ForumsForum GamesRobots, Mutants and Humans [RPG]

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Hi! This is a new RPG where, while you can play as a human, it's probably better to play as a Robot or Mutant. There's a story, naturally.
In the year 2098, in the dawn of a new age of interstellar travel, a great and devastating war broke out. For years, hatred had been bubbling. Hatred of the machines. The machines that thought for themselves. It was too much for humanity to handle. They were stronger, smarter- better in every way than their human creators. The humans went to war.
In an act of desperation, the machines built the ultimate bioweapon: the Catalyst. The Catalyst spread across the human colonies, weakening the genes so that people could be mutated at the first scratch of a syringe. It didn't kill the humans. It fractured them. Some fought the Catalyst; some embraced it. Some fought the mutants.
It is now 2117. The three races have still not settled down. While the war is over, gangs of raiders patrol the worlds.

Leave the spaces marked E blank. [] brackets are to be replaced with what you choose. are to be deleted.
Name: [first name] [surname (optional)]
Race: [human/robot/mutant]
Class: [listed]
Location: [Can be Haze, Terra Nova or Gaia Valley, New Eden or Mjolnir, Asgard]
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Stealth: 0
Accuracy: 0
Luck: 0

Weapons: [class special]
Hat/exposed head
T-shirt/fragile torso
No gloves/manipulators
Cargo shorts/skinny legs
Boots/footpads/claws (for spiders)
Inventory: [50 Ammo for ranged weapon]

Sniper: +4 Accuracy, comes with Laser Rifle and Nano Knife
Hunter: +2 Strength and Speed, comes with Pulse Rifle and Nano Lance
Scavenger: +8 Luck, comes with Nano Machete and Auto-Shocker
Infiltrator: +8 Speed, +16 Stealth, only a Nano Blade
Tank: +100 HP, comes with rock-hard fists
Spider: +8 Speed, comes with lethal claws, can climb walls
Spitter: +2 Accuracy, comes with claws and regenerating spit
Helper: nasty claws, can heal others
Robots use human weapons.
Mech: +300 HP, half-speed, all parts are twice as expensive, comes with a plasma flinger akin to a melee (but uses Accuracy)
Crawler: robot counterpart to a Spider, uses the Nano-Lance
Fixer: robot Helper, uses an Auto-Shocker
Standard body: can have any human's set

Strength: Melee attack
Speed: lets you outrun people (lumbering mechs, lol)
Stealth: lets you sneak past enemies
Stamina: gives you extra AP
Accuracy: long-range/Mech damage
Luck: better loot, yay

  • 10 Replies
402 posts

Intriguing. Let's have a try then. I added in a couple of brackets for notes there myself, they can be removed after this as well.

Name: David Miles [Well, that's what he used to be anyway..]
Race: Mutant
Class: Spider
Bio: Miles had always wondered what it was going to be like when it happened. But he never for one second thought he would become a victim of mutation. Early on he was interested, as well as scared, of the robots, and wanted to find out more about them. Unfortunately he never did. But, his hairy boil-riddled arachnid-like body has taken over and he no longer remembers any of that what he used to be, he is simply controlled by the desire to eat some humans.
Location: Haze [No information about the locations..? I just chose this one randomly.]
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Stats: [There are no points to spend here, right? Or am I missing something..?]
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 8
Stealth: 0
Accuracy: 0
Luck: 0
Weapons: Claws
Exposed head
Fragile torso
Skinny legs
Inventory: [50 Ammo for ranged weapon]

402 posts

Woah, what the-...? Did It not post the whole thing? Well it's missing the 'Action' part and the part where I asked about whether a mutant should have 50 ammo for ranger weapons, but uh, maybe you'll fix that for me? Don't really feel like double posting the whole thing...

1,266 posts

Name: Tals Enig
Race: robot
Class: Sniper
Bio: Tals Enig was "born" in a factory on Mjolnir in 2094. Its mother and father's personalities were fused, as is robotic tradition, in his programming. Right from the beginning, it showed great accuracy and intelligence. It honed these skills defending the city from enemy attacks. On Asgard, all races lived together happily. This made it a prime target for all three belligerents and he became a great sniper.
Location: Mjolnir, Asgard
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 2
Stamina: 0
Speed: 2
Stealth: 8
Accuracy: 8
Luck: 0
Weapons: Laser Rifle, Nano Knife
Exposed head
Fragile torso
Skinny legs
Inventory: 50 Laser shots.
Action: I wake up. Today I will leave the city. The city that has been my home. I feel a deep sadness, and yet a sense of adventure. I leave the small pod that is my "apartment". I leave the huge tower that holds so many of these pods. I leave the powered, well-guarded walls.

I'll add a starmap soon. The spaceports on each planet are currently: Haze, Mjolnir and Gaia Valley, each on their respective planet.
Spiders have no ranged weapon to start. So they don't have ammo. And you get sixteen stat points to start (not including class points or equipment points) so add those to your character. And you should put down your world, not just your city (in this case, Haze, Terra Nova).

402 posts

Name: David Miles
Race: Mutant
Class: Spider
Bio: Miles had always wondered what it was going to be like when it happened. But he never for one second thought he would become a victim of mutation. Early on he was interested, as well as scared, of the robots, and wanted to find out more about them. Unfortunately he never did. But, his hairy boil-riddled arachnid-like body has taken over and he no longer remembers any of that what he used to be, he is simply controlled by the desire to eat some humans.
Location: Haze, Terra Nova
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 5
Stamina: 3
Speed: 9
Stealth: 5
Accuracy: 2
Luck: 0
Weapons: Claws
Exposed head
Fragile torso
Skinny legs
Action: ...

Alright, so something like this then..?

1,266 posts

Yes, something like that. Sorry for the long wait. Just put in your action and then I'll decide the outcome. I might well give you control of my character's outcome. I'll probably need more mods on this.

402 posts

Really? Most RPG's start with the host giving the player some kind of information about where they are, what's around them, what they can do .. But.. I'm just supposed to start with an action? Alright. Sure, it's different. I don't know about controlling your character's outcome though, I mean I really don't know anything about this other than what you've told me.. I don't think it would be a good idea. Especially since I'm working on my own rpg's right now.

Name: David Miles
Race: Mutant
Class: Spider
Bio: Miles had always wondered what it was going to be like when it happened. But he never for one second thought he would become a victim of mutation. Early on he was interested, as well as scared, of the robots, and wanted to find out more about them. Unfortunately he never did. But, his hairy boil-riddled arachnid-like body has taken over and he no longer remembers any of that what he used to be, he is simply controlled by the desire to eat some humans.
Location: Haze, Terra Nova
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 5
Stamina: 3
Speed: 9
Stealth: 5
Accuracy: 2
Luck: 0
Weapons: Claws
Exposed head
Fragile torso
Skinny legs
Action: I look around me and seek for some locations and buildings that could contain humans to eat. If I find a proper looking place, I'll go and search for some food. (I mean I really know nothing of this area or anything, I'm just a tad confused, irl..)

You know what I've just realized as well? I've pictured so far that my character was a human that somehow mutated into an arachnid, but you might have meant it to be a mutated giant spider thing? If you did, you might have probably wondered about my name and bio and everything.. But hope that clears things. I'm a mutation between a human and a spider.

221 posts

Name: Sentinal RR-8
Race: Robot
Class: Fixer
Bio:Sentinal RR-8 (Sentinal Red Reaver unit 8) was one of 10 robots produced in a remote laboratory. For some reason, the other 9 malfunctioned and blew up. The scientists called it quits, and decided to destroy RR-8. Alarmed, RR-8 murdered them and blew up the laboratory. It doesn't know what to do now.

Location: Gaia Valley, New Eden
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Stealth: 0
Accuracy: 0
Luck: 0

Weapons: Auto-Shocker
exposed head
fragile torso
skinny legs
Inventory: 50 Ammo for Auto-Shocker

Action: I'm observing some mutants gobbling up a human corpse.

1,266 posts

Name: David Miles
Race: Mutant
Class: Spider
Bio: Miles had always wondered what it was going to be like when it happened. But he never for one second thought he would become a victim of mutation. Early on he was interested, as well as scared, of the robots, and wanted to find out more about them. Unfortunately he never did. But, his hairy boil-riddled arachnid-like body has taken over and he no longer remembers any of that what he used to be, he is simply controlled by the desire to eat some humans.
Location: Haze, Terra Nova
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 5
Stamina: 3
Speed: 9
Stealth: 5
Accuracy: 2
Luck: 0
Weapons: Claws
Exposed head
Fragile torso
Skinny legs
Action: I look around me and seek for some locations and buildings that could contain humans to eat. If I find a proper looking place, I'll go and search for some food. (I mean I really know nothing of this area or anything, I'm just a tad confused, irl..)
Actually, mutants don't eat (live) humans. I mean, some do, but those mostly live on the outskirts. And will often be shot, even in an open-minded place like Terra Nova.
You notice a dead guy in the street. Shocked at first, you remember that you're on the border of the bad bit of town.
Name: Sentinal RR-8
Race: Robot
Class: Fixer
Bio:Sentinal RR-8 (Sentinal Red Reaver unit 8) was one of 10 robots produced in a remote laboratory. For some reason, the other 9 malfunctioned and blew up. The scientists called it quits, and decided to destroy RR-8. Alarmed, RR-8 murdered them and blew up the laboratory. It doesn't know what to do now.

Location: Gaia Valley, New Eden
Party: You
Cash: 50 Credits
Level: 1
XP: 0/25
HP: 100/100
AP: 30/30
Attack Power: 5
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Stealth: 0
Accuracy: 0
Luck: 0

Weapons: Auto-Shocker
exposed head
fragile torso
skinny legs
Inventory: 50 Ammo for Auto-Shocker
You do have 16 points to assign, you know.
The mutants see you and, in an embarrassed way, scamper off with the corpse. You notice a pool of blood and a defective Cleany (cleaner-robot) sputtering, trying to stay aloft. Note that as a Fixer, you can try and repair the Cleany, or kill it.

402 posts

Right.. Well, to be honest I think I got the wrong first impression of this game and now that I see more of it, I'm not really that interested in playing it anymore.. I choose to quit the game. No offense.

1,266 posts

ææ, toss.

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