So, there was a thread on here a while back dedicated to riddles. Thaboss hasn't seen any new thread recently, so he's decided to start his own. Feel free to post and respond to any riddles.
Here's a classic one.
Bob hates his job. One day, while Bob is working on the 34th floor of an office building, he decides he's fed up with it. He rips open a window, and jumps through it. Although Bob is on the 34th floor, and there was nothing to stop, slow down, or cushion his fall, when he landed, he was perfectly fine. How?
Something does not have to change every time. And warmth of the light bulb is not a variable. The prisoners aren't allowed to feel the bulb, just the switch. Thaboss misunderstood the last part of your first post. Each person does not have to leave a mark every time.
They can't choose to do nothing, because they would never know who had gone and when. They can't leave the lightbulb on permanently because the same would apply. If they alternate (one turns it on, one turns it off), they will lose the pattern the instant someone is used twice.
They must find a way to each leave an individual mark/clue, so that twenty marks will show that they have gone twenty times. If a prisoner is selected twice, he would do nothing because he has seen his mark.
OH! After reading this I nearly have it.
If one person is chooses to always turn the light on when he goes in, everytime he sees the light off he can add one to the number.
But how to tell other people to turn on the light, I don't know. And that would mean he had to get picked 99 times.
Better off just waiting 3 years and reporting the jail to the government for disrupting mental health.
The key is the special person. There's one special person, called the counter. He's the one who will eventually say that all prisoners have been in the room.
MattEmAngel, it's not that. It's this idea of the one counter.
Leo is an awesome guy, so he gets chosen to be the leader because he was the first person to go inside. He tells everyone else that when they go in they must turn the light off if it was on when they entered. Once you turn the light off if you are chosen to go again you must not touch anything. If you come into the room and find the light off you do not touch anything. Every time this awesome guy that happen to be called Leo walks in he turns the switch on. He keeps count of every time he does this and when he gets to 99 he wins.
I still stick with suing the government for trauma and distress.
Leo is correct, however everything is reversed. The special guy always turns the light off.
Basically if the light is on, no one can touch it. If a prisoner comes in, and it's his first time, he turns the light on. (It starts in the off position.) After this prisoner turns it on, no one touches it until the leader comes. The leader always turns it off. Then, when someone else who has never gone goes, he turns the light back on until the leader comes again and turns it off. This goes on until the leader counts 99 times. Then he knows that everyone else has gone.
So leo was right but he had his offs and ons mixed up.