they will not need your help anymore. A makeshift tactic central was established in on of the bigger houses. It is time to plan the quest. What do you take with you? Who will travel with you? The villagers will surely help you with everything they can.

You try to stun him, but he parries.
He stabs you. and the world fades to black as you sink to the ground.
You have been knocked out. But you are not quite dead yet.
Light falls into your eyes as you open them slowly. Your whole body hurts from the wounds recieved in battle. But you are alive. You are lying on your back. It takes a few moments for you to realize that you must be on a ship. Everyhing is made of wood and the floor swings lightly. What do you do?
(despite being knocked out, you get 9 xp for the fight. Also you healed up while you were out)

Updated sheet:
The Dungeon
Name: Sizadiev
Race: Dark Elves
Class: Rogue, Shadow Element
Level: 1, 10/30 XP
Primary Attributes:
*Stre: 10
*Con: 11
*Dex: 14
*Cha: 13
*Per: 11
*Wis: 10
*Int: 11
Secondary Attributes:
*Hp: 19/32
*Hit: 11/20
*Def: 13/20
*Ran: 11/20
*Ene: 39/39
Skills: Stunning strike (5 energy, 50% damage, stuns)
Weapons: 2 Daggers (2-7 Damage), Hidden Blade (1-6 damage/hidden)
Armor: Clothes (you can choose how they look if you want
Inventory: Quiver, 29 Arrows, Waterskin, Mushrooms (3), Stockfish (5), Cavefish (2)
Gold: 30
Description: Strangely tall for an Elf, also built from all the training he does. He has a recognizable tattoo on his arm of The Dungeon. Known as one of the darkest elves known in The Dungeon. He is known for his stealth and power. He has a freshly healed gash on his right arm. He has a freshly healed large wound on his chest that is sewn shut and will surely leave a scar.

16,287 posts

Name:Ugluk Shakil
Class: Warrior, Might
XP: 2/10
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Hit: 13/20
Control: 38
Weapons: Serrated Orcish scimitar (4-9), Buckler(second parry/ +2 Defense for that parry), Fur Helmet (1 Armor)
Armor: Clothes (Orcish Tunic & Breeches)
Inv.:Meat(3) Waterskin, Booze, 2 smokesticks, Bag o' Caltrops
Description: He was a shorter orc, deemed almost a goblin when he was born, he was the weakest whenever him and his friends wrestled or had tournaments of strength. He made up for it by cheating, he would "accidentally" hurt other opponents in ways against the rules. He apprenticed as a smithy and

kick him over, seize his weapons first and then his possessions, then quietly and quickly walk away

403 posts

"The others?" The dwarf asks. They probably are out already. That canal must've led somewhere. We can't help them anyways. There is a whole lot of goblins outside waiting for us remember? Now... go find us another route out of here. I will get the treasure" What do you do?

Luckily, the raiders were interrested in the elves themselves and not the goods they had. So the shops are relativly well stocked. What do you want to buy?

Ugluk: You kick him over. Since his face is full of acid he can't really do much so you grab what is in his pockets. You find 12 goldpieces and a vial filled with a strange liquid. You also take his dagger and then flee the scene. Where to go now? (you also get 1 xp)

403 posts

And finally, after all this time... I present LORE

The main Religion practiced in Irridia is the Religion of the three draconic Gods, Lihruhr, Tehruhr and Dihruhr. Lihruhr is the dragon of light, he is the lord of order, law, life and all that is good. He also is the patron of the Warriors guild. Tehruhr is the dragon of balance, he is the lord of calm and patience. He is also the patron of all mages and is believed to be the god of the arcane winds. Dihruhr is the dragon of darkness, he is the lord of destruction, dismay and death. He is also the patron of those who walk with the shadows. Interestingly the necromancers do not pray to Dihruhr which would be more fitting for them, but to Lihruhr. They believe that necromancy is the greatest gift of Lihruhr as it gives life to those who were dead.


The Empire:
The Empire is the biggest nation on the continent of Irridia and some say the mightiest. It consists of three smaller nations. The northern kingdom of Telrion, the main body of the empire and the land of the homeland of the Emperor, the Southern Republics, a covenant of city states that is governed by council of Lords and is mainly interested in trade, and the eastern Kingdom of Estria, a beautiful landscape governed by old families, the men and women of Estria are still living in the old ways and it is sometimes seen as a backwater. But still these men and women are amongst the most loyal citizens of the Empire and fierce warriors when the call to arms is there.
The Empire is one of the younger nations of the continent, being created less than 1000 years ago. It was founded from the ruins of the old empire that came before it and the Tribes of âBarbariansâ that destroyed it. These tribes originated from the eastern part of Estria that is now known as the land of the Necromancers. In the beginning of its young life the Empire had to fight many challenges. The tribes were fighting each other for the leadership until one Warlord named Tellron the Greater finally was victorious over all other lords. He declared himself emperor, founded the land of Telrion which became home to all future emperors. But that is not where the hardship ended. Orcish tribes from the southern part of the continent attacked the empire again and again which led to the alliance of men and dwarves. Hundreds of years the fight continued, until the uprising of the necromancers and the alliance with the Sylvan.

*OOC: The Empire is based on the high and late medieval Holy Roman Empire, with Telrion being the main part. The Southern Republics are based on the Italian city states and Estria is based on the early medieval western Europe. Just so you now*

*that is the first bit of lore. other bits will follow. I don't know wether i will follow a plan or just upload whatever piece of lore i want. Of course you could always ask me for what you want to see*

16,287 posts

Name:Ugluk Shakil
Class: Warrior, Might
XP: 3/10
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Hit: 13/20
Control: 38
Weapons: Serrated Orcish scimitar (4-9), Buckler(second parry/ +2 Defense for that parry), Fur Helmet (1 Armor)
Armor: Clothes (Orcish Tunic & Breeches)
Inv.:Meat(3) Waterskin, Booze, 2 smokesticks, Bag o' Caltrops, Strange vial, Dagger
Description: He was a shorter orc, deemed almost a goblin when he was born, he was the weakest whenever him and his friends wrestled or had tournaments of strength. He made up for it by cheating, he would "accidentally" hurt other opponents in ways against the rules. He apprenticed as a smithy and

head to the alchemist, and inspect the dagger along the way

also big thumbs up for lore

403 posts

You head for the alchemist and inspect the dagger. It seems it is a normal dagger. but upon closer inspection you see some small holes in the blade. You see that you can unscrew the shaft of the weapon. As you do this it reveals a small glass vial that seems to be supposed to be breaking on impact, releasing whatever is inside. the vial is filled with a green liquid at the moment. You soon arrive at the alchemist shop. What do you want to buy?

16,287 posts

Name:Ugluk Shakil
Class: Warrior, Might
XP: 3/10
Primary Attributes:
Secondary Attributes:
Hit: 13/20
Control: 38
Weapons: Serrated Orcish scimitar (4-9), Buckler(second parry/ +2 Defense for that parry), Fur Helmet (1 Armor)
Armor: Clothes (Orcish Tunic & Breeches)
Inv.:Meat(3) Waterskin, Booze, 2 smokesticks, Bag o' Caltrops, Strange vial, Dagger
Description: He was a shorter orc, deemed almost a goblin when he was born, he was the weakest whenever him and his friends wrestled or had tournaments of strength. He made up for it by cheating, he would "accidentally" hurt other opponents in ways against the rules. He apprenticed as a smithy and

show him the two vials "what are they?" he asks simply

403 posts

Ugluk: "Hmm... they seem to be some kind of venom. probably something that works on contact and when inserted in the bloodstream. It probably is very painful. If you want me to say more than you have to leave me a sample here." (both vials have the same content) What now?

Kenji: (No Elves aren't this deceitful or into trickery and they aren't THAT special)
The bowsmith only has bow... stuff but it is relativly well stocked.
What do you want to buy?

403 posts

"Arrows?" the shopkeepre asks. "well that is something i most definitly got. That would be 1 goldpiece for 10 arrows. Deal?"
How many do you want?

Showing 301-315 of 462