So, there was a thread on here a while back dedicated to riddles. Thaboss hasn't seen any new thread recently, so he's decided to start his own. Feel free to post and respond to any riddles.
Here's a classic one.
Bob hates his job. One day, while Bob is working on the 34th floor of an office building, he decides he's fed up with it. He rips open a window, and jumps through it. Although Bob is on the 34th floor, and there was nothing to stop, slow down, or cushion his fall, when he landed, he was perfectly fine. How?
One Cowboy entered a bar full with cowboys. He orders a cup of watter. He drinks it, then the bartender grabs his gun and shoots in the air. The cowboy thanks him and leaves. What Happened?
The Indians, capture three white man. The tie them in a line, so the last one to see the first and the second guy. The second guy to see only the first one, and the first one cant see anyone.They tie one feather on all of them on the head.. If they guess what feather is on their head they are free. If they are wrong, they will die. There are 3 white feathers and 2 black. After few minutes the first man says "White" and the indians let him free. How did he know it was white?