Say how you would react if the above avatar popped up in your bedroom all of a sudden while you sleep.plz don't say anything offensive.enjoy
<infestation type="lolcat" source="somewhere, deep in internet">im in ur forest craftin ur gemz</infestation>
HEY! stay away from that red button!
mind if i snitch a gem?
*actually snitches a gem*
just don't explode, remember? then it shall be alright
Yep.. Yep... Shadow infestation. I'm moving...
a dragon! now, don't breathe fire here. please.
Well, no red buttons nearby... only blue buttons, so it's alright
I would probably think it is a black bed sheet that for some reason is teleported in my bed
Who are you? are you an evil guy? what are you doing here? D:
I piss my pants. What's a dark shadow doing in my room?
Hey, did I do something wrong? you look a little tense today, I don't know :/
Shouldn't bed sheets be in a closet? I told them millions of times not to leave things all over the house...
Hacksaw? it's been a long time! how is life going?
Is that...a darker patch lurking in the corner? Or is it...just my imagination?
A POLAR BEAR! no, it can't be. the weather here is not cold enough for that
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