ForumsWEPRmali war & algerian hostage crisis.

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algerians and foreign workers were taken hostage at the gas plant in wednesday's assault, apparently in direct response to france's offensive in nearby mali.

cameron said, "but i think we should be prepared for the possibility of further bad news"

what do you guys think? is this the start of a 2nd war on terror? (or extension, as the 1st is still going on)

the man behind the group claiming responsibility for the attack and kidnappings is a veteran jihadist known for seizing hostages.
Moktar Belmoktar, an algerian who lost an eye fighting in afghanistan in his teens, has long been a target of french counterterrorism forces. libyan sources said he spent several months in libya in 2011, exploring cooperation with local jihadist groups and securing weapons.
weapons that in the fight against ghadaffi was dropped by france to strengthen the rebellion. so they are fighting there own arms now.

  • 26 Replies
5,129 posts

and where did france jump in? france did not attack a nation. -period
thats the last thing i have to say about this whit you.

funny btw that is is so silent here from the usa users. if it was usa that started this then this topic would be on page 15 already and will be cheering for it that they did something good. xD
but it isn't them so it isn't interesting. xD haha.

1,826 posts

and where did france jump in? france did not attack a nation. -period
thats the last thing i have to say about this whit you.

funny btw that is is so silent here from the usa users. if it was usa that started this then this topic would be on page 15 already and will be cheering for it that they did something good. xD
but it isn't them so it isn't interesting. xD haha.

I don't understand that What side france is on?
5,129 posts

france is whit mali (Dioncounda Traore), ECOWAS and the UN.

the "rebels" are AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb), MUJWA (Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa), Ansar Dine ("helpers of the (Islamic) religion" or "defenders of the faith&quot and MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad)

5,129 posts

no reply punisher?
everything clear now?
you understand and know now that france has in no way invaded a nation? and that you try to defend the wrong people?

1,826 posts

no reply punisher?
everything clear now?
you understand and know now that france has in no way invaded a nation? and that you try to defend the wrong people?

As I have said before, they are too extreme for me.
but still I don't see frenchies as saviours, because right now, there are tuaregs, Islamists and the army fighting, if they really want to end it all, they can divide the mali in parts where tuaregs are in majority, islamists are in majority and others are in majority.
But right now, french forces have went in to stop Islamists, and that is Islamophobia in my opinion.
In related news, mali is still 2/3 under islamist control and fear have arisen that they might settle into libya if push further.
5,129 posts

As I have said before, they are too extreme for me.

but you still defend them.
it's like whit the quo-ran. you defend it as it is written, but you do not live that way entirely.

but still I don't see frenchies as saviours

they aint, they are giving a helping hand. the UN as a whole is needed here. (same trick as usa used whit libya)

because right now, there are tuaregs, Islamists and the army fighting

tuaregs and islamists vs army.

the tuaregs fight for the libaration of azawad.(MNLA) azawad does no longer exists. if we would give them azawad then we have to give them most of mali, all of algeria,a big chunk of libya and a little bit of niger and chad.

if they really want to end it all, they can divide the mali in parts where tuaregs are in majority, islamists are in majority and others are in majority.

i forsee another and bigger israel/palestina conflict.
people do not want to leave where they have lived for generations. where they live is there land and all party's live on the same ground.
this would not end it. it would only make it worse.

But right now, french forces have went in to stop Islamists

no no.
mali has asked france (and many more who did not react) to join them in a war to take back control over the land that was occupied by terrorist groups.
mali has been in war whit these groups since this summer when the mali president was elected. (1 week later it started)
and because the mali army alone isn't able to fight these rebellions and was actually losing ground. the frence reacted started to help them.
if they didn't, entirely mali would have been taken over. turning it into another afghanistan.

and that is Islamophobia in my opinion.

it's not because they did not started to fight them because they are islamics.
it's are terrorist groups that got of the radar of the usa war in fghanistan and are now regrouping in a other country. if usa did it's job well. then there wouldn't have been a a surprise that there are so many of them behind them and that they were happily taken control over a other country.

mali is still 2/3 under islamist control and fear have arisen that they might settle into libya if push further.

your latest news is kinda old tho. they are in fact already in libya. they are already all across algeria.
it's much bigger then just mali. but mali has been taken over and was already in war whit thhem. so that is where it starts and where 90% of the action will be. (for now)
8,256 posts

It is not islamophobia to get rid of extremists who destroy the cultural treasure of their own culture and terrorize the local population.

Besides, you cannot just split toaregs and islamists in two camps. Among the touaregs, some are moderate and don't fight against France, while others are islamists and do.

On the other side, France is not joining out of pure goodwill; they have their own interests in the stability of Mali, mainly because of ressources. They have also secretly (newspaper-only-talk-about-it-now kind of secrecy) sent their "Force speciale" weeks before the actual war began, even though they officially sent regular troops only when Mali asked for help.

Though, can you blame someone for helping in keeping stability in a country, even if not out of pure goodwill?

1,826 posts

but you still defend them.
it's like whit the quo-ran. you defend it as it is written, but you do not live that way entirely.

They don't follow it word by word, rather they interprete it in a harsh way, I've always despised such people who mke their religion hard for themselves where it is not.
they aint, they are giving a helping hand. the UN as a whole is needed here. (same trick as usa used whit libya)

According to my reports, this would not have had started if not for westren intervention of libya.
tuaregs and islamists vs army.

the tuaregs fight for the libaration of azawad.(MNLA) azawad does no longer exists. if we would give them azawad then we have to give them most of mali, all of algeria,a big chunk of libya and a little bit of niger and chad.

If there are enough tuareg who want independence, give it to em, but then again, world is not fair.
i forsee another and bigger israel/palestina conflict.
people do not want to leave where they have lived for generations. where they live is there land and all party's live on the same ground.
this would not end it. it would only make it worse.

Israel/palestine conflict exists because majority of jews were transplants rather than natives.
Unlike this situation where tuaregs have always lived for centuries.
no no.
mali has asked france (and many more who did not react) to join them in a war to take back control over the land that was occupied by terrorist groups.

If that "terrorist group" is in majority then perhaps some thing is wrong with govrn.
Remember, Bashar al Asad also call rebels terrorists.
mali has been in war whit these groups since this summer when the mali president was elected. (1 week later it started)
and because the mali army alone isn't able to fight these rebellions and was actually losing ground. the frence reacted started to help them.
if they didn't, entirely mali would have been taken over. turning it into another afghanistan.

Tuareg rebellion is far more older than just "last month" or "last week".
They fought in 90s too, for a free country.
it's not because they did not started to fight them because they are islamics.
it's are terrorist groups that got of the radar of the usa war in fghanistan and are now regrouping in a other country. if usa did it's job well. then there wouldn't have been a a surprise that there are so many of them behind them and that they were happily taken control over a other country.

As I said Islamophobia.
Who ever said clash of civilizations is inevitable was right, (no, this is not the start of it).
It is not islamophobia to get rid of extremists who destroy the cultural treasure of their own culture and terrorize the local population.

If they are in majority, i.e it is the will of the population to impose sharia la\\w, who are us to stop them?
Although this time it this was not the case.
Besides, you cannot just split toaregs and islamists in two camps. Among the touaregs, some are moderate and don't fight against France, while others are islamists and do.

They are two different factions.
Though, can you blame someone for helping in keeping stability in a country, even if not out of pure goodwill?

If such kind of srability is imposed by chuina or Iran, they call it oppression.
8,256 posts

According to my reports, this would not have had started if not for westren intervention of libya.

That's the tragic thing in all of this, it's a consequence of the Libyan thing.

Also noteworthy is that some politicians in France are criticizing that France wouldn't even necessarily have to step in, if north African armies had been mobilized soon enough.

If that "terrorist group" is in majority then perhaps some thing is wrong with govrn.

But they're not even from the population, so what say do they have in this? They burn down cultural knowledge and other treasure without asking everyone, even though they're destroying their own culture, which I don't understand.

As I said Islamophobia.

Humbug. You think yourself too that a few extremists aren't representative of the face of Islam. The people we fight against here are those few extremists, that are in a campaign against the moderate Islam. They opress the local population.

If such kind of srability is imposed by chuina or Iran, they call it oppression.

It is not imposed, the population wants it. Have you seen how happy the Mali people are in locations where the islamists have been driven back? Using your arguments, if the majority wants it, who are we to judge them?

They are two different factions.

Two different factions of Touaregs. You cannot argue about the legitimity of those France fights against, if half of all Touaregs do not want anything to do with their extremist counterpart.
5,129 posts

According to my reports, this would not have had started if not for westren intervention of libya.

indeed. and we have to thank usa for starting that. and what the uk and france did after that was not all good either. i already said it was a bad thing to do when it happened and every1 here was cheering for it.

also a big reason why syria does not get help now. we have seen multiple times already what can happen after such aid.

If there are enough tuareg who want independence, give it to em,

dont you see that what the tuaregs want is not possible?
they will keep fighting untill azawad is returned on the maps. azawad is half of north africa. 5 nations will need to give up their land and 1 nation has to stop whit it's existens.
you can't be seriously that we should give them just half of north africa for nothing.

Unlike this situation where tuaregs have always lived for centuries.

so have the others. on the same land. who are you going to push away from their grand grand parents land?
beside that it is impossible to grand them their wishes as said above.

If that "terrorist group" is in majority then perhaps some thing is wrong with govrn.

mali is a open country whit allot of freedom for everyone. also the woman.
these groups do not want freedom they want a muslim state. and no they are not the majority. they have come from all across africa to fight for these groups. most of the actual civilions in mali do not want this state but want the freedom they are used to and like.

if you believe all tuaregs are natives fighting against their government then you might just aswell believe that nepal was the 1st country that has sended a man to the moon.
thats how far off you are.

Tuareg rebellion is far more older than just "last month" or "last week".
They fought in 90s too, for a free country.

when the latest mali president was elected last year he won because he was promoting a fight against these groups. because they destroy their culture their freedom and their identity. thsi is what the majority of mali has voted for. he started this war against all these groups (so not only just the tuaregs that you talk about) the week after he was elected.

ofcours is the rebellion older but dont you think that it changes in structer over 20 years of time? the tuaregs of the 90's are nothing compared to what it is now. they have different leaders different ranks different weapons. etc. etc. if your still walking around whit the idea of tuaregs in the 90's then i understand your not getting what this is about.

As I said Islamophobia.

i think you have islamophobe-phobia.

If they are in majority, i.e it is the will of the population to impose sharia la\\\\w, who are us to stop them?

the president was elected because he wanted to fight these groups. the population has spoken and it wants the tuaregs gone.
who are you to defend the tuaregs as if they are above the law?
5,129 posts

Remember, Bashar al Asad also call rebels terrorists.

there are terrorist groups growing and opperating in syria against the government in the name of the free syrian army. this is acknowled by the free syrian army and they have said that they do not want what these terrorist groups want.

asad is right that loads of "rebels" are terrorists. and he is right to fight them.
however it's such a big mess over there. it's impossible for him, the rebels and then terrorists to know who is who and so they all fight eatchother.

anyway this is off topic it's about mali and algeria. not syria.
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