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So, there was a thread on here a while back dedicated to riddles. Thaboss hasn't seen any new thread recently, so he's decided to start his own. Feel free to post and respond to any riddles.

Here's a classic one.

Bob hates his job. One day, while Bob is working on the 34th floor of an office building, he decides he's fed up with it. He rips open a window, and jumps through it. Although Bob is on the 34th floor, and there was nothing to stop, slow down, or cushion his fall, when he landed, he was perfectly fine. How?

  • 368 Replies
1,147 posts

2. Was "she" a fire? When he spoke, he blew on a candle or something, and the fire died.

715 posts

2. Was "she" a fire? When he spoke, he blew on a candle or something, and the fire died.

If he wanted to do it, he would blew, as you said, not speak. Have you tryed speaking to a candle to put it out?
509 posts

He spoke and she died. Why?

Ok, let's get this out of the way. I don't think this is a very good riddle and there are several reasons.

The first one being you have not said directly whether the he or the she is indeed human. If they are not human (and instead you are trying to work out what they are) then the riddle immediately becomes too vague. It becomes a "What are they?" question and then a, "What happened question?" which not only offers no valid response but confuses everyone. Now let us assume that it is a riddle where you have to find out what the two objects are. In that case there is a double standard. You say that it could not be silence because silence is "Broken" but in fact riddles often use the wrong words to confuse people into not getting the answer. On top of this you say the word "Spoke" which (If the objects are not human) also means that you are using a metaphor here. For all we know it could be the radio "speaking" here but the other thing has to die. Maybe Justin Bieber came on the radio?

But that probably isn't what is happening, right? They're both humans as you clearly

Way too vague. Are the "he" and "she" actual, physical humans?

Yes, Maybe they are.

Maybe is not a definite clue. So I'd have to assume one of two things,

1. Both are humans (You messed up a little)

2. One is human and one is not.

Assuming one is human and the other is not it doesn't clear up which one is which. Assuming the object that spoke was not human then it could be anything really and if you want I can say "An alien radio that sends out sound waves that kill you". You might say that doesn't sound right but in the end my answer is still a viable answer. The riddle is too vague you can't use technicalities because riddles often don't say the correct word. Yours might not follow the same path but you can't justify yourself by what happens to something.

Finally, we come to both are humans. Now, I will bring up the possibility of the question being vague as well.


What are you trying to say? The only one I can really think of is "Why did she die?" In that case the answer is because he spoke. At the start the riddle could have simply been two unrelated people and as one spoke the other happened to die but you explain that the that the two are together.

So let's say AGAIN that the real question is "What happened when he spoke that made her die?" (Which doesn't start with why by the way). There is no answer to that question. He is a robot and he said something which sent out bullets from his mouth to kill her.

"Well that's not logical"

Well it is possible, and is therefore a answer that is indeed a possible answer (As there is no word that clearly states otherwise).

If that is not correct I will happily stop complaining. However at the moment this riddle (if it was offered no hints) would have LITERALLY been impossible to solve and there is no way to prove he wasn't shooting bullets from his mouth using ONLY WHAT IT SAYS ON THE RIDDLE.

You might say "Well he would have shot her". Nope, that wouldn't work. If you shoot someone they die. So why didn't he say shot then? Well usually in riddles they use the wrong word as to confuse the person answering (Just as matt did with the eagles question). You can't get me on a technicality here.
509 posts

Oh, sorry about that.

I was kind of a bit angry about something then. Don't take it personally at all. However some of my points (Not all of them :/)I still want to see your opinion on.

If there was an edit button I'd use it.

749 posts

Xerox's one could be;
a) She was interest
b) She was a question; he answered her, she died.
c) She was commotion
d) She was war
e) She was pain
f) She was happiness

Any of these?

715 posts


Xerox's one could be;
a) She was interest
b) She was a question; he answered her, she died.
c) She was commotion
d) She was war
e) She was pain
f) She was happiness

No. They are both alive...

Stop making stuff up ... This is real, Imagine this in real life. "she" and "he" They exist. They are alive. Everyone is overthinking it.

My question: Are all the elements (he, she, spoke, died) actual, physical being and actions, or are they metaphors?

There are no Metaphors here.

He was Death.
He was her boyfriend and she was cheating. He spoke her name and she died of shame.
He was supposed to be dead. When he spoke, she died of fright because she didn't know he was alive.
They were climbing a mountain. He spoke, causing a rockslide and killing them both.
They were soldiers hiding from the enemy. He spoke, giving away their position and she was killed.
They were prisoners. If one of them spoke, the other died. He spoke and the captors killed her.
She was doing something dangerous. When he spoke, she panicked and died as a result.
She was going to kill both of them out of revenge or some other reason, and he said "do it."

To answer some of those : He said something random. The moment he oppened his mouth she was going to die, no matter what he said. Even if he said nothing.

Ok here is another hint since everyone are looking for a meaning where there is none. He opened his mouth. That is!
715 posts

Here are the riddles again.
1: The train just passed, without hitting anyone or anything, but she died because of it. Why?
2: He spoke and she died. Why?

715 posts

Those are level "Insane" Hardest they can get :3

509 posts

He opened his mouth and she died.

Just for clarity, is that what the hint added?

2,765 posts

Is he human: Yes/No

Is she human: Yes/No

I think that will clear up most of Iagree's reasons.

Would this sentence work? (Adding onto Iagree's)

Tom opened his mouth and Jessica died. What caused Jessica to die?

509 posts

You're banned for posting in the wrong thread.


Way to go Leo, just describe my paragraph of rage into under 20 words. -_-

Don't you think It's a little to vague?

He's given us a couple of hints so far that could clear it up. Just look back in the thread.
4,170 posts

You're banned for posting in the wrong thread.


Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing.
715 posts

Is he human: Yes/No


Is she human: Yes/No

Is this for one or two? For one "Maybe" Fro Two "Probbably"

Tom opened his mouth and Jessica died. What caused Jessica to die?

Yup, but He spoke and she died. Why? Is the same, but not for people who can't read. Yours is like made for under the average people who cant read properly...

Actually there are not many possibilities... I have given so many hints that the answer is obvious.... There is only one possible thing, you guys just have to find it :/ (And that is only for the second riddle D: )
2,765 posts

Is this for one or two? For one "Maybe" Fro Two "Probbably"

I think you misunderstood. Yes or no are your only two answers. Let's try again.

Does it matter if he/she is human: Yes/No

Yours is like made for under the average people who cant read properly...

Nope. It clears up several bits of vagueness that are unneeded and make the riddle harder to work out for no reason. I now consider this a riddle that is possible to work out. Before it left too many guessing. Jessica and Tom make it say that the two are probably human, "opened his mouth" clears up a few answers and finally the question was just clarified a bit.
7,024 posts


but he did not do anything else, than just to pass.

He passed? Was "he" the train?
Showing 256-270 of 368